Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden invites application for vacant Academic, PhD and Postdoc Scholarships, a Swedish university located in Gothenburg, Sweden
20230300 | Assistant Professor in Data-driven cell and molecular biology | 15/10/2023 |
20230393 | Do you want to work as a tutor? | 19/09/2023 |
20230423 | Project Manager Sustainable Entrepreneurship | 15/09/2023 |
20230180 | PhD positions in Quantum Nanophotonics | 15/09/2023 |
20230179 | Postdoctoral positions in Quantum Nanophotonics | 15/09/2023 |
20230442 | Postdoc position in ELaaS: Energy optimal urban Logistics As A Service | 14/09/2023 |
20230400 | PhD Leaching of molten nuclear fuel | 14/09/2023 |
20230258 | Assistant Professor in material and computational mechanics | 03/09/2023 |
20230379 | Postdoc on life cycle assessment of structural batteries in vehicles | 03/09/2023 |
20230450 | PostDoc in Formal Analysis of Autonomous Systems | 01/09/2023 |
20230449 | PhD Student in Assured Autonomous Systems (Two open positions) | 01/09/2023 |
20230425 | PhD position in Combined Software Co-Piloting and Verification | 01/09/2023 |
20230396 | Postdoc position in development of green separation methods | 01/09/2023 |
20230397 | PhD student position in development of green separation methods | 01/09/2023 |
20230362 | Postdoc position in Sustainable Product Development | 01/09/2023 |
20230384 | Post-doc in water treeing in dynamic high voltage cables | 31/08/2023 |
20230463 | Postdoctoral researcher in wind power with voltage and frequency support | 31/08/2023 |
20230458 | PhD student within WWSC: enzymes for biomass valorisation | 31/08/2023 |
20230432 | PhD student positions at Advanced Semiconductor System Design Center | 31/08/2023 |
20230440 | PhD position in Adaptive GaN Transmitter Frontend for increased Back-off Efficiency | 31/08/2023 |
20230439 | PhD student position in Energy Efficient and Digitally Enhanced CMOS Transmitters | 31/08/2023 |
20230436 | PhD position in Management of Parallelism and Locality in Processing-Near Memory Nodes | 31/08/2023 |
20230434 | PhD position in Efficient Digital Implementation of Advanced Algorithms | 31/08/2023 |
20230433 | PhD student position on Signal Processing in Communication Systems | 31/08/2023 |
20220657 | Postdoc in Mixed model- and learning-based prediction of human road users | 31/08/2023 |
20230236 | PhD student position in closed-loop supply chains | 31/08/2023 |
20230420 | Amanuens students at LIFE | 31/08/2023 |
20230368 | Associate Professor in Thermal Management | 31/08/2023 |
20230363 | PhD student position in Robotic Inspection Systems | 31/08/2023 |
20230446 | Phd student position in thermochemical conversion technology | 27/08/2023 |
20230428 | Two research specialist positions in bioinformatics or data science | 27/08/2023 |
20230464 | Four PhD Positions in Computer Science and Engineering | 20/08/2023 |
20230441 | Administratör med inriktning inköp och första administrativa linjen | 20/08/2023 |
20230447 | PhD student position in Water saving methods in drinking water systems | 20/08/2023 |
20230408 | Postdoc positions in the Chalmers Molecular Spectral Design Initiative | 20/08/2023 |
20230381 | Mattecoach på nätet – digital läxhjälp i matematik | 20/08/2023 |
20230357 | PhD Student Position in Quantum Chemistry | 20/08/2023 |
20230409 | PhD student position in Human-Robot Interaction | 18/08/2023 |
20230454 | Postdoc research on virtual power plants using Vehicle to Grid (V2G) | 15/08/2023 |
20230028 | PhD student position in Materials Chemistry for Stable Organic Electronics | 15/08/2023 |
20220628 | PhD student position in New Materials Concepts for Stable Organic Solar Cells | 15/08/2023 |
20220531 | PhD student position in Nanocellulose Composites for Wearable Electronics | 15/08/2023 |
