The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions, the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences within Switzerland
Software Scientist / Research Software EngineerExperiment Control and Data Visualization for SLS 2.0 | 7901-00 | 100 |
Postdoctoral FellowExperimental and Numerical Investigations of Pollutant Transport in a Model City | 4103-00 | 100 |
PhD Studenton Net-Zero GHG emission target, life cycle and externalities assessment | 4501-00 | 100 |
Scientistfor Undulator Development | 6511-00 | 100 |
Fachspezialist*in Maschinensicherheit (80 – 100 %) | 8315-00 | 80 – 100 |
Postdoctoral Fellowon environmental assessment of Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) | 4501-04 | 100 |
FPGA and Embedded Software Developer | 8221-00 | 100 |
TraineeAutomatized report and analysis generation within the novel framework for the activity calculations | 8142-T1 | 100 |
Postdoctoral Fellow | 2316-00 | 100 |
Postdoctoral FellowChip Design / Detector Development Photon Science Division | 6222‐01 | 100 |
Elektronikingenieur*inSystem- und Hardware-Entwicklung (80 – 100 %) | 8222-01 | 80 – 100 |
TraineeExperimental AC losses assessment in superconducting magnets for proton therapy | 8433-T1 | 100 |
Electronics EngineerSystem- and Hardware- Development (80 – 100 %) | 8222-01 | 80 – 100 |
TraineeRF Cavity Simulator for LLRF Lab Testing | 8221-T1 | 100 |
TraineeTouschek Life Time and Losses in Swiss Light Source (SLS) | 8121-T1 | 100 |
Miterzieher*in (Springer*in)40 % | 1302-04 | 40 |
Postdoctoral Fellowfor ASIC design | 3202-00 | 100 |
Bau-Controller*in50 % | 9102-02 | 50 |
PhD Student in Materials ScienceMulti-scale characterization of carbon fiber composites using X-rays | 6317-00 | 100 |
PhD Student in Materials ScienceComputational Development of X-ray scattering tensor tomography | 6317-01 | 100 |
Mitarbeiter*in Rüst- und Abwaschküche | 9171-00 | 60 |
Instrument Scientist (Tenure Track) | 3304-03 | 100 |
PhD StudentIn physics of soft condensed matter | 3303-02 | 100 |
Berufsbildner*in Informatik EFZ als Gruppenleiter*in (Kennziffer 1392-00)80 – 100 % | 1392-00 | 100 |
PhD StudentIn fundamental physics to work on the n2EDM experiment | 3204-01 | 100 |
Ingenieur*in HLKoder Maschineningenieur*in | 9350-00 | 100 |
Postdoctoral Fellowon the assessment of the role of forests and wood-based materials to achieve net-zero CO2 targets | 4501-05 | 100 |
Scientist Tenure Track: Electronic-structure simulations of excited-state propertiesSCD Division / Laboratory for Materials Simulations / Materials Software and Data Group | 7301-01 | 100 |
Scientist Tenure Track: Electronic-structure simulations of complex materialsSCD Division / Laboratory for Materials Simulations / Materials Software and Data Group | 7301-00 | 100 |
Postdoctoral FellowIn atmospheric science | 5504-02 | 100 |
Postdoctoral Fellow3D Thermo-mechanical Solver Development for Nuclear Fuels | 4103-02 | 100 |
Postdoctoral FellowCatalytic Hydrothermal Gasification to renewable hydrogen | 5101-00 | 100 |
InstandhaltungsfachpersonLüftungsanlagen | 9351-00 | 100 |
PhD StudentIn the field of Cement Environmental Chemistry | 4404-00 | 100 |
Elektroinstallateur*in | 9342-00 | 100 |
PhD Student
In the field of Cement Environmental Chemistry4404-011
Postdoctoral Fellow
Division Coordinator
PhD Student in Dirac materials field emission cathodes
Postdoctoral Fellow
Magnetic Correlations in Artificial Spin Systems3701
PhD Student
in the field of targeting the microenvironment2222-0210
SAP CC Senior Expert*in
100 % oder Teilzeit im Job-Sharing9101-00
Linux Engineer / System Engineer
Science IT Infrastructure and Services / Core Linux Research Services7906-0010008.12.2022
80-100 %8111-00
PhD Student
in the field of targeting the microenvironment2222-0110
Technische*n Mitarbeiter*in
PhD Student
in Controlling the Behaviour of Artificial Spin Ice Through Spintronics3701-0310
Head Radiation Oncology
Lead of the Radiation Oncology team1711-0210
Head Radiation Oncology
Lead of the Radiation Oncology team1711-02100
Project Scientist
on air quality transport modelling5503-021000
PhD Student
On sources of organic aerosols in Europe5503-00100
PhD Student
on organic aerosols sources and data mining5503-0110028.10.2022
80 – 100 %9642-2
Polymechanikerin/Polymechaniker EFZ
Elektroinstallateurin/Elektroinstallateur EFZ
Anlage- und Apparatebauerin/Anlage- und Apparatebauer EFZ
Fachfrau/Fachmann Betreuung EFZ
Fachrichtung Kinder-100