The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI in Switzerland invites application for vacant (58) PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions, the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences within Switzerland
Description | Code digit | Pensum |
PhD Studentin experimental research on aviation emission impacts on air quality at airports | 5502-04 | 100 |
Steuerungstechniker*in80 – 100 % / Projektierung von Steuerungen und Anlagen | 9371-00 | 80 – 100 |
Laborant*in60 % | 2317-00 | 60 |
Steuerungsingenieur*in80 ‐ 100 % / Projektierung von Steuerungen und Anlagen | 9371-01 | 80 – 100 |
PhD Studenton organic aerosols sources and data mining | 5503-01 | 100 |
Strahlenschutzexpert*in80 – 100 % | 9642-03 | 80 – 100 |
Techniker*infür die Entwicklung von supraleitenden Magneten | 8433-05 | 100 |
Postdoctoral FellowX-ray optics and X-ray wavefront characterization | 6212-03 | 100 |
Postdoctoral Fellowin the scientific context of ultrafast X-ray probes for advanced laser-based machining and manufacturing | 6412-00 | 100 |
Polymechaniker(in) – Versuchsmechaniker(in) 80-100% (EPFL) | – | 80 – 100 |
PhD StudentIn Radiopharmaceutical Sciences | 2211-00 | 100 |
Scientist (Tenure Track)Time-resolved X-ray experiments at SwissFEL Bernina | 6316-02 | 100 |
PhD StudentOn machine learning in photoelectron spectroscopy | 6215-00 | 100 |
ScientistMachine learning assisted reactive transport modelling | 4403-00 | 100 |
Maschineningenieur*in | 8415-01 | 100 |
PhD StudentResonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering on two-dimensional quantum materials | 6516-00 | 100 |
Group Leader Control Systems | 8216-02 | 100 |
Laborant*in80-100 % | 2222-00 | 80 – 100 |
Miterzieher*in60 – 100% (Springer*in) | 1302-04 | 80 – 100 |
Postdoctoral Fellow DH UQNuclear data uncertainties in decay heat calculations | 4102-03 | 100 |
Postdoctoral FellowRadionuclide release from liquid metals | 4702-00 | 100 |
Postdoctoral FellowCharacterization of radiation effects in structural materials | 4601-00 | 100 |
Elektroinstallateur*in EFZ | 9330-00 | 100 |
Automatiker*in | 9334-00 | 100 |
PSI-FELLOW-III-3i / Postdoctoral Fellows (f/m/d) | – | 100 |
Linux Engineer / System EngineerScience IT Infrastructure and Services / Core Linux Research Services | 7906-00 | 100 |
Polymechanikerin/Polymechaniker EFZ | – | 100 |
Elektroinstallateurin/Elektroinstallateur EFZ | – | 100 |
Anlage- und Apparatebauerin/Anlage- und Apparatebauer EFZ | – | 100 |
Fachfrau/Fachmann Betreuung EFZFachrichtung Kinder | – | 100 |
Praktikum im Bereich Controlling60 – 100 % | 9102-T1 | 100 |
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