The University of Lucerne in Switzerland invites application for vacant Academic Positions, a public university with a campus in Lucerne, Switzerland.
Faculty of Theology
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Professor of Philosophy and Blockchain (100%, open rank)
Professor of Political Science and Blockchain (100%, open rank)
Professor of Sociology and Blockchain (100%, open rank)
Faculty of Law
Professur für Energierecht und Blockchain (100%, open rank)
Professur für Öffentliches Recht und Blockchain (100%, open rank)
Professur für Privatrecht und Blockchain (100%, open rank)
wiss. Assistentin / Assistenten im Strafrecht 50%
Wiss. Assistentin/Assistent (50%)
wiss. Assistentin/Assistenten im Privatrecht (mit Schwergewicht OR) (50%)
Wiss. Assistentin/Assistenten Privatrecht (50%)
Faculty of Economics and Management
Assistant Professorship in Macroeconomics and Blockchain with Tenure Track (75-100%)
Research Assistant and PhD Student in “Marketing Analytics/Quantitative Marketing”
Research Assistant and PhD Student in “Marketing Management/Quantitative Marketing”
Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine
Clinical Quality Affairs Specialist (60%)
Data Manager for Clinical Research (100%)
wissenschaftliche/n Mitarbeiter/in auf Stufe Postdoc (80-100%)