IT University of Copenhagen in Denmark invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Faculty Positions, a public university and research institution in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark.

PositionApplication deadline
Projektadministratorer (post award) til Team Research Support på IT-Universitetet i København (ITU)14 August 2022
PhD position in Privacy Preserving and Accountable Decentralized Protocols14 August 2022
Head of the Digital Design Department at the IT University of Copenhagen15 August 2022
IT-Universitetet søger infrastrukturspecialist til IT afdelingen (Genopslag)15 August 2022
PhD Position in Algorithms for Machine Learning and Data Mining at the Algorithms Group, IT University of Copenhagen15 August 2022
PhD positions in Computational Communication at the HCDS research group, IT University of Copenhagen15 August 2022
Academic employee to develop and drive ITU´s ambitions around Research Data Management and faculty support (AC-TAP)16 August 2022
IT-Universitetet søger kommunikationsrådgiver18 August 2022
PostDoc or Research assistant position in Co-design and Service at the IT University of Copenhagen31 August 2022
18-month PostDoc position in Software Ecosystems for Sustainable Development at the IT University of Copenhagen01 September 2022
PhD position in the area of statistical evaluation of complex forensic DNA evidence01 September 2022
PhD call DecouplingIT01 November 2022

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