The University of Basel in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD and Academic Positions, offers attractive terms of employment and supports the advancement of staff.
Didaktisch-technische Assistenz 60%
Postdoc position “Unraveling the genomic origin of species in the large white-headed gull radiation”
Organizational Change & Culture Development Expert
Postdoctoral Scientist Position in Liver Immunology
Informations- und Dokumentationsspezialist*in FH für die UB Wirtschaft – das SWA
two open Phd or one PostDoc positions
antelope Karriereprogramm 2023
Projektleiter*in Bauherrenvertretung
Objektbetreuer*in Campus Services Life Sciences
Postdoc Position in Analytical Chemistry and Pharmacokinetics
Lehrstelle Kauffrau / Kaufmann EFZ
Junior Project Accountant / Controller
Wissenschaftliche:r Assistent:in auf Stufe Doktorat
Assistent*in des Verwaltungsdirektors
Hilfsassistent*in Psychologie mit Programmierkenntnissen gesucht
Forschungspraktikant*in Psychologie (Durchführen von Intelligenztests)
Procurement and Supply Management Expert – health products Position based in lusophone Africa
Open PhD position in soil erosion research
Studierende in Assistenzfunktion
Scientific Officer (Postdoctoral level)
Mitarbeiter*in Stabsstelle Direktion Infrastruktur & Betrieb
Lehrstelle als Polymechaniker*in EFZ
PhD student position in the Skin Biology Laboratory (Prof. A. Navarini)
Postdoctoral / Scientist Position in Cancer Immunotherapy
Research Associate, Cancer Immunotherapy Laboratory
Postdoc position in Supramolecular Catalysis
Ph.D. position in Supramolecular Catalysis
Professur für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie (open-rank)
Studentische Hilfsassistenz – Gefängnispsychologie
Wissenschaftliche Assistenz in Geschlechterforschung auf Stufe Doktorat
Wissenschaftliche Assistenz in Geschlechterforschung auf Stufe PostDoc
Fundraiser*in mit Verantwortung CRM-Datenbank
2 PhD positions in Implementation Science Research / Health Economics in Long-Term Care
Lehrbeauftragte*r für «Gymnastik und Tanz»
Doctoral position in Natural Product Biosynthesis (Pharmaceutical Biology)
Postdoctoral researcher in Structural Biology (Pharmaceutical Biology)
PhD position on plant ecophysiology modelling in urban environments
Teamleiter*in Controlling 80 – 100%
PhD Position in Environmental / Energy Economics
PhD position: NanoPhase, a multi-scale view of phase separation from cells to nanostructure (P2204)
Informationsbibliothekar*in Kundenservices UB Basel Hauptbibliothek
PhD student position: Find new and unconventional antibacterial compounds to treat Tuberculosis
PhD position: bacterial susceptibility to antibiotics depends on physiological states of bacteria
Teamleiter*in Kundenservices UB Medizin
Position Lab technician in Cardiac Molecular Imaging
Mitarbeiter*in Stabsstelle Direktion Infrastruktur & Betrieb: Schwerpunkt Hochschulgastronomie
PhD position in quantitative biology: central metabolism in mediating antibiotic tolerance
PhD position quantitative biology: metabolism in mediating functions of tumor suppressor/oncogenes
PhD position “Unraveling the genomic origin of species in the large white-headed gull radiation”
Dipl. Biomedizinische/r Analytiker/in HF
Computational Biologist for Biomedicine (100%)
Student Assistant HPC user support
Accountant Schwerpunkt Debitoren 100%
Forschungspraktikant:in Psychologie
Administrative Student Assistant Back Office (20%)
Postdoctoral position in Plant Evolutionary Ecology and Climate Adaptation
Project Assistant (GlobMal Phase 3), 100%
Postdoc Position in Molecular Toxicology
Studentische Hilfsassistierende Web-Applikationen – technisch
Studentische Hilfsassistierende Web-Applikationen – redaktionell
Fachspezialistin / Fachspezialist Kursadministration / Zivildienst 50 %
Biomedical Engineering expert (Oxygen)
Open positions for PhD and Post-Doc in soil erosion research
Postdoc Researcher / RSE in High Performance Computing for Astrophysics/Cosmology
PhD Student / Postdoc Researcher / RSE in High Performance Computing for Data Analysis Pipelines
Postdoctoral Position: Development of artificial organelles and cells
Postdoctoral Position in Development of Clusters of Compartments for Bio-applications
Economic evaluation specialist
Studentische Hilfskraft Research and Infrastructure Support (RISE)
Protein Engineering Platform Leader
2 PhD candidate positions in SNF-Project Shared Reading in the Digital Age
Professorship in Finance and Financial Economics (tenured)
PhD position on the search for 2D ferromagnetism at room temperature (P2202)
Deux bourses de début de thèse en littérature de 30 000 CHF
Two Start-up Grants of the Doctoral Program in Literary Studies: 30,000 Swiss francs each
Zwei Anschubstipendien des Doktoratsprogramms Literaturwissenschaft à CHF 30 000