What are the causes of hypoprothrombinemia? .
Questions in Clinical Laboratory Diagnosis
What are the samples required and laboratory findings in case of Jaundice? .
How can serum liver enzymes be helpful in diagnosis? .
2 2SharesWhat is the Significance of Measurement PCV or Hematocrit? .
What are the causes of microcytic hypochromic anemia? (Arabic) أنيميا نقص الحديد
How to interpret the values of total protein, albumin and globulins in a clinical chemistry report? .
Can blood creatine phosphokinase (CPK) be used as a marker for diseases?
What is the mechanism of warfarin poisoning?
What are the causes and laboratory findings in erythrocytosis or Polycythemia? .
3 3SharesWhat is the normal metabolism of bilirubin in the body? .
What are the causes of hypoprothrombinemia? .
What are the blood disorders that can be detected during manual determination of PCV? .