Consent Preferences 80 PhD, Postdoctoral scholarships and Faculty Positions at Karolinska Institutet, Sweden – Scholar Idea

PhD, Postdoctoral scholarships and Faculty Positions at Karolinska Institutet, a research-led medical university in Solna within the Stockholm, Sweden

PositionAvdelningSista ansökningsdatum
Post doctoral researcher in viral pathogenesis, cellular metabolism and cancer researchDepartment of Medicine, Solna2021-11-16
Professor in obstetrics and gynecology with focus on imaging combined with employment as specialist physician at SödersjukhusetDepartment of Clinical Science and Education, Södersjukhuset2021-11-16
Professor in Molecular Positron Emission TomographyDepartment of Clinical Neuroscience2021-11-18
Postdoktor (50%) inom forskningsprojektet Re@home – Utvärdering av hemrehabilitering för äldre personer: med realist evaluation designDepartment of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society2021-11-19
Postdoctoral studies in translational leukemia/cancer biology (Scholarship)Department of Oncology-Pathology2021-11-24
PositionAvdelningSista ansökningsdatum
Administratör för samordnad tentamensservice för digital examinationUniversity Administration2021-11-02
Samordnare för forskarutbildningenDepartment of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society2021-11-02
Samordnare för etablering av tentamensservice för digital examinationUniversity Administration2021-11-02
Senior Lecturer in Reproductive and Perinatal ToxicologyDepartment for Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology2021-11-02
Research Specialist in Clonal hematopoieisDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge2021-11-02
Research Specialist in Leukemic dysregulation regulation of fetal hematopoiesisDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge2021-11-02
Digital kommunikatör till IT-avdelningenUniversity Administration2021-11-03
Postdoktor i medicinsk antropologiDepartment of Global Public Health2021-11-03
BioinformatikerDepartment of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology2021-11-03
En postdoktor inom området arbetsliv och hälsaThe Institute of Environmental Medicine2021-11-03
Doktorand inom neurovetenskap med inriktning mot experimentell neurotraumatologiDepartment of Neuroscience2021-11-04
Senior forskare till enheten för ArbetsmedicinThe Institute of Environmental Medicine2021-11-04
Vikarierande adjunkt i fysioterapi, inriktning mental hälsa och smärtaDepartment of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society2021-11-05
Principal Researcher in Psychiatric EpidemiologyThe Institute of Environmental Medicine2021-11-05
Postdoctoral studies in structural biochemistry of mitochondrial RNA biogenesis (scholarship)Department of Cell and Molecular Biology2021-11-05
Vikarierande adjunkt i fysioterapi, inriktning rörelsesystemet, smärta och fysisk aktivitetDepartment of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society2021-11-05
Doctoral (PhD) student position in stem cell based treatment of blindnessDepartment for Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology2021-11-07
Forskningsspecialist med fokus på framtidens arbetsliv och hälsaThe Institute of Environmental Medicine2021-11-07
Doctoral (PhD) student position in human adipose tissue biologyDepartment of Cell and Molecular Biology2021-11-07
Postdoctoral Researcher in Molecular PET Imaging in Non-Human PrimatesDepartment of Clinical Neuroscience2021-11-07
Postdoctoral Researcher in Mass Spectrometry Based Single Cell ProteomicsDepartment of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics2021-11-07
ForskningssamordnareDepartment of Women´s and Children’s Health2021-11-08
Forskningsassistent inom neuropsykologi (deltid)Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery2021-11-14
Postdoctoral researcher in epidemiology or biostatisticsDepartment of Medicine, Solna2021-11-14
Forskningsassistent inom småbarnsprojekt om autismDepartment of Women´s and Children’s Health2021-11-14
PositionAvdelningSista ansökningsdatum
Research coordinator in pharmacoepidemiologyDepartment of Medicine, Solna2021-10-29
Postdoctoral studies in Human MAIT cell immunobiology (scholarship)Department of Medicine, Huddinge2021-10-29
Senior forskningsspecialist i socialgerontologi med inriktning mot vård- och omsorgssystemDepartment of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society2021-10-29
Supporttekniker – ITDepartment of Medicine, Solna2021-10-29
Professor in medical pedagogy with focus on clinical educational sciences combined with position as a specialist physician at Danderyd hospital (Prolonged application period)Department of Clinical Sciences, Danderyd Hospital2021-10-29
Postdoctoral researcher in spinal cord regeneration (scholarship)Department of Cell and Molecular Biology2021-10-29
