Easy windows Screen Capture tool .
Month: January 2017
Multiply one number by whole column in excel .
Divide whole column in excel by one number
Convert Vertical data into Horizontal in Excel (Vice Versa) .
Save picture from word document
Laboratory Tricks: Simple method for measuring Hematocrit (PCV) Value
Hamaturia, pyuria and urate crystals in urine .
Laboratory tricks: Centrifugation of 1.5 ml (Eppendorf) tube in an Ordinary Centrifuge
Strongyle sp. (Strongylus) larva and Fasciola sp. eggs
Strongyle sp. (Strongylus) larva in Egg
Fasciola egg بويضات الديدان الكبدية
Ascaris Egg (Parascaris equorum) بويضات دودة الأسكارس
Acid base balance (Part 2): Steps for Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) Analysis !!! .
Acid base balance (Part 1): Metabolic and respiratory acidosis and alkalosis !!! .