University of Hamburg in Germany invites application for vacant Research Positions, a university in Hamburg, Germany. The Colonial Institute of Hamburg, and the Academic College. 

Research Associate for the Project “DFG Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies `Futures of Sustainability´” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG (2 positions)

Reference number (197)
Faculty of Business, Economics and Social SciencesEGR. 13 TV-L03.07.2023
Research Associate for the Project “DFG Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies ‘Futures of Sustainability’” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG (3 positions)
Reference number (203)
Faculty of Business, Economics and Social SciencesEGR. 13 TV-L03.07.2023
Research Associate (PhD position) § 28 Subsection 1 HmbHG
Reference number (214)
Faculty of Psychology and Human Movement ScienceEGR. 13 TV-L03.07.2023
Research Associate for the Project “PyMICCS”: „Pyrogenic carbon and carbonating minerals for enhanced plant growth and carbon capture and storage” Position on soil moddelling § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG
Reference number (254)
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department of Earth System SciencesEGR. 13 TV-L07.07.2023
Glider Research Manager
Reference number (603/4)
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department of Earth System SciencesEGR. 13 TV-L11.07.2023
Research Associate Geography, focus on Climate and Security § 28 Subsection 1 HmbHG
Reference number (213)
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department of Earth System SciencesEGR. 13 TV-L11.07.2023
Research Associate for the Project “EPOC” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG
Reference number (226)
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department of Earth System SciencesEGR. 13 TV-L12.07.2023
Acting Professorship for Islamic Studies (History and Culture of the pre–Modern Middle East)
Reference number (253)
Faculty of Humanitiesfixed rate based on W213.07.2023
Junior Professorship (W1) with tenure track leading to a W3 (Tenure Track Professorship) for Child and Youth Psychotherapy
Reference number (JP 355)
Faculty of Psychology and Human Movement ScienceW1 with tenure track leading to a W319.07.2023
Junior Professorship (W1) with Tenure Track leading to a W2 (Tenure Track Professorship) for Mathematics, with a focus on Optimization Under Uncertainties
Reference number (JP 356)
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural SciencesW1 with Tenure Track leading to a W227.07.2023
Professorship (W2) for Mathematics, with a focus on Numerical Analysis
Reference number (2400/W2)
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural SciencesW227.07.2023
Research Associate for the project “Conformal – EIC From conformal symmetries and integrability to the Elektron-Ion Collider” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG (2 positions)
Reference number (202)
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department of PhysicsEGR. 13 TV-L31.07.2023
Research Associate for the project “Parton distributions and fragmentation functions” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG
Reference number (261)
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department of PhysicsEGR. 13 TV-L31.07.2023
Research Associate Cross Disciplinary Lab – MuMokA § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG
Reference number (258)
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department of InformaticsEGR. 13 TV-L27.06.2023
Research Associate for the Project “Multimodal Social Signal Processing of Dyadic and Group Interactions” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG
Reference number (257)
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department of InformaticsEGR. 13 TV-L27.06.2023
Junior Professorship (W1) for Turkish Studies
Reference number (JP 354)
Faculty of HumanitiesW128.06.2023
Research Associate for the Project “MOMENT” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG
Reference number (244)
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department of Earth System SciencesEGR. 13 TV-L28.06.2023
Research Associate Cross Disciplinary Lab – Computational Human Dynamics § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG
Reference number (259)
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department of InformaticsEGR. 13 TV-L29.06.2023
Postdoc or PhD student in Theory of Distributed Computing for the project “Analyse verteilter Protokolle im Populationsmodell” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG
Reference number (215)
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department of InformaticsEGR. 13 TV-L30.06.2023
Research Associate for the Project “Cluster of Excellence ‚CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter‘- Terahertz – Acceleration and Generation” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG
Reference number (155)
Cluster of Excellence „Advanced Imaging of Matter“ (photon and nanosciences)EGR. 13 TV-L30.06.2023
Research Associate for the Project “InteGreatDrones” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG
Reference number (267)
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department of InformaticsEGR. 13 TV-L30.06.2023
Research Associate for the Project “Novel siderophore reductases in Gram-negative bacteria” § 28 Abs. 3 HmbHG
Reference number (250)
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department of ChemistryEGR. 13 TV-L30.06.2023
Research Associate on Plant Molecular Biology (PhD candidate) § 28 Subsection 1 HmbHG
Reference number (200)
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department of BiologyEGR. 13 TV-L30.06.2023
Job titleInstitutionSalary levelApplication deadline
Research Associate (Postdoc) in Plant Molecular Biology § 28 Subsection 2 HmbHG
Reference number (216)
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department of BiologyEGR. 13 TV-L18.06.2023
Research Associate for the Project “FIIPS@Home” in the Field of IT-Security and Collective Defense in Private Networks § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG
Reference number (208)
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department of InformaticsEGR. 13 TV-L19.06.2023
Research Associate for the Project “Quantumcomputing and quantum gates with Rydberg atoms” § 28 Abs. 3 HmbHG
Reference number (218)
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department of PhysicsEGR. 13 TV-L19.06.2023
Research Associate Position for the Project “CLICCS A1 Carbon Dynamics in the Arctic” § 28Subsection 3 HmbHG
Reference number (221)
Cluster of Excellence „Climate, Climatic Change, and Society (CliCCS)“ (climate research)EGR. 13 TV-L19.06.2023
Research Associate for the project “ABCB-Transporters as key adaptations to host plant toxins” § 28 Subsection 1 +3 HmbHG
Reference number (227)
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department of BiologyEGR. 13 TV-L21.06.2023
Research Associate for the Project “Cluster of Excellence Understanding Written Artefacts: Material, Interaction and Transmission in Manuscript Cultures” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG
Reference number (239)
Cluster of Excellence „Understanding Written Artefacts“ (manuscript research)EGR. 13 TV-L21.06.2023
Research Associate for the Project “Superconducting qubits” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG
Reference number (219)
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department of PhysicsEGR. 13 TV-L21.06.2023
Professorship (W2) for Economics, with a focus on International Finance – limited to 5 years
Reference number (2399/W2)
Faculty of Business, Economics and Social SciencesW222.06.2023
12 PhD positions in the DFG Research Training Group (GRK) “Managerial and economic dimensions of health care quality” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG
Reference number (168)
Faculty of Business Administration (Hamburg Business School)EGR. 13 TV-L23.06.2023
Project manager for the EU project on Quantum Computational Fluid Dynamics (QCFD)
Reference number (606/6)
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department of PhysicsEGR. 11 TV-L27.06.2023

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