42 PhD and Academic Positions at Groningen University
PhD and Academic Positions at The University of Groningen, a public research university in the city of Groningen in the…
PhD and Academic Positions at The University of Groningen, a public research university in the city of Groningen in the…
Research Positions at Dresden University of Technology, a public research university, the largest institute of higher education in the city…
Master, PhD and Postdoctoral Positions at Jülich Research Centre, the largest interdisciplinary research centres in Europe. Reference number Title Institute…
PhD and Academic Positions at The Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Germany Student assistant in…
Postdoc and Academic Positions at The German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, an interdisciplinary research institution in Germany. Postdoctoral Researcher (f/m/x)1045/2022/2…
PhD and Postdoctoral Positions at helmholtz-zentrum berlin für Materialien und Energie is part of the Helmholtz Association of German Research…
PhD and Academic Positions at Delft University of Technology, the largest Dutch public technological university, located in Delft, Netherlands Job…
PhD and Postdoc Positions at Luleå University of Technology, Sweden. Scandinavia’s northernmost university of technology Open positions Application Deadline refNo…
PhD and Postdoc scholarships at Linköping University, a public university in Linköping, Sweden, one of Sweden’s larger academic institutions. Job…
Postdoc and Research Positions at Stockholm University, Sweden, the natural sciences and the humanities/social sciences Job Department Closing date Postdoctoral…
PhD and Academic Positions at Umeå University, a university in Umeå in the mid-northern region of Sweden, Sweden 2022-06-01Postdoctoral fellow…
PhD and Postdocs Positions at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, a workplace that has a strong sense of fellowship, Sweden…
PhD and Academic Positions at Karolinska Institutet, a research-led medical university in Solna within the Stockholm urban area of Sweden…
PhD and Postdoctoral Scholarships at Chalmers University of Technology, a Swedish university located in Gothenburg, Sweden Ref. No. Job ad…
PhD, Postdoctoral and Faculty Positions at Lund University, one of northern Europe’s oldest universities in Sweden Title Last application date…
Postdoctoral and Faculty Positions at The Australian National University, a national research university in Canberra, the capital of Australia Position…
Research and Academic Positions at The University of Melbourne, public research university located in Parkville, Melbourne, Australia. Position Salary Closes…
PhD and Academic Positions at Monash University, a public research university based in Melbourne, Australia Position Location Level / Salary…
Academic Positions at Victoria University of Wellington, a public research university based in Victoria, New Zealand Position Location Senior Administrator…
Academic Positions at The University of Waikato, a comprehensive university in Hamilton, New Zealand. The university was established in 1964…
Academic Positions at Auckland University of Technology, is a university in New Zealand, formed on 1 January 2000 Lecturer/Senior Lecturer…
Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH) is the leading public research center in Luxembourg for basic, pre-clinical and clinical research in…
PhD, Postdoctoral and researcher positions at The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), Luxembourg ES-2226 – COMMUNITY MANAGER Space…
PhD, Postdoctoral and Academic Positions at The University of Luxembourg, a public research university in Luxembourg Job Title Contract type…
PhD, Postdoctoral and Faculty Positions at University of South-Eastern Norway, one of the largest educational institutions in Norway Førsteamanuensis i…
PhD and Academic Positions at The Norwegian University of Life Sciences, a public university located in Ås, Norway Associate professor/professor…
PhD, Postdoctoral and Academic Positions at The University of Bergen, a public university located in Bergen, Norway. PhD-position (5 positions)Faculty…
PhD and Postdoc Positions at Tempere University, is one of the largest and most popular universities in Finland. Job title…
PhD and Academic Positions at University of Turku, is the third largest university in Finland as measured by student enrollment…
PhD and Academic Positions at The University of Oulu, one of the largest universities in Finland, located in the city…