Postdoctoral and Academic Positions at MacEwan University in Canada, a public undergraduate university located in the downtown core of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Assistant ProfessorSchool of Social Work, Faculty of Health & Community Studies
Assistant Professor, HistoryDepartment of Humanities, Faculty of Arts and Science
Assistant Professor, Management ScienceDepartment of Decision Sciences, School of Business
Assistant Professor, SociologyDepartment of Sociology, Faculty of Arts and Science
Assistant Professor, SpanishDepartment of Humanities, Faculty of Arts and Science
Assistant Professor, StatisticsDepartment of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Arts and Science
Lab Supervisor, ChemistryDepartment of Physical Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Science
Associate Vice-President, Student Support and AccountabilityAcademic Affairs
Community Relations CoordinatorCommunity Relations, University Relations
Faculty Governance AdministratorAcademic Affairs
Lifeguard/Instructor ISport and Wellness, Campus Services
Marketing CoordinatorSchool of Continuing Education
Peace OfficerSecurity Services, Infrastructure Planning & Management