Norwegian University of Life Sciences in Norway invites application for vacant PhD and Academic Positions, a public university located in Ås, Norway.

Open positions

Published date: 16 Sept 2024PhD scholarship within modelling of evapotranspiration using remotely sensed data – Deadline: Monday, September 30, 2024PhD scholarship within modelling of evapotranspiration using remotely sensed data – Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management

Published date: 3 Sept 2024PhD position in Theoretical Electrochemistry – Deadline: Tuesday, October 8, 2024PhD position in Theoretical Electrochemistry – Faculty of Science and Technology

Published date: 27 Aug 2024PhD within applied ecology: Quantifying and mapping illegal mortality of large carnivores – Deadline: Tuesday, October 15, 2024PhD within applied ecology: Quantifying and mapping illegal mortality of large carnivores – Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management

Published date: 27 Sept 2024PhD position within mathematical models for power systems stability – Deadline: Tuesday, October 15, 2024PhD position within mathematical models for power systems stability – Faculty of Science and Technology

Published date: 24 Sept 2024PhD/Postdoc in Environmental Impact Analysis for Sustainable Aquaculture – Deadline: Tuesday, October 22, 2024PhD/Postdoc in Environmental Impact Analysis for Sustainable Aquaculture – Faculty of Science and Technology

Published date: 27 Sept 2024Postdoctoral fellow within AI-Based Analysis of Hyperspectral Images of Tree Rings – Deadline: Wednesday, October 30, 2024Postdoctoral fellow within AI-Based Analysis of Hyperspectral Images of Tree Rings – Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management

Published date: 27 Sept 2024Postdoctoral fellow within Hyperspectral Imaging for Tree Ring Characterization – Deadline: Wednesday, October 30, 2024Postdoctoral fellow within Hyperspectral Imaging for Tree Ring Characterization – Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management

Published date: 27 Sept 2024Two PhD scholarships within computational host/microbiome genomics (hologenomics) – Deadline: Thursday, October 31, 2024Two PhD scholarships within computational host/microbiome genomics (hologenomics) – Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science

Publisert dato
: 8. feb. 2024Lærlingplasser ved NMBU fra høsten 2024 – Søknadsfrist: LøpendeLærlingplasser ved NMBU fra høsten 2024 – Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet (NMBU)

Publisert dato: 18. sep. 2024Teamleder innen økonomi – Søknadsfrist: fredag 4. oktober 2024Teamleder innen økonomi – Fakultet for biovitenskap

Publisert dato: 4. sep. 2024To faste stillinger som professor/førsteamanuensis i rettsvitenskap – Søknadsfrist: søndag 6. oktober 2024To faste stillinger som professor/førsteamanuensis i rettsvitenskap – Fakultet for landskap og samfunn

Publisert dato: 23. sep. 2024Vikariat som ingeniør – Søknadsfrist: mandag 7. oktober 2024Vikariat som ingeniør – Fakultet for realfag og teknologi

Publisert dato: 24. sep. 2024Ingeniør innen Klienthåndtering og skyteknologi – Søknadsfrist: tirsdag 8. oktober 2024Ingeniør innen Klienthåndtering og skyteknologi – IT-avdelingen

Publisert dato: 27. sep. 2024Skolehagepedagog – Søknadsfrist: fredag 11. oktober 2024Skolehagepedagog – Fakultet for realfag og teknologi

Publisert dato: 24. sep. 2024Rådgiver/seniorrådgiver innen forskningsadministrasjon – Søknadsfrist: søndag 13. oktober 2024Rådgiver/seniorrådgiver innen forskningsadministrasjon – Fakultet for biovitenskap

Publisert dato: 13. sep. 2024Førstelektor/universitetslektor i fysikk – Søknadsfrist: mandag 14. oktober 2024Førstelektor/universitetslektor i fysikk – Fakultet for realfag og teknologi

Publisert dato: 23. sep. 2024Dekan ved NMBU Veterinærhøgskolen – Søknadsfrist: søndag 20. oktober 2024Dekan ved NMBU Veterinærhøgskolen – Veterinærhøgskolen

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