Consent Preferences Tempere University in Finland invites application for vacant (14) PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions – Scholar Idea

Tempere University in Finland invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions, is one of the largest and most popular universities in Finland.

Job titleApplication period endsFaculty/Unit
University lecturer (microelectronics circuit design) / Yliopistonlehtori (mikroelektroniikan piirisuunnittelu)2023-09-11Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
Tenure track position in Industrial Engineering and Management (Assistant Professor / Associate Professor) / Tuotantotalouden tenure track -tehtävä (tenure track-tutkija / tenure track-professori)2023-09-11Faculty of Management and Business
Tenure track position in Computer Engineering, 2-3 positions / Tenure track, Tietokonetekniikka, 2-3 tehtävää2023-09-04Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Mathematics, Partial Differential Equations and Functional Analysis) / Tutkijatohtori (Matematiikka, Osittaisdifferentiaaliyhtälöt ja funktionaalianalyysi)2023-09-04Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
Tenure track position (Construction Management and Economics, specialization in Real Estate Development) / Tenure track -tehtävä (Rakentamistalous, erityisesti kiinteistökehittäminen)2023-08-31Faculty of Built Environment
Master’s thesis position (optical spectroscopy) / Diplomityöntekijä (optinen spektroskopia)2023-08-31Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Doctoral Researcher positions / Väitöskirjatutkijan tehtäviä2023-08-31Faculty of Social Sciences
Postdoctoral Researcher (Vocal efficiency and economy in loud singing and speech) / Tutkijatohtori (Voimakkaan äännön tehokkuus ja taloudellisuus laulussa ja puheessa)2023-08-31Faculty of Social Sciences
Sosiaalityön tenure track -professori tai professori / Associate tenure track professor or professor in Social Work2023-08-24Faculty of Social Sciences
Tenure track position in Information systems (Assistant Professor / Associate Professor) / Tietojärjestelmätieteen tenure track -tehtävä (tenure track-tutkija / tenure track-professori)2023-08-17Faculty of Management and Business
Doctoral Researcher (Structural Mechanics) / Väitöskirjatutkija (rakenteiden mekaniikka)2023-08-15Faculty of Built Environment
Doctoral Researcher in Polymer Technology (DSII) / Väitöskirjatutkija, Polymeeriteknologia (DSII)2023-08-15Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (supercapacitors) / Tutkijatohtori (superkondensaattori)2023-08-15Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
Doctoral Researcher 13 (CONVERGENCE of HUMANS and MACHINES): The Influence of Algorithms or Bots on Political Communication in Social Media / Väitöskirjatutkija: Algoritmien tai bottien vaikutus poliittiseen viestintää sosiaalisessa mediassa2023-08-15Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences

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