ETH Zurich in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Faculty Positions, one of the leading universities for technology and the natural sciences in Switzerland
Studienkoordinator:in (m/w/d)80%, Zürich, unbefristet04.08.2023 | Departement Management, Technology, and Economics (D-MTEC)
Scientific Software Engineer80%, Zurich, fixed-term04.08.2023 | Scientific Software and Data Management
Labortierpfleger:in (m/w/d)50%-100%, Zürich, befristet04.08.2023 | ETH Phenomics Center
Postdoctoral position to characterize how fibroblasts interact with complex extracellular matrices100%, Basel, fixed-term04.08.2023 | Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering
Sozialversicherungs- und Payroll Expert:in (w/m/d)80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet03.08.2023 | HR Operations
Trainee Position in Architectural Modeling with Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI)100%, Zurich, fixed-term03.08.2023 | ITA
Support for SNSF Starting Grant in Computational Bioimaging at D-BSSE (ETHZ) & PSI100%, Zurich, fixed-term03.08.2023 | Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering
Scientific Expert on Extreme Weather Forecast Verification80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term03.08.2023 | Center for Climate Systems Modeling (C2SM)
Web-based Experiment Platform Manager:in30%, Zurich, permanent02.08.2023 | MTEC
Administrative Assistant Finance60%-80%, Zurich, permanent02.08.2023 | Functional Genomics Center Zurich
Administrative Supportfunktion im Bereich Finanzen (m/w/d)40%, Zürich, befristet02.08.2023 | Functional Genomics Center Zurich
Administrative Assistenz (m/w/d)60%, Zürich, unbefristet02.08.2023 | IDSC, Forschungsgruppen Zeilinger und D’Andrea
PhD Positions at the Institute of Electromagnetic Fields on Optical and THz Communication100%, Zurich, fixed-term02.08.2023 | Institute of Electromagnetic Fields (IEF)
PhD in land use decision modeling100%, Zurich, fixed-term02.08.2023 | Planning of Landscape and Urban Systems, Institute for Spatial and Landscape Development
Operational & Scientific Support at EPIC30%-50%, Zurich, fixed-term02.08.2023 | ETH Phenomics Center
Elektroniker:in EFZ (m/w/d) 2024Zürich, Lehrstelle01.08.2023 | Berufsbildung
Fachperson Information und Dokumentation EFZ (m/w/d) 2024Zürich, Lehrstelle01.08.2023 | Berufsbildung
Kaufmann/frau EFZ oder EBA (m/w/d) 2024 – Branche D&AZürich, Lehrstelle01.08.2023 | Berufsbildung
Laborant:in EFZ (m/w/d) 2024 – BiologieZürich, Lehrstelle01.08.2023 | Berufsbildung
Laborant:in EFZ (m/w/d) 2024 – ChemieZürich, Lehrstelle01.08.2023 | Berufsbildung
Mediamatiker:in EFZ (m/w/d) 2024Zürich, Lehrstelle01.08.2023 | Berufsbildung
Physiklaborant:in EFZ (m/w/d) 2024Zürich, Lehrstelle01.08.2023 | Berufsbildung
Polymechaniker:in EFZ (m/w/d) 2024Zürich, Lehrstelle01.08.2023 | Berufsbildung
Konstrukteur:in EFZ (m/w/d) 2024Zürich, Lehrstelle01.08.2023 | Berufsbildung
Senior Researcher Geopolitics and Governance of Emerging Technologies80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term28.07.2023 | Center for Security Studies (CSS)
Postdoc Position in RF/Mm-Wave Antenna and Antenna Array Designs and Packaging100%, Zurich, fixed-term28.07.2023 | Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
Software Entwickler:in (m/w/d) mit Schwerpunkt .NET, C#, Cloud und CI/CD80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet27.07.2023 | Informatikdienste – Corporate Centre
Customer Success Manager80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term27.07.2023 | ETH AI Center
Senior Projektleitung ETH Learning Factory (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, befristet27.07.2023 | Strategische Initiativen, Stab Rektor
Student research assistant for designing and building of experimental setups and conducting experimental work10%-20%, Zurich, fixed-term27.07.2023 | Energy and Process Systems Engineering Laboratory (ETHZ)
Labortechniker:in am ETH CAPS Lab (m/w/d)100%, Zürich, unbefristet27.07.2023 | Labor für Verbrennung und Akustik für Energie- und Antriebssysteme (CAPS)
Fullstack Web Developer Atlas of Switzerland80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term27.07.2023 | Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation
Manager Finance & Admin (m/w/d)60%-100%, Zurich, permanent27.07.2023 | Partnerinserat | Sevensense
ASA-Spezialist:in (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet26.07.2023 | Sicherheit, Gesundheit und Umwelt (SGU)
