Technical University of Denmark in Denmark invites application for vacant PhD and Postdocs Positions, a university in Kongens Lyngby, among Europe’s leading engineering institutions.
Direktionskonsulent til DTU Vind og EnergisystemerRoskilde, Denmark Posted on 11/10/2023Har du et strategisk mindset, er du struktureret og med skarpe formulerings- og koordineringsevner? Vil du gerne arbejde et sted, som har en central rolle i den grønne omstilling? Har du en akademisk baggrund og kendskab til vind- og/eller energibranchen? Så er dette måske det helt rigtige job til dig.
Lab Production Associate (Academic Technician) – DTU BioengineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/10/2023We seek to employ an academic technician to be responsible for the recombinant production of proteins pipeline within enzyme technology at DTU Bioengineering.
PhD Student in Wind Turbine Load Surrogate for Wind Farm Control – DTU WindRoskilde, Denmark Posted on 11/10/2023Are you a curious, self-driven individual with a strong passion for developing sustainable energy solutions? The Department of Wind and Energy Systems at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) invites applications for a PhD position focused on the creation of a Wind Turbine Load Surrogate for Wind Farm Control. This is your opportunity to make a significant contribution towards improving wind farm efficiency and sustainability.
Data Engineer with a flair for DevOps for Research Portal Denmark – IT Service (AIT)Roskilde, Denmark Posted on 11/10/2023Are you passionate about developing open-source software for research information infrastructures, working closely with a global community of developers and data providers? Then you might be our new team member to join the Research Portal Denmark team.
PhD scholarship in Computer Vision with Deep Learning for Human-Machine Collaboration – DTU ComputeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/10/2023Do you want to advance the state-of-the-art research in computer vision systems using human-machine collaboration? The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) invites you to apply for a fully funded 3-year PhD position. The position is funded by the Sapere Aude: DFF-Starting grant. The position is offered at DTU, in the Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, at the Visual Computing Group, and will work closely with researchers from the Pioneer Centre for AI.
Postdoc in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology – DTU ChemistryKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/10/2023We are at the forefront of investigating the 47-residue N-terminus in tryptophan hydroxylase isoform 2 (TPH2) – crucial for serotonin synthesis. As a postdoctoral researcher, you’ll collaborate with University of Copenhagen, using NMR, SAXS, and in-silico modeling to uncover the N-terminus’ role.
Associate Professor or DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Sustainable Organic Coatings – DTU Chemical EngineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/10/2023The Technical University of Denmark solicits applications for the above tenured position created to support the further development of the department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering as a leading international department in the field of chemical and biochemical product technology with special focus on organic coatings.
Associate Professor or DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Sustainable Polymer Technology – DTU Chemical EngineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/10/2023The Technical University of Denmark solicits applications for the above tenured position created to support the further development of the department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering as a leading international department in the field of chemical and biochemical product and process technology with a particular focus on polymeric materials.
Studentermedhjælper til administrative opgaver – DTU FysikKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/10/2023Vi søger en struktureret og selvstændig studentermedhjælper til at hjælpe os med at opdatere vores hjemmeside, kommunikationsopgaver og andre forefaldende opgaver i forbindelse med projekter.
Finmekanikerlærling – DTU FysikKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/10/2023Ønsker du en afvekslende hverdag og har lyst til at arbejde på en arbejdsplads, som tilbyder udfordrende og spændende opgaver for medarbejdere og studerende på Danmarks Tekniske Universitet? Så er du måske DTU’s kommende finmekanikerlærling?
Senior Researcher in High Energy Astrophysics – DTU SpaceKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/09/2023The Division for Astrophysics and Atmospheric Physics at DTU Space is hiring a Senior Researcher in the field of high-energy astrophysics with an emphasis on operation, calibration, software development, and scientific exploitation of X-ray satellite data.
Postdoc in Petrophysical modelling – DTU OffshoreKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/09/2023In the future the focus of the offshore industry will be on safe/reliable continued oil & gas recovery from increasingly lower reservoir quality rock, subsurface CO2 storage, and hydrocarbon field abandonment. For these focus areas it is key to understand the flow potential of tight rocks to access production potential and prevent leakage.