Postdoc studies in Multiomics Translational studies in Malignant MelanomaDepartment of Oncology-Pathology2021-10-29
Postdoctoral researcher in spinal cord regenerationDepartment of Cell and Molecular Biology2021-10-29
Project CoordinatorDepartment of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics2021-10-31
Postdoctoral researcher in neural mechanisms of motor controlDepartment of Neuroscience2021-10-31
Postdoctoral Researcher in NanotoxicologyThe Institute of Environmental Medicine2021-10-31
Postdoc researcher in psychiatric epidemiologyThe Institute of Environmental Medicine2021-10-31
Postdoctoral studies on neuronal diversity and plasticity in the inner ear (scholarship)Department of Neuroscience2021-10-31
Postdoctoral studies in placenta biology & epigenetic regulations of fetal development (scholarship)Department of Physiology and Pharmacology2021-10-31
KOPIA AV KOPIA AV KOPIA AV KOPIA AV KOPIA AV Title TADepartment of Dental Medicine2021-10-31
Klinisk handledare inom ortodontiDepartment of Dental Medicine2021-10-31
Part time Research coordinator in Hjerling-Leffler groupDepartment of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics2021-10-31
Postdoctoral Researcher within systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)Department of Medicine, Solna2021-10-31
Doktorand till projektet Friska läkareThe Institute of Environmental Medicine2021-10-31
Research Specialist in nucleotide metabolism and anticancer drug discoveryDepartment of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology2021-10-31
Laboratorietekniker/LaboratorieassistentDepartment of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics2021-10-31
Adjunkt/postdoktor i fysioterapi (visstidsanställning)Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society2021-11-01
Forskningsspecialist i reproduktionsepidemiologiDepartment of Medicine, Solna2021-11-01
Title TADepartment of Laboratory Medicine2021-11-01
Postdoctoral studies in Integrative Physiology (scholarship)Department of Physiology and Pharmacology2021-11-01
PositionAvdelningSista ansökningsdatum
RadiochemistDepartment of Clinical Neuroscience2021-10-21
Postdoctoral studies – macrophages in cardiometabolic disease (scholarship)Department of Laboratory Medicine2021-10-21
Doctoral (PhD) student position in autoimmunity researchDepartment of Medicine, Solna2021-10-21
Doctoral student (Phd) position in Reproductive Endocrinology and MetabolismDepartment of Physiology and Pharmacology2021-10-21
Postdoctoral studies in cancer metabolism (scholarship)Department of Medicine, Solna2021-10-21
Research Assistant in Microbiology and BiomedicineDepartment of Neuroscience2021-10-23
Doctoral (PhD) student position in Explainable AI for Childhood Cancer AnalysisDepartment of Molecular Medicine and Surgery2021-10-24
HR-partner (vikariat)Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics2021-10-24
Tandsköterska till kliniken för oral diagnostikDepartment of Dental Medicine2021-10-24
Postdoctoral Researcher in Cardiovascular researchDepartment of Medicine, Solna2021-10-24
Research assistantDepartment of Clinical Neuroscience2021-10-26
Klinisk handledare till kliniken för oral rehabiliteringDepartment of Dental Medicine2021-10-26
Biostatistician (Part-time)Department of Medicine, Solna2021-10-26
Assistant Professor in psychology with focus on behavioral informaticsDepartment of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics2021-10-27
Utbildningsadministratör vid Centrum för psykiatriforskningDepartment of Clinical Neuroscience2021-10-27
Timanställd hjälp i registerstudierDepartment of Molecular Medicine and Surgery2021-10-27
Senior forskningsspecialist inom forskningsområde aortaklaff- och aneurysmsjukdomDepartment of Medicine, Solna2021-10-27
Forskningsingenjör till Karolinska InstitutetDepartment of Oncology-Pathology2021-10-28
Postdoctoral studies in Biological Modeling (scholarship)Department of Cell and Molecular Biology2021-10-28
Postdoctoral studies in non-coding RNAs in inflammation (scholarship)Department of Medicine, Solna2021-10-28
studentmedarbetare/assistent inom utbildningDepartment of Women´s and Children’s Health2021-10-28
Professor in medical pedagogy with focus on clinical educational sciences combined with position as a specialist physician at Danderyd hospital (Prolonged application period)Department of Clinical Sciences, Danderyd Hospital2021-10-29
Postdoctoral researcher in spinal cord regeneration (scholarship)Department of Cell and Molecular Biology2021-10-29
Postdoc studies in Multiomics Translational studies in Malignant MelanomaDepartment of Oncology-Pathology2021-10-29
Postdoctoral researcher in spinal cord regenerationDepartment of Cell and Molecular Biology2021-10-29

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