The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions, the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences within Switzerland
Description | Code digit | Pensum |
Postdoctoral Fellow | 7100-00 | 100 |
Postdoctoral FellowInvestigation of the stress corrosion cracking and environmental-assisted fatigue behaviour of stainless steels in primary pressurized water reactor environment | 4603-01 | 100 |
PhD StudentAdvanced iron-zeolites for NOx control in exhaust gases | 5100-00 | 100 |
Technische*n Fachspezialist*in50 % | 9672-00 | 50 |
Mitarbeiter*in Housekeeping36.56% | 9233-00 | 30 – 40 |
Process EngineerCleanroom technology, 80 ‐ 100 % | 6711-01 | 80 – 100 |
Gruppenleiter*in | 9642-05 | 100 |
Doktorand*in | 5102-01 | 100 |
Postdoctoral FellowAviation emission impacts on air quality at airports | 5502-02 | 100 |
PhD StudentEnrollment at the University of Zurich | 3502-01 | 100 |
Mitarbeiter*in Unterhaltsreinigung36.56% | 9231-00 | 30 – 40 |
Miterzieher*in (Springer*in)60 – 100 % | 1302-08 | 60 – 100 |
Leiter*in der Gruppe Warenannahme und Postdienste | – | 100 |
Fachspezialist*in Entsorgung80 % – 100 % | 9640-01 | 80 – 100 |
Ingenieur*in HLK oder Maschineningenieur*in 60-100% | 9350-00 | 60 – 100 |
ScientistBWR Core Safety Assessment | 4102-01 | 100 |
ICT Supporter*in | 9510-00 | 100 |
PhD StudentIn situ / operando characterization of catalysts | 5105-00 | 100 |
IT System Engineer / Application Manager80 – 100 % | 1715-00 | 80 – 100 |
Scientific Software Engineer | 3604-03 | 100 |
Postdoctoral FellowPrecision calculations for lepton scattering | 3201‐00 | 100 |
Postdoctoral FellowData Science for synchrotron-based X-ray spectroscopy | 6416-00 | 100 |
PhD Student | 2411-00 | 100 |
PhD StudentIntegrated Assessment Modelling in view of carbon neutrality and international low carbon fuel trade | 4502-04 | 100 |
Laborant*in60 % | 2317-00 | 60 |
Postdoctoral FellowAtmosphere-Biosphere Interactions | 5500-00 | 80 – 100 |
Scientist (Tenure Track)Atmospheric Chemistry | 5500-01 | 80 – 100 |
Postdoctoral Fellowon Net-Zero GHG emission target, life cycle and externalities assessment | 4501-03 | 100 |
Postdoctoral FellowFor particle physics research on the CMS experiment | 3202-01 | 100 |
PhD student in Applied Superconductivity EPFLPhD Topic: Research and Development on Superconducting Magnets Based on High-Current Nb3Sn Rutherford Cables | – | 100 |
PhD Studentin Experimental Physics | 3501-02 | 100 |
Kontrollraum Techniker*in80-100 % | 8111-01 | 80 – 100 |
Fachfrau – Fachmann Betreuung EFZ,Fachrichtung Kinder | – | 100 |
Elektroinstallateurin – Elektroinstallateur EFZ | – | 100 |
Polymechanikerin – Polymechaniker EFZ | – | 100 |
Informatikerin – Informatiker EFZPlattformentwicklung | – | 100 |
Fachfrau – Fachmann Betriebsunterhalt EFZ,Fachrichtung Hausdienst | – | 100 |
Laborantin – Laborant EFZFachrichtung Chemie | – | 100 |