PhD scholarship in Physics, Biophysics, Nanofluidics and Optical Microscopy Applied to Biological Particles – DTU Health TechKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/09/2023A fully funded 3-year PhD scholarship is available at DTU Health Tech in the group “Nanofluidics and Bioimaging” dealing with physics, biophysics, fluorescence microscopy. The PhD scholarship is supported by the Novo Nordisk Foundation NERD 2021 programme awarded to Associate Professor and group leader Rodolphe Marie. Earliest starting date is 1 March 2024.
Funding support med fokus på fundraising og projektsupport – DTU ComputeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/09/2023Er du struktureret, nysgerrig og har skarpe koordineringsevner? Har du erfaring og interesse for fundraising og projektopfølgning af EU-bevillinger? Og drømmer du om et spændende og alsidigt job med selvstændigt ansvar og tæt kontakt til forskere? Så er jobbet som Funding supporter hos DTU Compute måske det helt rigtige for dig.
Research Assistant in Application of UV-C to decontaminate milk and plant-based liquids – DTU FoodKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/09/2023Do you want to be involved in the testing and implementation of new ways to inactivate microorganisms in liquid foods such as milk and plant-based drinks? Then look here, as we have an opening for a research assistant to work on projects that seek to exploit the use of UV-C for this purpose.
DTU Tenure Track Researcher or Senior researcher in Human Health Risk Assessment of GMO: plant and microbes for food and feed – DTU FoodKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/09/2023DTU Food is looking for a researcher/senior researcher for research in GMO and adviser on GMO for food and feed. The successful candidate will join the Research Group for Microbial Biotechnology and Biorefining, working mainly in the area of future safe and sustainable food production.
GUDP Research Assistant position for Extraction of Proteins and other Nutrients from Jellyfish – DTU Chemical EngineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/09/2023If you are an ambitious engineer who would like to develop your career on a solid basis of knowledge of unit operations for separation and purification of proteins with high interest at industrial level, this position funded by the Green Development and Demonstration Program (GUDP) is the perfect one to fulfill your dreams and ambitions.
Koordinator for besøg og intern kommunikation – DTU WindRoskilde, Denmark Posted on 11/08/2023Er du god til at udvikle, koordinere og styre små og store processer, og er du serviceminded? Så har vi et job til dig, hvor du kommer til at håndtere vores interne kommunikation og arrangementer.
PhD in Modelling and grid service provision of converter-dominated power plants – DTU WindRoskilde, Denmark Posted on 11/08/2023Are you a talented, self-motivated, and team-oriented person, who thrives in a collaborative environment and enjoys working with complex topics? We seek a PhD student to contribute to the development of next-generation renewable-energy power plants, which combine different co-located converter-interfaced energy resources.
Postdoc in Experimental Photonic Quantum Computing – DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/08/2023A motivated postdoctoral researcher is needed to join our team working on a quantum computer project focused on using 3D entangled cluster states to overcome technical and conceptual challenges. The candidate will conduct experimental research and develop new algorithms using hybrid detection techniques to explore the potential of 3D clusters for quantum computing.
Teamleder for Team Chemistry – DTU EnergiKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/08/2023Vi arbejder med at udvikle morgendagens energiteknologier – vil du være med? Kan du samtidig sætte retning for og motivere vores team af laboranter og kemiingeniører, og brænder du for at spille en væsentlig rolle i at drive løbende forbedringer i vores kemi-laboratorier? Så søg stillingen som teamleder på DTU Energi.
Postdoc(s) in PtX process modeling, control, and system integration – DTU WindKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/08/2023In Section for Power-to-X and Storage at DTU Wind and Energy Systems, we seek candidates for Postdoc positions in PtX process modeling, control, and integration into energy networks, e.g., electrical power grid, district heating and gas networks.
