Consent Preferences Tempere University in Finland invites application for vacant 14 PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions – Scholar Idea

Tempere University in Finland invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions, is one of the largest and most popular universities in Finland.

Job titleApplication period endsFaculty/Unit
Tenure track position (Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor), Signal Processing and Machine Learning  / Signaalinkäsittely ja koneoppiminen2024-08-31Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
Associate Professor or Professor in Health Economics / Tenure track -professorin tai professorin tehtävä, Terveystaloustiede2024-08-12Faculty of Social Sciences
Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Professor of Game Studies / tenure track -tutkijan, tenure track -professorin tai professorin tehtävä (pelitutkimus)2024-08-09Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Quasi-Realism project)/ Tutkijatohtori (Quasi-Realism -projekti)2024-08-08Faculty of Social Sciences
University Instructor (Software Quality) / Yliopisto-opettaja (Ohjelmistojen laatu)2024-08-05Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
Postdoctoral Research Fellow /Tutkijatohtori (Speculative Research on Sustainable Urban Mobility)2024-08-04Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
Doctoral Researcher in Power Electronics (DSII) / Väitöskirjatutkija, Tehoelektroniikka (DSII)2024-08-01Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
Väitöskirjatutkija (WasteMatters-hanke) / Doctoral Researcher (WasteMatters project)2024-08-01Faculty of Social Sciences
National Infrastructure Manager / Projektipäällikkö2024-08-01Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Information Systems, Malicious Artificial Intelligence agents’ research) / Tutkijatohtori (Tietojohtaminen, tekoälyagenttien negatiivisten vaikutusten tutkiminen)2024-08-01Faculty of Management and Business
Tenure track position (Structural engineering, concrete and bridge structures) / Tenure track -tehtävä (Rakennetekniikka, betoni- ja siltarakenteet)2024-07-31Faculty of Built Environment
Postdoctoral Researcher in Advanced Electron Microscopy Characterization of materials/ Tutkijatohtori, kehittyneet elektronimikroskooppimenetelmät2024-06-30Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Environmental Chemistry) / Tutkijatohtori (Ympäristökemia)2024-06-28Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology
Researcher (Thin-film electronics) / Tutkija (Ohutkalvoelektroniikka)2024-06-28Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences

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