Postdoctoral Scholarships at Karolinska Institutet, a research-led medical university in Solna within the Stockholm urban area of Sweden

PositionAvdelningSista ansökningsdatum
Postdoctoral studies in physics-style, model-based data science approaches for personalized cancer immunotherapy (scholarship)Hausser2023-10-08
Postdoctoral studies in Cardiac delivery of therapeutic oligonucleotide conjugates (scholarship)Department of Laboratory Medicine2023-10-09
Postdoctoral Researcher in <subject area>Division of Physiotherapy2023-10-11
Postdoctoral Scholarship Researcher in Cancer Research focusing on intratumor heterogeneity and phenotypic plasticityDepartment of Oncology-Pathology2023-10-02
Postdoctoral studies in Oligonucleotide chemistry and bioconjugation (scholarship)Department of Laboratory Medicine2023-10-06
Postdoctoral Researcher in molecular immunologyDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge2023-10-06
postdoc in precision medicine within rheumatoid arthritisClinical Epidemiology division2023-10-07
Postdoctoral Researcher in dementia epidemiologyDivision of Clinical Geriatric2023-09-27
Postdoctoral Researcher in Developmental and Metabolic BiologyJohansson (JJO)2023-09-28
Postdoctoral scholarship in single-cell biology and Organoids-on-a-chipDepartment of Physiology and Pharmacology2023-09-28
Postdoctoral Researcher in human unconventional T cell biologyDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge2023-09-29
Two Post Doc positions focusing on the immunology of human rheumatic diseaseRheumatology division2023-09-30
Postdoctoral studies in Circadian Biology (external scholarship)Department of Medicine, Huddinge2023-09-30
Postdoctoral studies in RNA biology (scholarship)Kutter2023-10-01
Postdoctoral studies in mitochondrial biology (scholarship)Division of Molecular Metabolism2023-10-01
Postdoctoral studies in Cancer and Cellular Senescence (scholarship)Strömblad (SST)2023-10-02
Postdoctoral Researcher in Multiplex Analysis of Melanoma and Other Solid Tumors with Focus on the Immuno-Oncology to Karolinska InstitutetDepartment of Oncology-Pathology2023-10-02
Postdoctoral Researcher in Vascular biology/neuroscience/developmental biology at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden(scholarship)Vascular Biology2023-09-15
Postdoctoral Researcher in Geriatric EpidemiologyDepartment of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society2023-09-15
Postdoktor i hälsovetenskapDivision of Nursing2023-09-15
Postdoktor i infektionsbiologiRothfuchs2023-09-17
Postdoctoral Researcher in molecular carcinogenesisThe Institute of Environmental Medicine2023-09-20
1-2 Postdoctoral researchers in the field of molecular agingEriksson (MER)2023-09-20
Postdoctoral studies in Immuno-Oncology and the Tumor MicroEnvironment (scholarship), Karolinska InstitutetForskargrupp Rolny2023-09-20
Postdoctoral Researcher in neuroepidemiologyThe Institute of Environmental Medicine2023-09-21
Postdoctoral studies in ubiquitin signaling, genomic integrity and antitumor immunity (scholarship).Sangfelt2023-09-22
Postdoctoral researcher in precision cancer medicine to Karolinska InstitutetForskargrupp Kallioniemi/Seashore-Ludlow2023-09-23
Postdoctoral studies in innate immunity with focus on the host-microbe interactionRottenberg2023-09-24

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