Laborant/akademiker til forskning i bioaktive stoffer på DTU FødevareinstituttetKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/08/2023Vi søger en laborant/akademiker med flair og interesse for instrumentelle analyser. Du vil en del af en gruppe med godt sammenhold og blive tilknyttet projekter indenfor harskning af fødevarer, stabilitet og biotilgængelighed af vitaminer, udnyttelse af nye marine biomasser og side-strømme fra fødevareindustrien til produktion af nye ingredienser.
Postdoc for Electrochemical Gas Cleaning Group – DTU Chemical EngineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/08/2023We are looking for 1-2 skilled postdoc(s) for our electrochemical gas cleaning group. CO2 capture and Power-to-X will play important roles in the green energy transition. As postdoc at DTU Chemical Engineering you will support the development of these technologies.
Servicemedarbejder til DTU KemiKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/08/2023Ser du dig selv indgå i en enhed, hvor du i et samarbejde med dine nærmeste kollegaer er medansvarlig for at servicere instituttets brugere Så er det dig vi leder efter! DTU Kemi søger en servicemedarbejder der kan bidrage til den daglige drift og vedligehold af bygninger, kontorer og laboratorier.
Research Coordinator/Fundraiser for KT-Consortium – DTU Chemical EngineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/08/2023We seek for an ambitious research co-ordinator/fundraiser for KT-Consortium. KT Consortium is a cross-center activity (AT-CERE and PROSYS) at the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering of DTU.
Studenterstudievejleder til DTU Karrierecenter – Afd. for Uddannelse og StuderendeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/08/2023Kan du lide at vejlede og vil du gøre en forskel for dine medstuderende? Er du fleksibel, servicemindet samt engageret, og kan du lide at have selvstændigt ansvar og en bred kontaktflade? Så er du måske DTU Karrierecenters nye studenterstudievejleder, som vi allerede glæder os til at få ombord!
DTU Tenure Track Researcher in Applied Thermodynamics for Modelling Complex Electrolyte and Aqueous Systems – DTU Chemical EngineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/08/2023At DTU Chemical Engineering, we are in the forefront of applied thermodynamics covering a wide range of models and applications. You are an experienced researcher in the area of applied thermodynamics with emphasis on association models, electrolytes and water properties. You have a track record of publications in high level journals in several of the aforementioned topics.
Postdoc(s) in N2 activation into NH3 and/or NOx using Photo or Electrochemical Approaches – DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/08/2023In Surface Physics & Catalysis section (SurfCat) at DTU Physics, we seek candidates for postdoc positions in N2 activation into NH3 and/or NOx using Photo or Electrochemical Approaches.
Postdoc(s) for Fundamental Studies of Mass-Selected Clusters/Nanoparticles for Heterogeneous Catalysis – DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/08/2023In Surface Physics & Catalysis section (SurfCat) at DTU Physics, we seek candidates for postdoc positions with a Surface Science background for fundamental studies of mass-selected clusters/nanoparticles for heterogeneous catalysis.
PhD position in Frequency Modulated Optical Phased Array for Fast CO2 Sensing – DTU ElectroRoskilde, Denmark Posted on 11/07/2023PhD position in Frequency Modulated optical phased array for fast CO2 sensing, start date planned for March 2024. This Ph.D. project will take place at DTU Electro, Risø Campus. Apart from the time at DTU there will be secondments at the Technical University Eindhoven and at Thales, France. There will also be common meetings with the other 9 Ph.D. students in the doctoral network, including 3 training schools.
Head of Radiopharmaceuticals and Radionuclides – DTU Health TechRoskilde, Denmark Posted on 11/07/2023Hevesy Laboratory at DTU Health Tech is currently seeking a senior chemist with management experience and expertise in working in GMP-compliant radiopharmaceutical units with multiple cyclotrons and a wide range of radiopharmaceuticals and radionuclide products.
Postdoc in microstructure and physical stability of emulsions – DTU FoodKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/07/2023DTU Food and KMC are looking for a post doc for a 2-year project that aims to understand how potato starch can be modified to provide optimal physical stability to food emulsions. The work will include investigation of the microstructure of emulsions stabilized with different modified starches.