20230401 | PhD student positions in solid state chemistry: synthesis of materials for heterogeneous catalysis | 15/08/2023 |
20230336 | Postdoctoral fellow in communications and coding for channels with memory | 15/08/2023 |
20230380 | PhD Position in Sustainable Entrepreneurship | 15/08/2023 |
20230305 | Senior Lecturer in Building Design | 15/08/2023 |
20230295 | PhD Student Position in Generative models for Inverse Molecular Design | 14/08/2023 |
20230417 | PhD-student in Innovation Leadership | 14/08/2023 |
20230462 | Postdoc position in Quantum experiments with levitated microparticles | 13/08/2023 |
20230455 | Postdoc position – theory of quantum metal-organic frameworks | 13/08/2023 |
20230413 | Associate Professor in Food Biotechnology for Healthy and Sustainable Foods | 13/08/2023 |
20230354 | Student ambassadors | 13/08/2023 |
20230424 | Postdoctoral Position – Investigations of households’ carbon footprints | 13/08/2023 |
20230392 | Assistant/Associate Professor Position at the Division of Computer and Network Systems | 13/08/2023 |
20230431 | PhD student in robotic 3D printing with architectural bio-materials | 13/08/2023 |
20230419 | PhD position: Quantum entanglement of levitated superconducting particles | 13/08/2023 |
20230437 | Administratör med fokus på avdelningsadministration | 11/08/2023 |
20220706 | PhD student position in Optimal usage of batteries by adaptive modelling and machine learning | 10/08/2023 |
20230426 | Postdoc position in Assurance Geometry | 08/08/2023 |
20230427 | PhD student position in Design: ITS solutions for increased bicycling | 07/08/2023 |
20230398 | PhD position in quantum thermodynamics (theory) | 07/08/2023 |
20230399 | Postdoc – quantum thermodynamics of electronic and hybrid devices (theory) | 07/08/2023 |
20230166 | Postdoc position in Chemical functionalization of graphene for applications in cements | 06/08/2023 |
20230314 | Postdoctoral researcher in experimental nuclear physics | 06/08/2023 |
20220547 | Digital Research Engineer – focus on High- Performance Computing | 04/08/2023 |
20220549 | System Engineer for e-Commons | 04/08/2023 |
20220548 | System Administrator | 04/08/2023 |
20230394 | Postdoc position in computational multiscale modelling of polymer foams | 01/08/2023 |
20230444 | Research specialist in Interdisciplinary modelling of climate mitigation | 31/07/2023 |
20230445 | PhD Position in machine learning – reinforcement learning | 31/07/2023 |
20230410 | PhD student or post-doc in modeling robust energy systems | 31/07/2023 |
20230385 | Postdoc position in nanoalloy nanofabrication | 31/07/2023 |
20230386 | Research assistant in historical electricity system transitions | 31/07/2023 |
20230108 | PhD student in diagnostics of PEM based devices: fuel cells and electrolysers | 31/07/2023 |
20230406 | Research Specialist in Smart Maintenance in manufacturing | 30/07/2023 |
20230435 | Postdoc position in new alternative cements | 29/07/2023 |
20230086 | PhD student position in new materials for energy-efficient lighting | 27/07/2023 |
20230421 | Postdoctoral position in hydrogen embrittlement | 26/07/2023 |
20230403 | PhD Student in organizational innovation and transformation | 25/07/2023 |
20230383 | PhD position in Inverse design of nanoresonators for quantum optomechanics | 22/07/2023 |
20230367 | Postdoc for e-mobility with renewable energy | 20/07/2023 |
20230366 | Postdoc of sustainable mobility and behavior | 20/07/2023 |
20230290 | Postdoc position in digital twin for Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) | 16/07/2023 |
20230402 | Seaweed processing and its effects on nutrients and flavour molecules | 16/07/2023 |
20230407 | PhD student position in experimental superconducting qubit readout | 16/07/2023 |