Karolinska Institute in Sweden invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions, a research-led medical university in Solna within the Stockholm urban area of Sweden

PositionAvdelningSista ansökningsdatum
Postdoctoral Researcher in regenerative medicine for spinal cord injuryDivision of Neurogeriatric2022-10-23
Postdoctoral Researcher in regenerative bioinformaticsDivision of Neurogeriatric2022-10-23
Research Assistant in BiostatisticsDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics2022-10-24
Postdoctoral Researcher in BiostatisticsDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics2022-10-24
Postdoctoral studies in tumor microenvironment (scholarship)Department of Oncology-Pathology2022-11-01
Research Specialist in Stem Cell BiologyDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge2022-11-30
Project manager at Karolinska InstitutetDepartment of Oncology-Pathology2022-10-12
Research Engineers with frontend, backend or automation profileDepartment of Oncology-Pathology2022-10-13
Postdoktor till nationell multicenterstudieRespiratory medicine division2022-10-13
Postdoctoral studies in Cardiovascular research (scholarship)Cardiology division2022-10-13
Postdoctoral Researcher in Cardiovascular researchCardiology division2022-10-13
Doctoral (PhD) student position in computational screening of cancer mutationsDepartment of Oncology-Pathology2022-10-13
Doctoral (PhD) student position in next generation sequencing methods for the development of a novel biomaterialDepartment of Biosciences and Nutrition2022-10-13
PhD position in genomics of major depression subtypesDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics2022-10-14
Doctoral (PhD) student position in the area of dermatology and medical diagnosticsDepartment of Medicine, Solna2022-10-14
Postdoctoral Researcher in the aria of diagnostics of psoriasis vulgaris and psoriatic arthritisMedical Inflammation Research2022-10-14
Postdoctoral studies in spatial multi-omics (scholarship).Department of Women´s and Children’s Health2022-10-14
Postdoctoral Researcher/The Strategic Research Programme for Diabetes (4)at one of KI’s departments2022-10-15
Postdoctoral Researcher in BiophysicsDepartment of Women´s and Children’s Health2022-10-15
Postdoktor till projekt inom omvårdnadDivision of Nursing2022-10-15
Title TAManagement of Karolinska Institutet2022-10-15
Postdoctoral studies in Targeting the Ubiquitin-Proteasome System with Small Molecules (scholarship)Dantuma2022-10-16
Specialisttandläkare i OrtodontiDepartment of Dental Medicine2022-10-16
Doktorandplats vid tandhygienistprogrammetDepartment of Dental Medicine2022-10-16
Forskarsutbildningshandläggare till Sveriges största medicinska universitetDepartment of Medicine, Solna2022-10-18
HR-administratör till Karolinska InstitutetDepartment of Oncology-Pathology2022-10-18
Doctoral (PhD) student position in psychiatric epidemiologyDepartment of Clinical Neuroscience2022-10-18
Title TADepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics2022-10-19
Title TADepartment of Laboratory Medicine2022-10-19
Doctoral student in digital prostate pathologyDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics2022-10-19
Postdoctoral Researcher in Cognitive NeuroscienceDepartment of Clinical Neuroscience2022-10-20
PositionAvdelningSista ansökningsdatum
Projektsamordnare/klinisk prövningsledare/CTA i KARMA-projektetDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics2022-10-03
Research specialist in BacteriologyHenriques Normark2022-10-03
Research assistant in RNA and DNA biologyFarnebo (MFA)2022-10-03
Handläggare för arbetsmiljö- och utbildningsrättsliga frågorUtbildning/forskarutbildningsstöd2022-10-03
Title TADepartment of Laboratory Medicine2022-10-04
Professor in clinical diabetology combined with clinical employment as specialist physician at Karolinska University Hospital HuddingeDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge2022-10-04
Postdoctoral Researcher to the Department of Microbiology, Tumor- and Cell biologySchlisio2022-10-04
Djurteknisk specialist (vikariat)Department of Comparative Medicine2022-10-04
Utbildningsadministratör till CPF FortbildningDepartment of Clinical Neuroscience2022-10-04