PhD Scholarship in Experimental Quantum Photonics Reservoir Computing – DTU ElectroKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/07/2023One numerical PhD position is available at Technical University of Denmark on Quantum Photonics Reservoir Computing within the project QUARCOM, a collaboration between the DTU and Aarhus University.
Generalist (AC) til arbejde med ansvarlig forskningspraksis – Afd. for Forskning, Rådgivning og InnovationKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/07/2023Har du lyst til at være med til at styrke DTU’s arbejde med ansvarlig forskningspraksis? Som medarbejder skal du understøtte og videreudvikle DTU’s ramme for ansvarlig forskningspraksis, herunder arbejde med håndteringen af etiske krav til forskningsprojekter finansieret af danske fonde eller under det europæiske rammeprogram for forskning og innovation.
Associate Professor or DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Daylighting and Lighting in Buildings – DTU SustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/07/2023We are looking for a candidate to teach and carry out research on the association between daylighting and lighting in buildings and occupant comfort, health and performance. The focus of the position is also on the effects of combined stimuli from lighting and other indoor environment domains.
Postdoc in microbial natural product chemistry – DTU BioengineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/07/2023We’re seeking for a highly motivated natural product chemist to push the boundaries to develop Streptomyces and their bioactive metabolites as biostimulants to help crops grow better under stress caused by climate change. You will combine natural product chemistry, high throughput metabolomics, genome-mining and plant assays in your research.
Project and Event Coordinators – DTU EntrepreneurshipKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/07/2023We are seeking two structured and organized coordinators to support the program management of DTU Entrepreneurship’s programs: DTU Board Education, DTU X-Tech, and other executive events.
Postdoc in interoperable data infrastructures for accelerated development of sustainable energy materials – DTU EnergyKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/06/2023The section for Autonomous Materials Discovery (AMD) at DTU Energy is looking for an outstanding candidate for a postdoc within the field of data analytics applied to sustainable energy materials and devices with a strong link to atomistic simulations for the materials of the future.
Senior Researcher or Tenure Track Researcher in crustacean diseases and diagnostics – DTU AquaKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/06/2023The EU reference laboratory is looking for a new expert in crustacean diseases. We are looking for someone who would like to work with and conduct research on the diagnosis, identification and characterization of crustacean pathogens with special focus on molecular diagnostics. The selected candidate will be responsible for the EU reference lab for crustacean diseases, and be part of our extensive scientific network within fish and shellfish disease experts. We invite you to take part in our mission to promote a healthy and sustainable farming of crustaceans and other aquatic animals.
Studentermedhjælper til Studieadministrationen – Afd. for Uddannelse og StuderendeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/06/2023Studieadministrationen på DTU søger en struktureret og selvstændig studentermedhjælper til et ansvarsfuldt studiejob med start 1. januar 2024. Som studentermedhjælper skal du bistå teamet i Studieadministrationen i deres daglige opgaver. Jobbet spænder vidt, og du skal være klar til både at give en praktisk hånd og løse mere komplekse opgaver.
PhD Scholarship in Micro-single chamber solid oxide cells for IoT applications – DTU EnergyKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/06/2023Are you interested in nanotechnologies and innovative energy solutions? Are you wondering what the future energy technologies will be?
Postdoc in food mycology – DTU BiosustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/06/2023If you are excited about mycology, fungal biodiversity, sustainability, flavour, texture and food production – this position is for you. You will be working in a multidisciplinary team of enthusiastic scientists and chiefs in an excellent research environment.
Team Lead – cutting edge research data management – DTU BiosustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/06/2023Do you want major impact, freedom, work-life balance and flexibility? Do you know how to motivate and lead highly skilled experts in an international setting, and do you want to make an impact far beyond the average? If so, this job is tailored to you.
Dekan for bæredygtighed, diversitet, inklusion og talentudvikling samt internationale samarbejderKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/06/2023Vil du stå i spidsen for bæredygtighed og verdensomspændende strategiske samarbejder på et internationalt anerkendt teknisk universitet, til gavn for samfundet? Kan du skabe rammerne for fremtidens talentudvikling på en inkluderende og attraktiv arbejdsplads?