Administrative Assistenz am Quantum Device Lab und dem Quantum Center (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet25.07.2023 | D-PHYS
Researcher: Value of Information and Hybrid Modelling in Support of Intelligent Infrastructure for Efficient Diagnosis, Prognosis and Decision Making (1 year contract) R3110100%, Singapore, fixed-term25.07.2023 | Future Resilient Systems, Singapore-ETH Centre
PhD Position: Personalized Prediction and Prevention of Dropouts in Digital Biomarker Studies100%, Zurich, fixed-term25.07.2023 | CSS Health Lab
Research / Student Assistant in the International Political Economy and Environmental Politics group10%-20%, Zurich, fixed-term24.07.2023 | International Political Economy and Environmental Politics group, D-GESS
Fachspezialist:in Kundensupport und Administration (m/w/d)60%, unbefristet24.07.2023 | Campus Services
Studentische:r Programmierer:in beim Projekt CYBATHLON (m/w/d)20%, Zürich, befristet24.07.2023 | CYBATHLON, Stab Präsident
Post-Doctoral Researcher (PhD) in Rehabilitation Sciences and Digital Health Technologies H1033100%, Singapore, fixed-term24.07.2023 | Singapore-ETH Centre
Teilprojektleitung 80-100% für PAKETH im Stab Rektor80%-100%, Zürich, befristet24.07.2023 | Stab Rektor
PhD in atmospheric chemistry – Photolytic versus oxidant-driven organic aerosol aging100%, Zurich, fixed-term24.07.2023 | Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science
Postdoctoral position in optoacoustic and multi-modal monitoring of tumor radiotherapy responses100%, Zurich, fixed-term24.07.2023 | Functional and Molecular Imaging
Tierschutzbeauftragte:r (m/w/d)80%, Zürich, unbefristet21.07.2023 | Gruppe Tierschutz, Bereich Vizepräsident Forschung
PhD position on 3D Biohybrid Neuromuscular Tissues for Neuronal Control of Muscle Actuation100%, Zurich, fixed-term21.07.2023 | Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering
Staff member for light microscopy and optics development100%, Zurich, fixed-term21.07.2023 | Scientific Center for Optical and Electron Microscopy (ScopeM)
Laboratory technician for electron microscopy100%, Zurich, fixed-term20.07.2023 | Scientific Center for Optical and Electron Microscopy (ScopeM)
Engineering Postdoc Opening for Development of a High-density CMOS Microelectrode Array Setup for Use with Retinal Preparations and Optogenetics100%, Basel, fixed-term20.07.2023 | Bio Engineering Laboratory
Wissenschaftliche:r Mitarbeiter:in im Bereich Georessourcen (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, befristet20.07.2023 | Fachgruppe Georessourcen Schweiz, Departement Erdwissenschaften
Electrical Engineer100%, Zurich, fixed-term19.07.2023 | Wyss Zurich
Mitarbeiter:in Sicherheitsdienst mit Einsatzerfahrung in einer Alarmzentrale100%, Zürich, unbefristet18.07.2023 | Abteilung Facility Services der ETH Zürich
PhD position: design and manufacturing of soft aerial robots100%, Zurich, fixed-term18.07.2023 | Environmental Robotics Laboratory (ERL)
Postdoctoral fellowship in simulation and control of soft aerial robots100%, Zurich, fixed-term18.07.2023 | Environmental Robotics Laboratory (ERL)
Research Assistant with a Strong Background in Cognitive Psychology70%-100%, Zurich, permanent17.07.2023 | MTEC
SAP Consultant SD80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet17.07.2023 | Abteilung Controlling – CCSAP
Post-Doctoral position in Neural Tissue Engineering and Biofabrication90%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term17.07.2023 | Institute for Biomechanics
PhD position: Robot-assisted eDNA collection methodologies for biodiversity monitoring100%, Zurich, fixed-term17.07.2023 | Robotics, Environmental DNA, Biodiversity Monitoring
Data Architect / Full-Stack Software Engineer80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet17.07.2023 | NEXUS Personalized Health Technologies
Research Associate – 2 Positions with the option of a PhD thesis at ETH Zurich100%, Zurich, fixed-term17.07.2023 | Partnerinserat | inspire AG
Student Assistant – ETH AI Center, Entrepreneurship40%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term17.07.2023 | ETH AI Center, Zürich
Verantwortliche:r Buchhaltung (m/w/d)80%-90%, Zürich, unbefristet17.07.2023 | Partnerinserat | Stiftung kihz
Teaching Assistant and Coordinator in Hydraulic Engineering80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term14.07.2023 | Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology (VAW)
Doctoral Position in Computational Origami100%, Zurich, fixed-term14.07.2023 |
