Polycythemia: Arabic Lecture 2017 4th year students, clinical laboratory diagnosis .
bone marrow
Etiological Classification of Anemia (Arabic Lecture 2017) .
Nucleated red blood cells in the peripheral circulation .
Regenerative and none regenerative anemia .
Stimulation of synthesis of RBCs by the bone marrow (Arabic 2017)
What are the causes of microcytic hypochromic anemia? (Arabic) أنيميا نقص الحديد
interpretation of RBCs count (Polycythemia) Arabic lecture زيادة عدد خلايا الدم الحمراء
Interpretation of RBCs count – Anemia (ِArabic Lecture) الأنيميا
Leukemia (Arabic Lecture) سرطان خلايا الدم البيضاء
What are the causes and laboratory findings in erythrocytosis or Polycythemia? .
Leukemia (Handouts 2016)