Stockholm University in Sweden invites application for vacant Postdoctoral and Faculty Positions, a public research university in Stockholm, Sweden.
Postdoctoral Fellow in Algebra and GeometryDepartment of Mathematics15/12/2022
Postdoctoral Fellow in Theoretical Physics (2)Nordita, Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics15/12/2022
Research Engineer in EcotoxicologyDepartment of Environmental Science12/12/2022
Postdoctoral Fellow in astroparticle physics, theoretical particle physics, and cosmologyDepartment of Physics08/12/2022
Postdoctoral Fellow in Extragalactic AstronomyDepartment of Astronomy02/12/2022
Postdoctoral Fellow in Arctic PaleoceanographyDepartment of Geological Sciences01/12/2022
Researcher (temporary employment)Department of Education30/11/2022
Researcher in experimental high pressure scienceDep of Materials and Environmental Chemistry30/11/2022
Postdoctoral Fellow in Environmental Analytical ChemistryDepartment of Environmental Science30/11/2022
Postdoctoral Fellow in EcologyDep of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences30/11/2022
Postdoctoral fellows with orientation toward environmental research in human science (humanities, law, social science) (2 persons)Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies30/11/2022
Assistant Professor in Environmental Chemistry of Organic ContaminantsDepartment of Environmental Science30/11/2022
Researcher in Molecular PhysiologyDep of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner-Gren Inst26/11/2022
Researcher in Migration, Health and Covid-19Department of Public Health Sciences25/11/2022