Mesoscale Climate Modeler for Cooling Singapore 2.0 (1y contract)100%, Singapore, fixed-term13.07.2023 | Kent Ridge Area
Microscale Climate Modeler for Cooling Singapore 2.0 (1y contract)100%, Singapore, fixed-term13.07.2023 | Kent Ridge Area
PhD Position in Lower-Field Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging100%, Zurich, fixed-term13.07.2023 | Insitute for Biomedical Engineering
Projektleiter:in / Teilprojektleiter:in Bauherrschaft (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet12.07.2023 | Abteilung Immobilien
Wissenschaftliche Assistenz für das Erschliessungs-Projekt «Die Bibliothek von Jonas Fränkel» (m/w/d)50%-60%, Zürich, befristet12.07.2023 | Professur für Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft in Kooperation mit dem Schweizerischen Literaturarchiv
Geschäftsführer:in (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet12.07.2023 | Partnerinserat | ETH Store AG
Doctoral Researcher – Microalgae: a resilient and dense source of Micronutrients100%, Zurich, fixed-term12.07.2023 | Sustainable Food Processing group, ETH Zurich
Software Engineer at ETHZ-PSI Quantum Computing Hub100%, Zurich, fixed-term10.07.2023 | ETH Zurich – PSI Quantum Computing Hub
Group Assistant for the Rehabilitation Engineering Laboratory60%-80%, Zurich, permanent10.07.2023 | Rehabilitation Engineering
Bioinformatician Single Cell Analysis and Spatial Transcriptomics80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term10.07.2023 | Functional Genomics Center Zurich
Scientific collaborator in land use modelling80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term10.07.2023 | Institute for Spatial and Landscape Development – Planning of Landscape and Urban Systems (PLUS)
Postdoctoral position in Neuroepigenetics and Chromatin Biology100%, Zurich, fixed-term10.07.2023 | Laboratory of Neuroepigenetics, University Zurich and ETH Zurich
Research Technician in Genomics/Epigenomics80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term10.07.2023 | Laboratory of Neuroepigenetics, University Zurich and ETH Zurich
PhD position in Machine Learning for Mesh-based Representations of Deformable Objects100%, Zurich, fixed-term10.07.2023 | Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering
Mitarbeiter:in zur Unterstützung im Bereich Netzwerkinstallationen80%-100%, Zürich, befristet08.07.2023 | Informatikdienste
Doctoral student position – Microalgae in Human Nutrition and Health100%, Zurich, fixed-term07.07.2023 | ETH Zurich
Research assistant for projects related to education system in Ukraine80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term07.07.2023 | Chair of Education Systems CES
Scientific Outreach Manager (m/w/d)60%-80%, Zürich, befristet07.07.2023 | Energy Science Center (ESC)
PhD position “Re-engineering informal construction through circular practices and models”100%, Zurich, fixed-term07.07.2023 | D-BAUG – Chair of Circular Engineering for Architecture
Postdoctoral position in life cycle assessment and digitalisation towards smart circular cities100%, Zurich, fixed-term07.07.2023 | D-BAUG – Institute of Construction and Infrastructure Management – Chair of Circular Engineering for Architecture
Junior Quantitative Analyst in Immigration Research80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term06.07.2023 | Public Policy Group / Immigration Policy Lab
Doctoral position: ABSYS – Advancing Bypass Systems for Downstream Migration of European Key Umbrella Fish Species100%, Zurich, fixed-term05.07.2023 | Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology (VAW)
Doctoral Researcher – Plant Protein Refining80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term05.07.2023 | ETH Sustainable Food Processing group
Programming Research Assistants10%-20%, Zurich, fixed-term05.07.2023 | Research group on Law, Economics and Data Science
Doctoral position: Cell state programming through multiplexed gene editing – experimental100%, Basel, fixed-term04.07.2023 | 100%, Basel, fixed-term
Doctoral position: Cell state programming through module targeting – computational100%, Basel, fixed-term04.07.2023 | 100%, Basel, fixed-term
Doctoral position: Machine learning approaches for highly multiplexed organoid phenotyping100%, Basel, fixed-term04.07.2023 | 100%, Basel, fixed-term
Postdoctoral Researcher in Stable Isotope Geochemistry of Groundwater100%, Zurich, fixed-term04.07.2023 | Surface Earth Evolution, D-ERDW
PhD position: Theoretical and numerical modeling of dynamic fracture of nonlinear materials100%, Zurich, fixed-term03.07.2023 | Institute for Building Materials
