Parasitological analysis of feces (Arabic Lecture) التحليل المعملي لعينات البراز
Skin parasites (Arabic Lecture) الطفيليات الجلدية
Testing the Function of the Liver (Arabic Lecture 2015) وظائف الكبد .
Testing the Function of the Pancreas (Arabic lecture) اختبارات وظائف البنكرياس .
Blood cells of the Horse
Storage and ordering of laboratory supplies (Arabic lecture) الجرد في المعامل
Basics of Laboratory Quality Assurance (Arabic Lecture) الجودة في المعامل
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Basics of Clinical Chemistry (Arabic Lecture)
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Practical counting of parasitic eggs in stool: McMaster technique !!! .
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Pyouria (over count pus cells in urine) and triple phosphate crystals!!!
1 1ShareBlood parasite: Clinical and Laboratory Diagnosis of bovine Theileriosis !!! .
Urine analysis: Part 1, Physical examination of urine
Urine analysis part 2: Chemical analysis
How to interpret the values of total protein, albumin and globulins in a clinical chemistry report? .
Can blood creatine phosphokinase (CPK) be used as a marker for diseases?
What is the significance of packed cell volume (hematocrit) examination? (Arabic) .
What is the mechanism of warfarin poisoning?
What are the causes and laboratory findings in erythrocytosis or Polycythemia? .