The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions, the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences within Switzerland
Description | Code digit |
Hausmeister*in | 9221-00 |
PhD StudentsModelling and Experiments for Nuclear Electric Propulsion Systems | 4100-00 |
IT-Workplace Engineer80 – 100% | 9523-00 |
Postdoctoral FellowCatalytic conversion of CO2 under reactive vapor permeation conditions | 5702-00 |
Kontrollraum Techniker*in 80-100 % | 8111-00 |
Accelerator physicist 80-100% | 8111-00 |
Postdoctoral FellowInvestigation of the stress corrosion cracking and environmental-assisted fatigue behaviour of stainless steels in primary pressurized water reactor environment | 4603-01 |
PhD StudentCatalytic Hydrothermal Liquefaction to quality biocrude | 5101-02 |
PhD StudentOptimizing Electron Beam Transport and Compression in SwissFEL | 8122-00 |
Postdoctoral FellowOn the environmental assessment of decarbonization strategies in the European industry sector in the context of the Green Deal | 4501‐00 |
Lagermitarbeiter*in | 9135-01 |
Studentische Hilfskraft20 % bzw. 1 Tag pro Woche | 3202-00 |
Assistenz Schülerlabor und Abteilungsleitung Kommunikation | 9714-00 |
PhD StudentAnalytics of algal biomass conversion and bio‐oil composition | 5101-01 |
Scientist (Tenure Track)In Radiopharmaceutical Sciences | 2211-00 |
Postdoctoral Fellowin Lithium battery cathode materials | 5412-03 |
Fachspezialist*in Safety mit Erfahrung im Brandschutz | 9670-00 |
Postdoctoral Fellowin protein crystallography | 2011-00 |
Techniker/in FH/HFMit Schwerpunkt Aufbau und Wartung chemischer Versuchsanlagen sowie Gasmanagement | 5101-00 |
Fachperson Bildung und Vermittlung80 % | 9711-00 |
TraineeCorrosion behaviour and surface microstructure (stability) of cavitation-peened surfaces on Alloy 182 | 4603-T1 |
Postdoctoral FellowNet-Zero optimization of cementitious materials | 4403-00 |
PhD StudentAdvanced iron-zeolites for NOx control in exhaust gases | 5100-00 |
Instandhaltungsfachmann / Instandhaltungsfachfrau | 9372-02 |
Fachhochschulpraktikant*in Maschinenbau (Product Development / Modell A) | PiBS M |
Postdoctoral FellowProperties of liquids under high gas pressures | 3304-00 |
Fachhochschulpraktikant*in Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (Modell A) | PiBS WING |
Gruppenleiter*in Abrechnung & Reporting | 9112-00 |
Gruppenleiter*inStrahlenüberwachung Areal West | 9642-05 |
Naturwissenschaftler*in, Ingenieur*in80 – 100 % | 9623-02 |
Hardware development group leader (80 – 100 %) | 8222-00 |
Software Ingenieur*in | 3606-00 | |
PhD StudentCobalt Depletion by inorganic sorbents | 4702-00 | |
Gruppenleiter*in Hardware Entwicklung (80 – 100 %) | 8222-00 | |
Postdoctoral Researcher (EPFL)Superconducting Magnet Design | – | |
Postdoctoral FellowTuning Quantum Materials by Hydrostatic and Uniaxial Pressure | 3601-00 | |
Projektassistenz Baumanagement80 – 100 % | 9210-01 | |
Gruppenleiter*in Restauration und Catering | 9173‐00 | |
Projektleiter*in Bauherrenvertretung80 – 100 % | 9210-00 | |
Technische*n Mitarbeiter*inStrahlenschutzfachkraft | 9641-00 | |
Assistent*in 60 % – 80 % | 8100-00 |
Senior Embedded Software Engineer 80-100 % | 8211-00 |
Elektronik-Techniker*in 80-100% | 8223-01 |
Techniker*in für supraleitende Magnete | 8433-01 |
Postdoctoral FellowDevelopment of micro- and nanofabrication technologies | 6712-00 |
PhD StudentApplying machine-learning techniques in developing models for severe accident analysis | 4103-00 |
Postdoctoral Fellow Ultrafast Processes in Laser Manufacturing 80-100% | 8123-00 |
ScientistTenure Track | 3303-00 |
Postdoctoral FellowFinite Element Modeling of Residual Stress in Multiple Pass Dissimilar Metal Welding | 4603-02 |
Instrument Scientist (Tenure Track)Ultrafast atomic, molecular and non – linear science at the Maloja endstation | 6415-00 |
Postdoctoral FellowProject ’Exploration of Magnetic Topologies by Neutron Scattering’ | 3301-01 |
PhD StudentProject ’Exploration of Magnetic Topologies by Neutron Scattering’ | 3301-00 |
TraineeHTS magnetic shield for muons injection channel | 8431-T1 |
TraineeHigh gradient RF guns for Future Particle Accelerators | 8414-T2 |
Polymechanikerin – Polymechaniker EFZ | – |
TraineeDevelopment of a low β RF cavity for the SLS linac | 8414-T1 |
Postdoctoral Fellowon synchrotron studies of heterostructure quantum materials | 6516-00 |