Consent Preferences

The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions, the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences within Switzerland

Software Scientist / Research Software EngineerExperiment Control and Data Visualization for SLS 2.07901-00100
Postdoctoral FellowExperimental and Numerical Investigations of Pollutant Transport in a Model City4103-00100
PhD Studenton Net-Zero GHG emission target, life cycle and externalities assessment4501-00100
Scientistfor Undulator Development6511-00100
Fachspezialist*in Maschinensicherheit (80 – 100 %)8315-0080 – 100
Postdoctoral Fellowon environmental assessment of Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)4501-04100
FPGA and Embedded Software Developer8221-00100
TraineeAutomatized report and analysis generation within the novel framework for the activity calculations8142-T1100
Postdoctoral Fellow2316-00100
Postdoctoral FellowChip Design / Detector Development Photon Science Division6222‐01100
Elektronikingenieur*inSystem- und Hardware-Entwicklung (80 – 100 %)8222-0180 – 100
TraineeExperimental AC losses assessment in superconducting magnets for proton therapy8433-T1100
Electronics EngineerSystem- and Hardware- Development (80 – 100 %)8222-0180 – 100
TraineeRF Cavity Simulator for LLRF Lab Testing8221-T1100
TraineeTouschek Life Time and Losses in Swiss Light Source (SLS)8121-T1100
Miterzieher*in (Springer*in)40 %1302-0440
Postdoctoral Fellowfor ASIC design3202-00100
Bau-Controller*in50 %9102-0250
PhD Student in Materials ScienceMulti-scale characterization of carbon fiber composites using X-rays6317-00100
PhD Student in Materials ScienceComputational Development of X-ray scattering tensor tomography6317-01100
Mitarbeiter*in Rüst- und Abwaschküche9171-0060
Instrument Scientist (Tenure Track)3304-03100
PhD StudentIn physics of soft condensed matter3303-02100
Berufsbildner*in Informatik EFZ als Gruppenleiter*in (Kennziffer 1392-00)80 – 100 %1392-00100
PhD StudentIn fundamental physics to work on the n2EDM experiment3204-01100
Ingenieur*in HLKoder Maschineningenieur*in9350-00100
Postdoctoral Fellowon the assessment of the role of forests and wood-based materials to achieve net-zero CO2 targets4501-05100
Scientist Tenure Track: Electronic-structure simulations of excited-state propertiesSCD Division / Laboratory for Materials Simulations / Materials Software and Data Group7301-01100
Scientist Tenure Track: Electronic-structure simulations of complex materialsSCD Division / Laboratory for Materials Simulations / Materials Software and Data Group7301-00100
Postdoctoral FellowIn atmospheric science5504-02100
Postdoctoral Fellow3D Thermo-mechanical Solver Development for Nuclear Fuels4103-02100
Postdoctoral FellowCatalytic Hydrothermal Gasification to renewable hydrogen5101-00100
PhD StudentIn the field of Cement Environmental Chemistry4404-00100
PhD Student

In the field of Cement Environmental Chemistry4404-011

Postdoctoral Fellow


Division Coordinator


PhD Student in Dirac materials field emission cathodes




Postdoctoral Fellow

Magnetic Correlations in Artificial Spin Systems3701

PhD Student

in the field of targeting the microenvironment2222-0210

SAP CC Senior Expert*in

100 % oder Teilzeit im Job-Sharing9101-00

Linux Engineer / System Engineer

Science IT Infrastructure and Services / Core Linux Research Services7906-0010008.12.2022


80-100 %8111-00

PhD Student

in the field of targeting the microenvironment2222-0110

Technische*n Mitarbeiter*in


PhD Student

in Controlling the Behaviour of Artificial Spin Ice Through Spintronics3701-0310

Head Radiation Oncology

Lead of the Radiation Oncology team1711-0210

Head Radiation Oncology

Lead of the Radiation Oncology team1711-02100

Project Scientist

on air quality transport modelling5503-021000

PhD Student

On sources of organic aerosols in Europe5503-00100

PhD Student

on organic aerosols sources and data mining5503-0110028.10.2022


80 – 100 %9642-2

Polymechanikerin/Polymechaniker EFZ

Elektroinstallateurin/Elektroinstallateur EFZ

Anlage- und Apparatebauerin/Anlage- und Apparatebauer EFZ

Fachfrau/Fachmann Betreuung EFZ

Fachrichtung Kinder-100

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