Consent Preferences 117 PhD and Postdocs at KTH Royal Institute of Technology – Scholar Idea

PhD and Postdocs Positions at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, a workplace that has a strong sense of fellowship, Sweden

VacancyCityDepartmentApplication deadline
Assistant Professor in Material chemistry with specialization in ElectrocatalysisStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health at KTH19.Sep.2022
Associate Professor in physics with specialization in experimental particle physicsStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH19.Sep.2022
Assistant professor in sustainable metalsStockholmSchool of Industrial Engineering and Management at KTH19.Sep.2022
Assist. prof. Computer Science, specialization algorithms and data analysisStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH15.Sep.2022
Doctoral student in Cellular BiophysicsStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH01.Sep.2022
Doctoral student (lic) Bio-based composite materials for sustainable roadsStockholmKTH, School of Architecture and Built Environment01.Sep.2022
Associate Professor in Environmental Humanities with historical orientationStockholmSchool of Architecture and Built Environment at KTH31.Aug.2022
Visstid adjunkt i teknikvetenskaplig kommunikation (50%, 12 månader)StockholmSkolan för industriell teknik och management vid KTH31.Aug.2022
Associate Professor in Concrete StructuresStockholmSchool of Architecture and Built Environment at KTH31.Aug.2022
Doctoral student in in biocatalysisStockholmKTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health31.Aug.2022
Postdoc in computational enzyme designStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health at KTH31.Aug.2022
Postdoc in polymer chemistryStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health at KTH31.Aug.2022
Laboratorietekniker till Protein FactoryStockholmSkolan för kemi, bioteknologi och hälsa vid KTH31.Aug.2022
Systemspecialist AgressoStockholmGemensamt verksamhetsstöd vid KTH31.Aug.2022
Strategic relations manager NGISolnaSchool of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health at KTH29.Aug.2022
Redovisningsansvarig till EECSStockholmSkolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap vid KTH29.Aug.2022

Lecturer Japanese for engineers
StockholmSchool of Industrial Engineering and Management vid KTH26.Aug.2022
IT-support TeknikerSolnaKungliga Tekniska högskolan, Gemensamt verksamhetsstöd26.Aug.2022
Postdoc in Information TheoryStockholmKTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of EECS26.Aug.2022
UtbildningsledareStockholmGemensamt verksamhetsstöd vid KTH25.Aug.2022
Erfarna controllers med teamansvarStockholmSkolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap vid KTH23.Aug.2022
Serviceinriktad person för inköp och lokalt verksamhetsstödStockholmSkolan för kemi, bioteknologi och hälsa vid KTH22.Aug.2022
Bibliotekarie, vikariatStockholmKungliga Tekniska högskolan, Gemensamt verksamhetsstöd22.Aug.2022
Postdoc in Computer Vision / Machine Learning / Applied MathematicsStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH22.Aug.2022
Research engineer in Machine Learning—Theoretically motivated deep learningStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH22.Aug.2022
Upphandlare med ansvar för KTH:s upphandlingshandbokStockholmGemensamt verksamhetsstöd vid KTH22.Aug.2022
Research student assistant – Micro mobilityStockholmSchool of Industrial Engineering and Management at KTH22.Aug.2022
AdministratörStockholmSkolan för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnad vid KTH19.Aug.2022
HR-administratör till EECSStockholmSkolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap vid KTH19.Aug.2022
Förvaltningskoordinator till KTH, vikariatStockholmSkolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap vid KTH19.Aug.2022
2 amanuenser för TPRMM-programmet vid Inst för ProduktionsutvecklingStockholmSkolan för industriell teknik och management vid KTH19.Aug.2022
Verksamhetsnära redovisningsekonomerStockholmSkolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap vid KTH18.Aug.2022

Doctoral students in Networked Systems for Machine Learning
StockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH17.Aug.2022
Projektkoordinator vid SciLifeLabSolnaGemensamt verksamhetsstöd vid KTH17.Aug.2022
Postdoc in Vehicle to grid control and managementStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH16.Aug.2022
Researcher in modeling of multi-modal freight transportStockholmSchool of Architecture and Built Environment at KTH16.Aug.2022
EkonomiansvarigStockholmSkolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap vid KTH16.Aug.2022
Researcher in Digital Learning and educational developmentStockholmSchool of Industrial Engineering and Management at KTH15.Aug.2022
Ph.D. Student in information theory for cyber physical systems and 6GStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH15.Aug.2022
Doctoral student in large-scale distributed machine learningStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH15.Aug.2022
Doctoral student in integrated formal methodsStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH15.Aug.2022
Studio- and Makerspace manager at KTHStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH15.Aug.2022
Ph.D. students in robust learning of dynamical nonlinear stochastic modelsStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH15.Aug.2022
Doctoral student (licentiate) in integration of high-speed rail and air servicesStockholmSchool of Architecture and Built Environment at KTH15.Aug.2022
Doctoral student (licentiate)in method development for railway capacity analysisStockholmSchool of Architecture and Built Environment at KTH15.Aug.2022
“Ph.D. student in AI for link-layer efficient in wireless communicationsStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH15.Aug.2022
Doctoral student in Social RoboticsStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH15.Aug.2022

