The University of Basel in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD and Academic Positions, offers attractive terms of employment and supports the advancement of staff.

Postdoctoral Researcher (FTE)

Professorship in Ibero-Romance and General Linguistics 75 % (open rank)

Professur für Iberoromanische und Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft 75% (open rank)

Professorship for Neurology

Professur für Neurologie

Studentische Hilfsassistenz Human Resources

PhD Candidate Forensic Psychology 100%

Postdoctoral Researcher in Forensic Psychology 100% or part-time

Assistent*in Professur für Öffentliches Recht mit Schwerpunkt Life Sciences-Recht

Fachpersonal für Innere Medizin/ Sportmedizin zur medizinischen Promotion

Postdoctoral researcher in Comparative Single-Cell Genomics and Embryonic Gene Regulation

PhD position in Embryonic Gene Regulation, Tissue Maturation and EcoEvoDevo

2 Doctoral positions in Latin and Greek Literature

Postdoctoral position in Latin and Greek Literature

Betriebsleiter*in für den Botanischen Garten der Universität Basel

Hilfsassistenz (12 Std./Woche)

2 Student Research Assistant Positions

Flow Cytometry Assistant

Electrophysiology Research Associate / Assistant

Hilfsassistent*in Forschungsdekanat

Leiter*in Accounting & Cash 100%

Three doctoral research assistants


PhD position on quantum sensing of biomolecules and their chemical stimuli (P2403) 100%

PhD or Postdoctoral position, Machine learning in the Social Sciences and Humanities, 60%

HR Specialist 80 – 100%

Postdoc position in Cardiovascular Molecular Imaging 100%

Kursleitung Deutschschweizerische Gebärdensprache/DSGS

Postdoc position in sustainable agri-food system governance 100%

2 PhD positions in Sustainability Research, focus on sustainable agri-food system governance 100%

PhD position on artificial photosynthesis at sub-zero temperatures within cryo-protective lipidic mesophase nanoconfinement (P2406) 100%

Pflegefachperson für reisemedizinische Beratung 50-60%

Project Lead (100%)

Doktorand/-in 100% im Bereich Bewegungsphysiologie

Postdoctoral Researcher in Environmental Economics

PhD position in Environmental Economics

PhD position: Spin waves get a twist! (P2402) 100 %

IT-Mitarbeiter*in 70%

Veterinär*in Versuchstierhaltungen

PhD Candidate Statistics & Data Science 100%