Administratör till enheten för logopediDepartment for Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology2022-10-04
Postdoctoral Researcher in Alzheimer PET ImagingDivision of Clinical Geriatric2022-10-05
Statistician to MedStat, LIMEDepartment of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics2022-10-05
Ekonomihandläggare med inriktning mot internationell forskningsfinansieringDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics2022-10-05
HR-administratörDepartment of Clinical Neuroscience2022-10-05
Postdoctoral Researcher in Circadian Biology and MetabolismDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge2022-10-06
Research Assistant position in stem cells and erythropoiesis in MDSDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge2022-10-06
Postdoctoral Researcher in genetic epidemiologyDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics2022-10-07
Klinisk psykolog till forskningsprojekt om internet-KBT för astma (50%)Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics2022-10-07
Doctoral (PhD) student position in Biostatistics/EpidemiologyDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics2022-10-09
Research assistant position in an immunology labDepartment of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology2022-10-10
Karolinska Institutet söker 1–2 inköpssamordnare (juniora upphandlare)Ekonomiavdelningen2022-10-10
Bioinformatiker (vikariat) till Clinical Genomics StockholmClinical Genomics Facility2022-10-11
Title TADepartment of Dental Medicine2022-10-11
Research Engineer in Deep Learning for Ultrasound Image AnalysisDepartment of Clinical Science and Education, Södersjukhuset2022-10-12
Project manager at Karolinska InstitutetDepartment of Oncology-Pathology2022-10-12
PositionAvdelningSista ansökningsdatum
Amanuens inom bioinformatikDepartment of Molecular Medicine and Surgery2022-09-30
ForskningsassistentDepartment of Clinical Neuroscience2022-09-30
Postdoctoral Research Scholar in Translational Lung Cancer Research (scholarship)Department of Oncology-Pathology2022-09-30
BioinformaticianMing Wai Lau Centre for Reparative Medicine2022-09-30
PhD position in Health economics/EpidemiologyDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics2022-09-30
Project coordinatorDepartment of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics2022-09-30
Doctoral (PhD) student position in EpidemiologyDepartment of Medicine, Solna2022-09-30
Laboratory technician cell assaysRheumatology division2022-09-30
Systemutvecklare (backend/fullstack) till arbete med precisionsmedicinClinical Genomics Facility2022-09-30
Gruppchef Förvaltning, IT-avdelningenIT-avdelningen2022-09-30
SystemadministratörClinical Genomics Facility2022-09-30
Postdoctoral studies in Cancer Genetics (scholarship) – for Ukranian researcherDepartment of Molecular Medicine and Surgery2022-09-30
Postdoctoral studies in immunology with focus on innate responses following vaccination (scholarship)Department of Medicine, Huddinge2022-10-01
Postdoctoral studies in Neuroinflammation, with focus on resolving inflammation in the brain (scholarship)Division of Neurogeriatric2022-10-01
Postdoctoral studies in immunology with focus on immunotherapy for cancer (scholarship)Mikael Karlsson2022-10-02
Driven HR-partner till Karolinska InstitutetDepartment of Global Public Health2022-10-02
Tandsköterska till kliniken för barn- och ungdomDepartment of Dental Medicine2022-10-02
Enhetschef för antagning, examen och disputationUtbildning/forskarutbildningsstöd2022-10-02
Research assistant to the Clinical Epidemiology DivisionClinical Epidemiology division2022-10-02
Forskningsassistent till Karolinska InstitutetDepartment of Oncology-Pathology2022-10-03
Postdoctoral position in the Nordic Brain Network group: brain imaging data in the context of clinical cohorts and trials, for personalized dementia prediction modellingDivision of Clinical Geriatric2022-10-03
Internationell handläggare för in- och utbytesstudierUtbildning/forskarutbildningsstöd2022-10-03
Research specialist in BacteriologyHenriques Normark2022-10-03

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