Counting the Red blood cells (lecture)
Counting the Red blood cells (lecture)
Laboratory steps for the total White blood cells count (Practical) .
Counting the white blood cells
Polycythemia (Erythrocytosis)
Interpretation of RBCs count – Anemia (ِArabic Lecture) الأنيميا
Conversion of revolutions per minute (rpm) to relative centrifugal force
Leukemia (Arabic Lecture) سرطان خلايا الدم البيضاء
Medical Diagnostic laboratories!!!
Stool analysis using Cup method!!!
Interpretation of the Leucocytes counts (Arabic lecture) خلايا الدم البيضاء: تفسير النتائج
Parasitological analysis of Stool using direct smear!!!
Detection of nematodes, cestodes and oocyst in stool analysis using flotation technique!!!
Parasites of the Gastrointestinal tract in Ruminants!!!
Gross and microscopical analysis of stool !!!
Parasitological analysis of Stool using the petridish method (Detection of eggs)