PhD scholarship in Recombinant production and biophysical and structural characterization of plant proteins – DTU BioengineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/06/2023Be part of a large international NNF-funded collaboration with the aim to improve our basic understanding of the properties of proteins in rapeseed, in order to allow their use in human nutrition. In this project you will contribute to the detailed biophysical characterization of recombinantly produced rapeseed proteins and variants thereof.
Postdoc in Climate Change, Adaptation and Human Health – DTU ManagementKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/06/2023The Division for Climate and Energy Policy at DTU Management offers one Postdoc position for a two-year period in the Climate Economics and Risk Management section. The position is part of the MAAT project (Maximising well-being with AI under deep climate turmoil).
DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Computational Proteomics and Degradomics – DTU BioengineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/03/2023We’re on the lookout for a dynamic researcher ready to explore and harness advanced degradomic workflows and steer protease design for innovative applications. As part of our team, you’ll elevate our analytical and computational expertise in protein science, creating state-of-the-art computational tools and data pipelines for the global scientific community.
PhD Student on Immersive Process Mining – DTU ComputeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/03/2023We are opening an exciting opportunity for a PhD position in the intersection of formal methods, business process management and human-computer interaction (HCI). This project will explore how Knowledge Intensive Processes (for instance, those processes executed in a hospital or a court) can be better modeled, simulated and proved correct.
Fundraiser til Forskningssekretariatet i DTU AquaKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/03/2023DTU Aquas Forskningssekretariat søger en fundraiser/forskningskoordinator til at assistere i ansøgningsfasen af alle typer af forskningsansøgninger, samt til administrativ projektledelse af EU-projekter som koordineres af DTU Aqua (typisk fra Horizon Europe programmet).
Udadvendt studentermedhjælper, der brænder for eventplanlægning og bæredygtighed – Afd. for Uddannelse og StuderendeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/03/2023Har du lyst til at arbejde med eventplanlægning, projektledelse og blive en central spiller i tilrettelæggelsen og gennemførelsen af studenterkonferencen GRØN DYST? Så er du måske den studentermedhjælper, vi mangler.
Program Manager – Executive Programs – DTU Learn for LifeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/03/2023We are looking for dynamic and dedicated Program Managers for our executive programs, where you will be a key resource for admissions, planning and delivery. You will be part of a team with highly skilled colleagues and our shared goal is to ensure that every cohort is delivered successfully and adds the highest possible value to the participants, faculty, and the organization.
Studentermedhjælper til teamet for executive programmer – DTU Learn for LifeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/03/2023Har du lyst til at arbejde med den kommercielle del af universitetsverdenen? Har du flair for projekter, økonomi og administration? Befinder du dig godt med mange forskellige opgaver og i en hverdag, hvor der hele tiden sker nye ting? Så er det måske dig, vi leder efter som studentermedhjælper til DTU Learn for Life.
Laborant til forskningsgruppen for fødevareproduktionsteknologi – DTU FødevareinstituttetKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/02/2023DTU Fødevareinstituttet søger en entusiastisk og engageret laborant til forskningsgruppen for fødevareproduktionsteknologi, hvor du vil skulle arbejde med både forskningsprojekter og studerende.
PhD scholarship in Individualization of Binaural Processing in Hearing-Aid and Cochlear-Implant Users – DTU Health TechKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/02/2023Are you passionate about integrating acoustics, signal processing and audiology to advance hearing healthcare for individuals with hearing impairment? The Hearing Systems Section at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) is looking for a suitable candidate for a 3-year PhD position.
Postdoc in CFD Modeling of Heterogeneous Systems – DTU Chemical EngineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/02/2023We are looking for a postdoc working on CFD modeling of heterogeneous systems that are relevant for energy intensive industry and coating products development and testing.
Laborant til fødevaremikrobiologi – DTU FødevareinstituttetKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/02/2023Som vores laborant vil du komme til at arbejde med en række spændende projekter, der sigter mod at forbedre holdbarheden og den mikrobiologiske fødevaresikkerhed af forskellige fødevarer inklusiv nye typer lavet af tang og plante-baserede råvarer.
