The University of Oulu in Sweden invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Faculty Positions, one of the largest universities in Finland, located in the city of Oulu, Finland
Open positions
Postdoctoral Researcher positions in 6G wireless communications and signal processing
Doctoral Researcher Positions in 6G Wireless Communications and Signal Processing
Postdoctoral researcher, Research Unit of Population Health
Väitöskirjatutkija (MotoR -hanke)
Doctoral Researcher in System on Chip (SoC) technology wireless systems
Postdoctoral Researcher in System on Chip (SoC) Technology Wireless Systems
Kliininen opettaja, Naistentaudit ja synnytykset – oppiaine
Doctoral Researcher, Marie Curie (MSCA) doctoral network NADIS (DC4)
Postdoctoral Researcher Position in Video-based Computer Vision for primary healthcare
Postdoctoral Researcher in Hyper-local Edge Computing for Distributed 6G applications
Doctoral researcher in Gender Studies
Postdoctoral Researcher, Empirical Software Engineering in Software, Systems and Services
Doctoral Researcher, Empirical Software Engineering in Software, Systems and Services
Postdoctoral Researcher in Marketing
Postdoctoral Researchers in 6G Wireless Connectivity
Yliopistonlehtori, Rakentamistalous
Postdoctoral Researchers in RF Wireless System and RFIC Transceiver Design, Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
Doctoral Researchers in RF, RFIC and Antenna Design, Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
Postdoctoral Researchers, ERC and Academy Finland funded Ultrafast Laplace NMR project
Doctoral researcher, Water, Energy and Environmental Engineering (WE3) Research Unit
Doctoral Researchers, I4WORLD Imaging and Characterisation for a Sustainable World at the University of Oulu.
Postdoctoral researcher, Protein and Structural Biology research unit
Part-Time University Teacher of English
Postdoctoral Researcher in sustainable energy systems
Doctoral Researcher in Beyond 5G/6G Wireless Networks
Finland Fellowship Doctoral Researcher position, Health and Biosciences Doctoral Programme
Finland Fellowship Doctoral Researcher position, Human Sciences Doctoral Programme
Finland Fellowship Doctoral Researcher position, Technology and Natural Sciences Doctoral Programme
Finland Fellowship Doctoral Researcher position, Information Technology and Electrical Engineering Doctoral Programme
Postdoctoral Researcher in Mineral Processing in the Oulu Mining School
Postdoctoral Researcher in environmental research in epidemiology, TRIGGER project, Research Unit of Population Health
Projektitutkijoita, 5G/6G-Testiverkon Asiantuntijoita
Koulutusassistentti, Koulutuspalvelut
Coordinator, Frontiers of Resilience Program
Coordinator, Hybrid Intelligence Program
A Doctoral researcher position for a research project “The potential of non-native pink salmon to boost Arctic ecosystems”, in Ecology and Genetics Research Unit/ Faculty of Science and Kvantum Institute, University of Oulu
Doctoral Researcher for T-Capsules: Granulated Mine Tailings as Solid CO2 Adsorbents and Their Performance/Recyclability as Secondary Aggregate in Concrete Production, in Fibre and Particle Engineering Research Unit, Faculty of Technology and Kvantum…
Doctoral Researcher for “Hybrid Microbial Electrochemical Technology Constructed Wetland (HyMETland)”, in the Water Energy and Environmental Engineering Research Unit, Faculty of Technology and Kvantum Institute
Doctoral researcher position in Gender Studies in a research project ’A Spitting Image: Direct-to-consumer DNA testing and new networks of kinship (A-SPIT)’ in the unit Values, Ideologies and Social Contexts of Education and Eudaimonia institute,…
Doctoral Researcher for “Ionospheric Electric Currents and Their Dependence on Interplanetary Magnetic Field: Measurements and Modeling in Different Spatial Scales (ICONIC)”, in Space Physics and Astronomy Research Unit/ Faculty of Science and Kvantum…
Doctoral Researcher, The molecular bases of fertility, Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine and Biocenter Oulu, University of Oulu
Doctoral Researcher for What a healthy future city feels like?, in the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering and Infotech Oulu
Doctoral researcher in Bayesian Deep Learning for Opportunistic Disease Screening at the Research Unit of Health Sciences and Technology and Infotech Oulu
Doctoral Researcher, for project examining central nervous system immunity in viral encephalitis, Research Unit of Biomedicine, Faculty of Medicine and Biocenter Oulu, University of Oulu
Two Postdoctoral Researchers for INTERACT