The University of Basel in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD and Academic Positions, offers attractive terms of employment and supports the advancement of staff.
Teamleiter*in Kundenservices UB Medizin (80-100%)
I+D-Spezialist*in für E-Medien
Project Accountant / Controller
PhD Student in Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology
Mikroskopie-Experte*in als wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in
PhD position in structural biology of viral proteins
Tierschutzbeauftragte*r (Animal Welfare Officer)
PhD project in Atmospheric Sciences
Studentische Hilfsassistenz IT Service Center
Studentische wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft
Administrative studentische Mitarbeiterin*in Back-Office
Field Research Assistant (hourly rate)
Internship Opportunity on Molecular Biology of Host-Nematode Interactions
Teamleiter*in Kundenservices UB Medizin (80-100%)
Studentische Hilfsassistierende ITS – Web- & API-Entwickler
Mitarbeiter*in der Departementsverwaltung für dezentrale Personaladministration
Post-doctoral scientific collaborator in infection biology (100%)
Administrative*r Assistent*in Forschungsdekanat Fakultät für Psychologie 50%
Senior Scientist or Postdoctoral Scientist in malaria modelling with a focus on vector control
Engineering Team: Senior Frontend Engineer
Hilfsassistentenstelle im Bereich Evaluation an der Medizinischen Fakultät
PhD Position: Reconstructing Holocene methane oxidation pathways in the Beaufort Sea
Post-Doc position in quantitative biology
Fachfrau*Fachmann Information und Dokumentation
Two PhD positions in the Delley Group, Department of Chemistry, University of Basel
Research Fellow (Post Doc or Senior Researcher): Health Economics
Systemspezialist*in für Research-IT am Departement Mathematik und Informatik der Universität Basel
Postdoc position in volcano hydrogeology & modelling (70% employment)
Wissenschaftliche*r Berater*in Doktoratsbereich
Assistant Professorship (Non-Tenure Track) in Global Philanthropy
IT specialist for the University Library Basel
Informatikspezialist*in für die Universitätsbibliothek Basel
Director of the Swiss Centre for Applied Human Toxicology
Netzwerk Spezialist*in 80 – 100%
Studentische Hilfsassistenz am zentralen Service Desk
Universitätsdozenten*in für Anatomie
PhD Position in the Treatment and Diagnosis of soil-transmitted helminth infections
Hermann Paul Scholarship in Linguistics 2023
Hermann Paul Scholarship in Linguistics 2023
Lehrstelle Kauffrau / Kaufmann EFZ