Doctoral student in robotics and perception
StockholmKTH Royal Institute of Technology, EECS15.Aug.2022
Postdoc in Networked SystemsKistaSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH15.Aug.2022
Postdoctoral researcher in tribology of wave energy convertorsStockholmSchool of Industrial Engineering and Management at KTH15.Aug.2022
UpphandlareStockholmGemensamt verksamhetsstöd vid KTH15.Aug.2022
Postdoc in testing of software-defined networksStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH15.Aug.2022
Internationell koordinatorStockholmSkolan för industriell teknik och management vid KTH15.Aug.2022
Postdoc in Robust Learning of Probabilistic Deep Dynamic ModelsStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH15.Aug.2022
Kommunikatör ALVA 2 årStockholmKungliga Tekniska högskolan, Skolan för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnad15.Aug.2022
Researcher in sustainable energy systemsStockholmSchool of Industrial Engineering and Management at KTH15.Aug.2022
Controller med inriktning mot fastighetsekonomiStockholmGemensamt verksamhetsstöd vid KTH15.Aug.2022
RedovisningsekonomStockholmGemensamt verksamhetsstöd vid KTH15.Aug.2022
InfraVis application expert – Research engineer positionStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH15.Aug.2022
Facility Management (FM)-koordinatorSolnaGemensamt verksamhetsstöd vid KTH15.Aug.2022
2 affärsutvecklingscoacher till KTH InnovationStockholmGemensamt verksamhetsstöd vid KTH14.Aug.2022
Doctoral student in Polymer TechnologyStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health at KTH12.Aug.2022

Ph.D. student in information theory for Markov decision processes
StockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH12.Aug.2022
Postdoc in control and voltage modulation in electric drivesStockholmKTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of EECS12.Aug.2022
Serviceassistent, Skolkansliet Servicecenter KTHStockholmSkolan för industriell teknik och management at KTH12.Aug.2022
Postdoc in Transformation of Plastic Waste into Novel BiopolymersStockholmKTH, School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health11.Aug.2022
Postdoc in Integration of lithium niobate waveguides in silicon photonicsStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH11.Aug.2022
Postdoc in astronomyStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH11.Aug.2022
Assistant professor in Industrial Design Engineering spec. Sustainable DevelopmentStockholmSchool of Industrial Engineering and Management at KTH10.Aug.2022
HR-specialistStockholmGemensamt verksamhetsstöd vid KTH10.Aug.2022
HR-handläggareStockholmGemensamt verksamhetsstöd vid KTH10.Aug.2022
Postdoc in multi-robot planning & control under temporal logic tasksStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH10.Aug.2022
Postdoc in Communication Theory for 6G NetworksStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH09.Aug.2022
Doktorand inom robusta digitaliserade framtida elnätStockholmSkolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap vid KTH08.Aug.2022

Doktorand inom robusta framtida elnät
StockholmSkolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap vid KTH08.Aug.2022
Postdoktor inom cybermotståndskraft och -säkerhet i energisystemStockholmSkolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap vid KTH08.Aug.2022
Ph.D. Student in extended reality visualization of neurosurgical proceduresStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH08.Aug.2022
Doctoral student in data-driven geometric methods for roboticsStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH08.Aug.2022
Postdoc in surface molecular spectroscopy of ion specific effectsStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health at KTH08.Aug.2022
Postdoc in computational biophysicsStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH08.Aug.2022
Doctoral student in 6G Wireless Networks for Connected SkyStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH08.Aug.2022
ControllerStockholmGemensamt verksamhetsstöd vid KTH08.Aug.2022
Utbildningsadministratör till institutionen för ByggvetenskapStockholmKTH, Skolan för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnad08.Aug.2022
Kommunikatör ALVA 1 år- SocialmediaStockholmKungliga Tekniska högskolan, Skolan för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnad08.Aug.2022
Administratör till Byggvetenskap KTHStockholmSkolan för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnad vid KTH08.Aug.2022
Postdocs in secure networked control systemsStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH08.Aug.2022
Administratör personalutvecklingStockholmGemensamt verksamhetsstöd vid KTH08.Aug.2022
Postdoc in Machine Learning for Perturbational Single Cell AnalysisStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH08.Aug.2022
Receptionist till KTH SödertäljeSödertäljeSkolan för industriell teknik och management vid KTH03.Aug.2022
Doctoral student in high-speed datacenter networkingStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH01.Aug.2022
Research Engineer within development of motion-based driving simulatorStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH01.Aug.2022
Researcher in applied sensor and control systemsFlemingsbergSchool of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health at KTH01.Aug.2022
Doctoral student (lic) in dynamic train-track-bridge interactionStockholmSchool of Architecture and Built Environment at KTH29.Jul.2022
Forskare i fossilfri kolmaterialStockholmKungliga Tekniska högskolan, Skolan för industriell teknik och management29.Jul.2022
Researcher in Applied Nuclear PhysicsStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH25.Jul.2022
Redovisningsekonom till skolan för teknikvetenskapStockholmSkolan för teknikvetenskap vid KTH20.Jul.2022
Amanuenser till tillämpad fysikStockholmSkolan för teknikvetenskap vid KTH15.Jul.2022
Doctoral student in Topological data analysisStockholmKTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Engineering Sciences15.Jul.2022
Postdoktor inom DL-baserade sidokanalanalys av post-kvantkrypto algoritmerKistaSkolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap vid KTH14.Jul.2022

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