Fachperson digitale Langzeitarchivierung (m/w/d)60%-80%, Zürich, unbefristet30.06.2023 | ETH-Bibliothek
Laborant:in (Reinraum, Prozesstechnologie) (m/w/d)50%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet29.06.2023 | FIRST-Lab
Mitarbeiter:in – Technisches Gebäudemanagement (m/w/d)100%, Zürich, unbefristet28.06.2023 |
Policy Engagement Manager:in (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, befristet27.06.2023 | Institut für Atmosphäre und Klima
Lab PVD/OLED Technician with PhD100%, Zurich, permanent27.06.2023 | Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering
Lab Chemistry Technician with PhD100%, Zurich, permanent27.06.2023 | Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering
Postdoctoral Researcher in Earth Surface Process and Biodiversity Modeling100%, Zurich, fixed-term27.06.2023 | Earth Science, Environmental Science, Ecology
Technologie-Manager:in Biochemie mit Berufserfahrung (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet26.06.2023 | ETH transfer
Technologie-Manager:in Chemie mit Berufserfahrung (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet26.06.2023 | ETH transfer
Postdoctoral Researcher in Stable Isotope Geochemistry of the Congo River Basin100%, Zurich, fixed-term26.06.2023 | Surface Earth Evolution, D-ERDW
PhD in Physical properties in black soldier fly larvae processing100%, Zurich, fixed-term26.06.2023 | Institute of Food Nutrition and Health (IFNH), Sustainable Food Processing Laboratory
Web and Database Developer in Microbiome Research80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term26.06.2023 | D-BIOL, Institute of Microbiology, Microbiome Research Laboratory
Postdoc positions in Experimental Quantum Engineering group100%, Zurich, fixed-term23.06.2023 | Depart of Physics, ETHZ and PSI
Postdoc position – Cognitive Processes and Eye Movements in 3D Sketch Mapping80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term23.06.2023 | Chair of Cognitive Science
Mitarbeiter:in in der Studienadministration (m/w/d)60%-80%, Zürich, unbefristet23.06.2023 | D-MAVT
Postdoctoral Research Scientists in Superconducting Quantum Computing at the new ETH Zurich – PSI Quantum Computing Hub100%, Zurich, fixed-term23.06.2023 | ETH Zurich – PSI Quantum Computing Hub
PhD student in Embedded Systems and Hardware Prototyping100%, Zurich, fixed-term21.06.2023 | Sensing, Interaction & Perception Lab | Institute of Intelligent Interactive Systems | Department of Computer Science
Postdoctoral Position for the Development of Protease-Responsive Diagnostic Devices100%, Zurich, fixed-term21.06.2023 | Responsive Biomedical Systems Lab (RBSL)
HR Business Partner:in Departemente (m/w/d)80%, Zürich, unbefristet21.06.2023 | Vizepräsidium Personal Entwicklung & Leadership | HR Beratung
Bioinformatics Scientist100%, Zurich, permanent19.06.2023 | IMHS, D-BIOL
Physicists or electrical engineers for Synthetic Biology-Inspired Bioelectronics100%, Basel, fixed-term14.06.2023 | Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering
Student Assistant at the Chair of Energy Systems Analysis30%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term14.06.2023 | Energy Systems Analysis (ESA)
Postdoctoral Researcher in Augmented Design and Fabrication100%, Zurich, fixed-term13.06.2023 | Gramazio Kohler Research – Professorship for Architecture und Digital Fabrication
Postdoc Position for Synthetic Biology-Inspired Therapies100%, Basel, fixed-term13.06.2023 | Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering
Junior Researcher in Quantitative Social Science80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term09.06.2023 | Swiss Economic Institute (KOF) / Immigration Policy Lab (IPL)
Postdoctoral Researcher in Earthquake Seismology100%, Zurich, fixed-term08.06.2023 | D-ERDW
Tierpfleger:in – Tierhaltung Rehe (m/w/d)100%, Zürich, befristet02.06.2023 | Gruppe Tierphysiologie
Postdoc position in XR applications for operations of net-zero carbon infrastructure100%, Zurich, fixed-term02.06.2023 | Design++, the Center for Augmented Computational Design in Architecture, Engineering and Construction
Postdoctoral Researcher in the field of Pulsed Laser Deposition of Magnetic Systems100%, Zurich, fixed-term28.03.2023 | Department of Materials
Postdoc position in the field of medical data/neurorehabilitation100%, Zurich, fixed-term07.03.2023 | Center for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science
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