
The Department of Plant Breeding, at SLU in Alnarp, works with research, education and innovation work.

Subjec area

The subject of the employment is biology with emphasis on biometric genetics in horticultural plant breeding. The use of genetic resources for crops in gene banks can be made more effective by combining genomics with population and quantitative genetics to integrate and comparatively analyze phenotypic, pedigree and genotype information for important traits. Therefore, the emphasis of the employment focuses on research and education in the use of population genomics for diversity analysis of the crop gene pool, association genetics for multigenetic properties and genomic prediction of added value to improve plant breeding, especially for horticultural crops. The employment will be linked to the plant breeding division.


The associate senior lecturer shall develop their own research profile within the subject area for the employment and be given development opportunities to be able to qualify as an associate professor and senior lecturer within the subject.

Within the subject area of the employment the holder of the employment is additionally expected to:

  • carry out research and seek external funding in competition as well as publish scientific
  • initiate the building of their own research group
  • participate in research education as a co-supervisor
  • teach at undergraduate, advanced level and in research education
  • develop teaching tools (including self e-learning) for undergraduate and graduate levels as
    well as at the research level with the help of databases within ongoing plant breeding
    programs e.g. apple and potato breeding
  • build and further develop networks with the scientific community, industry and other
    stakeholders, nationally and internationally
  • actively collaborate with NordGen, the seed industry and growers in Sweden, as well as
    with others who are engaged on improving horticultural crops in the Nordic countries and
    in the EU
  • collaborate closely with researchers within the division, department and other areas of SLU,
    as well as through national and international collaboration

The department has a dual-language work environment. The associate senior lecturer will be able to perform most of their tasks in English. However, as the university is Swedishspeaking, the holder is expected to be able to work and teach in Swedish within four years of taking up employment. The department will support the holder to achieve this.


Those holding a doctoral degree or equivalent scientific qualification are eligible to apply for the position as Associate Senior Lecturer. The candidate should preferably have held this degree or qualification for no more than five years before the closing date for applications for this position. Even those who have completed a doctoral degree or have achieved equivalent competence previously may, however, be considered if there are special reasons. For special reasons, leave due to illness, parental leave or other similar circumstances is considered.

The successful candidate shall have:

  • a doctoral degree in the subject biology, quantitative genetics, population genomics, plant
    breeding, or in a corresponding discipline relevant to the subject area of the employment
  • demonstrated scientific and pedagogical skills within the subject area of employment
  • demonstrated a theoretical depth of relevance to the subject area of the employment and
    an ability to publish their research internationally
  • demonstrated ability to apply modern tools and methods (association genetics and genomic
    prediction) for crop improvement
  • demonstrated the ability to communicate effectively with students and doctoral students
    either in the classroom or through supervision
  • have knowledge in the use of free software relevant to the subject area of the employment
  • experience in different research and laboratory environments as well as application
    methods relevant to the subject area of the employment
  • good ability to communicate in English in speech and writing

Assessment criteria

The assessment criteria for employment shall primarily apply to the degree of such skills that are a requirement for eligibility for employment.

In the examination for employment as an associate senior lecturer, special emphasis is placed on quantitative indications of the applicant’s scientific skills, such as scientific publications, prizes, research funds and other measurable results.

Knowledge of agriculture and the Swedish agricultural system is meritorious.

Ability to collaborate, experience in administration, and teaching are merits.

In addition to the qualification requirements, emphasis will be placed on the applicant’s personal characteristics and abilities.

Application deadline:


Place of work:




Form of Employment:

The employment is limited to four years in accordance with the Higher Education Act. A position as associate senior lecturer is a qualifying employment that constitutes the first step in an academic career at SLU. An associate senior lecturer has the right during his or her employment to apply for promotion to senior lecturer on the basis of criteria established when the position as associate senior lecturer was announced.

Starting date:

By agreement.


It is desirable that the application is written in English, because the applications will be evaluated by expert advisers both in Sweden and abroad.

A guide for applicants “Appointment procedures for SLU” and a “Memorandum for Guidance in connection with applications for appointment/promotion to professor and senior lecturer at SLU” can be found here.

The scientific and pedagogic documentation submitted in support of the application shall be indicated in the application. At most 5 scientific publications and at most 5 pedagogic publications, including popularized versions, should be submitted in support of the application. In addition a complete list of publications shall be supplied; the publications submitted with the application must be indicated.

Please apply by clicking on the apply-button below.

Academic union representatives:

Contact person

Anders Carlsson

Head of Department


Denis Avdic



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