PhD Scholarship in metabolomic based analysis of microbial secondary metabolites – DTU ChemistryKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/01/2023A 3-year PhD scholarship in NMR Spectroscopy and microbial secondary metabolites is available at the Department of Chemistry and CeMiSt (Center of Excellence – DNRF), Technical University of Denmark (DTU). The scope of the project is to investigate the secondary metabolome of microbes employing NMR spectroscopy as the main analytical technique.
Postdoc in Chip-Scale Microcomb Sources – DTU ElectroKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/01/2023The project is aimed at advancing chip-scale microcomb sources to serve emerging applications. Leveraging our previous success in low-power frequency comb generation, the primary focus is creating heterogeneously integrated lasers using micro-transfer printing technology.
Part-time employees to laboratory work – DTU Chemical EngineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/01/2023At CERE we are currently developing a world-leading research group in gas cleaning technologies. We are looking for 2-3 part-time employees who are interested in joining our team. The fixed weekly working hours are arranged according to your wishes.
Nytænkende brobygger mellem digital forskning og erhvervsliv – DTU ComputeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/01/2023DTU sætter de kommende år fokus på udvikling og anvendelse af nye digitale teknologier og kunstig intelligens. Indsatsen skal i samarbejde med forskningsmiljøerne på DTU få flere virksomheder til at skabe nye, innovative produkter og løsninger ved øget brug af kunstig intelligens og andres digitale teknologier. DTU Compute spiller en nøglerolle i denne indsats. Vi søger derfor en energisk projektleder, som har mod og evne til at opbygge, udvikle og drive en ambitiøs digital innovationsindsats.
Projektkoordinator til entrepreneurship aktiviteter (projektansættelse) – DTU ComputeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 11/01/2023Entrepreneurship på universiteter spiller en vigtig rolle for at skabe samfundsmæssig gavn af uddannelse og forskning. På DTU Compute arbejder vi med entrepreneurship på mange måder i samarbejde med bl.a. DTUs øvrige startup økosystem og den indsats vil vi styrke de kommende år. Det gælder fx ved at understøtte forskere i at etablere egne startups samt via kurser og events. Et af de events, vi ligger særlig vægt på er ”Digital Tech Summit” (DTS), der samler forskere virksomheder, startups og studerende til samarbejde inden for digitale teknologier.
Postdoc in Maximising Well-being with AI under Deep Climate Turmoil – MA’AT – DTU ManagementKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/31/2023We offer a two-year postdoc opportunity in the MA’AT project at the Technical University of Denmark, focused on leveraging AI to maximize societal well-being under climate challenges. Your role, starting on March 1, 2024, will center on integrating climate, mobility, and well-being simulators, primarily emphasizing the mobility aspect. Under the supervision of Professors Francisco Pereira and Karyn Morrissey, you’ll engage in tasks from setting up the simulation environment to designing adaptive strategies using reinforcement learning. Located in Copenhagen, this role is ideal for candidates with a PhD in a related discipline and skills in simulation, mathematical modelling, and machine learning.
PhD Position: Ultra-Low Noise Laser Sources for Quantum Communication – DTU ElectroKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/31/2023DTU Electro invites applications for a position as a PhD student in ultra-low noise laser sources for quantum communication within the the Marie Skłodowska-Curie QuNEST– Quantum Enhanced Optical Communication Network Security doctoral training program. The position is focused on a developing single and –multi frequency laser sources with the minimum amount of noise (quantum limit), as well as investigating the impact of noise for continuous variable quantum communication systems.
Student Assistant with a “fix-it” mindset at DTU Aqua (Hirtshals)Hirtshals, Denmark Posted on 10/31/2023Would you like to support the Head of Study and Education Coordinator – and the whole set-up around students and teaching with both practical and administrative tasks? And can you engage in promoting the educational programs in Hirtshals?
Postdoc in Development of QD-based Quantum Light Sources Operating in the Telecom C-band – DTU ElectroKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/31/2023Are you looking for a career opportunity in nanofabrication of quantum photonic devices? DTU Electro is seeking an enthusiastic and skilled postdoc to work on the development of highly efficient quantum light sources operating in the telecom C-band for application in quantum information technology.
