Kubus im Wissenschaftspark in Leipzig
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Germany invites application for vacant PhD and Postdoctoral Positions, UFZ covers both basic research and applied research
Student Assistant (f/m/x) Soil Ecology
Postdoc / Senior Scientist (f/m/x)
The working group Electrobiotechnology (Department of Environmental Microbiology) is are looking for a postdoctoral researcher being a chemist or engineer to propel the field of electrobiorefineries.
Postdoc (f/m/x) in Microbial Modelling
The department Environmental Microbiology is seeking a postdoc in metabolic modelling starting 01.06.2023. The position should strengthen our in silico team focusing on quantitative description of biotechnological processes and microbial catalysts.
Scientist (f/m/x) Data Integration and Synthesis
PhD Reseacher (f/m/x) to test novel measurement methodology and technologies with the aim of directly measuring gas diffusion coefficients on a larger scale in soil.
PhD Researcher (m/f/x) within DN ROOTED
Master Thesis / Student assistant (f/m/x) – Ecology / Ecotoxicology: PARC
Master Thesis / Student assistant (f/m/x) – Ecology / Ecotoxicology: Green Deal