Project description
This project is a part of the so-called Severe Nuclear Accident group in our division, at the department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Previous activities have included the detailed behaviour of e.g. iodine, ruthenium, and tellurium during the progression of a severe nuclear accident. The current project is more focussed on the long term safety after a severe accident, including when a core melt has occurred. This melt can have different compositions depending on the accident scenario. Furthermore, the leaching condition is highly dependent on the post-acctident conditions. We aim at increasing the understanding of the long term safety after a nuclear accident, as well as finding mitigating activities. The work will takeplace within an international community where interactions with other relevant projects will be included..
Major responsibilities
As a PhD student you are supposed to focus on the research questions relating to your project. In this case the fabrication and leaching of nuclear core melts. It is expected that a variety of different core melt compositions will be produced based on nuclear accident scenario. These different melt simulates will be subjected to detailed leaching stduies to elucidate the behaviour of both actinides as well as fission product leaching under different conditions. There will be considerable hands-on laboratory work involving radioactive nuclides which will be performed in dedicated laboratories with special requirements. In addition, as a PhD student you are supposed to take an active part in the teaching of both B.Sc. and M.Sc. students and be included in some departemental work.
You are expected to have graduated as M.Sc. in Chemistry or Chemical engineering or similar preferably with Nuclear Chemistry as specialty, or Nuclear Physics, or Reactor Physics or related fields. Experience in radioactive work and sol-gel processing is meritous.
Applications without a documented knowledge in practical chemical laboratory work will be systematically disregarded.
Ability to work in a multi-cultural environment is desirable.
Fluency in English is mandatory, fluency/knowledge of a Nordic language would be meritous as well
Please observe: Since the department is also a nuclear facility, only citizens of the countries who are signatory of Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons can apply and be considered for the position. Please check the status of your country before applying.
Contract terms
Full-time temporary employment. The position is limited to a maximum of five years.
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Application procedure
The application should be marked with Ref 20230400 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as PDF-files, as below. Maximum size for each file is 40 MB. Please note that the system does not support Zip files.
CV: (Please name the document: CV, Family name, Ref. number)
• CV
• Other, for example previous employments or leadership qualifications and positions of trust.
• Two references that we can contact.
Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself
• Describe your previous experience of relevance for the position (e.g. education, thesis work and, if applicable, any other research activities)
• Describe your future goals and future research focus
Other documents:
• Copies of bachelor and/or master’s thesis.
• Attested copies and transcripts of completed education, grades and other certificates, e.g. TOEFL test results.
Please use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.
Application deadline: 2023-09-15
For questions, please contact:
Professor Christian Ekberg,
che@chalmers.se, 031-7722801
*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. ***
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