The group of Plant Ecology and Evolution, Department of Environmental Sciences at the University of Basel, Switzerland (https://duw.unibas.ch/en/ecoevo/), is looking for a PhD student in the field of Plant Diversity/Ecology.
Your position
The newly funded project by the Aptenia Foundation, Basel, addresses how the vegetation of calcareous grasslands has been changing and why some outcrossing plant species are under particular threat. The work involves vegetation surveys, time series analysis and experimental work on the role of mate versus insect pollinator limitation in causing low population growth rates in these species.
Your profile
Applicants should have a Master degree in Plant Systematics or Ecology and expertise in identifying plant species in the field. Furthermore, you should be eager to work in the field, do experiments, and to become proficient in statistical analysis.
We offer you
The fellowship is for up to 4 years. You will have the opportunity to enroll in the PhD Program in Plant Sciences (https://www.plantsciences.uzh.ch/en/teaching/phdplantscience.html%22) of the Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center (PSC). The program provides training in frontier topics of plant sciences and opportunities to acquire technical and transferable skills for careers in- and outside of academia. In addition, the Graduate Center of the University of Basel (https://www.unibas.ch/en/University/Administration-Services/Vice-President-s-Office-for-Education/Academic-Programs/Graduate-Center.html%22) offers various training formats for PhD students and organizes networking events. Finally, Basel is a mid-sized Swiss city, well connected and offering a broad range of cultural and recreational activities.
Application / Contact
Motivated applicants should submit (1) a one-page letter that summarizes interests and relevant experience, (2) their CV, (3) copies of BSc and MSc transcripts, and (4) contact information of two references. We accept only online applications. Applications are welcome until the position is filled and will be reviewed starting December 15, 2023. For more information, contact Prof. Dr. Yvonne Willi (yvonne.willi@unibas.ch).