Postdoc in Investigating New Catalysts for Alkaline Water Electrolysis – DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/31/2023DTU Physics invites applications for a 1-year position as postdoc. The position will look to analyze all these issues and then develop enhanced hydrogen evolution and oxygen evolution catalysts.
Lead Project Coordinator til DTU Space (Security DTU)Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/30/2023Vil du være med til at videreudvikle og drive et område i vækst? Brænder du igennem og er god til at samarbejde på alle niveauer af en stor og kompleks organisation? DTU Security søger en projektkoordinator i nyoprettet stilling.
Academic employee for EU proposal support at DTU WindRoskilde, Denmark Posted on 10/30/2023Become a part of the green transition. DTU Wind and Energy Systems is looking for an academic employee to help our scientific staff to develop project when applying for external funding.
Digital redaktør og mediedirigent – Afd. for Kommunikation og Medier (AKM)Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/30/2023Kan du koordinere og styre DTU’s store, strategiske kommunikationsindsatser? Og kan du sikre samspil mellem dtu.dk og vores andre platforme, så vores kommunikation får gennemslagskraft?
Academic assistant to process Sentinel-3 & 6 high-resolution satellite altimeter data – DTU Space (average 10 hours per week)Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/30/2023Division of Geodesy and Earth Observation, DTU Space is looking for an academic assistant to process Sentinel-3 & 6 high-resolution satellite altimeter data.
PhD Scholarships in AI Driven Medical Image Analysis for a Cardiovascular Risk Prediction – DTU ComputeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/27/2023We have two open Ph.D. positions in AI driven medical image analysis. If you would like to be part of a multidisciplinary research group that aims at using AI methods to reduce the risk of stroke or cardiac death then this position could be your chance.
Python udvikler – Datamanagement løsninger – Afd. for IT Service (Roskilde)Roskilde, Denmark Posted on 10/27/2023Vi søger en Python udvikler der skal indgå i vores team af specialister der servicerer et spændende og udfordrende forskningsmiljø på DTU med IT løsninger. Du skal være velfunderet som Python udvikler og det vil være en stor fordel hvis du har erfaring med, eller kendskab til CKAN som vi ønsker at kunne tilbyde til forskningsprojekterne som et generelt datamanagement værktøj (datakatalog).
Postdoc in Modelling, Analysis, and Scientific Computing for Inverse Scattering Problems with Sculpted Light Excitation – DTU ComputeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/27/2023Would you like to join a strong multidisciplinary team and work on the cutting edge of computational super-resolution microscopy? We invite applications for a postdoc position in the Section for Scientific Computing within the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (DTU Compute). The position is part of the project “neXt-Ray: a super-resolution light engine” funded by the Villum Foundation and headed by Associate Professor Mirza Karamehmedović.
Postdoc in Modeling and Visualizing Events in Connected Human Lives – DTU ComputeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/26/2023DTU Compute’s Sections for Cognitive Systems, would like to invite applications for a 2 year Postdoc position starting 1 March 2024. The PostDoc will be supervised by Professor Sune Lehmann at the Section for Cognitive Systems, DTU Compute, but also associated with SODAS at the University of Copenhagen.
Associate Professor or DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Water Systems Research – DTU SustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/25/2023DTU Sustain is looking for a full-time faculty member to join our team in water systems research and develop our research and teaching portfolios. The ideal candidate will have a background in environmental engineering/hydrology/earth sciences and research interests in water systems analysis and management.
Two PhD Scholarships in Microbial Chemical Ecology – DTU BioengineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/25/2023We are looking for two highly motivated microbial natural product chemists to understand the roles of secondary metabolites. One project will focus specifically on in situ detection of such metabolites and one project on their biotransformation.
Biologoverassistent / Fiskeritekniker til indsamlinger med kommercielle skibe – DTU AquaKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/25/2023DTU Aqua, Sektion for Monitering og Data i Lyngby, søger en biologassistent/fiskeritekniker til data indsamling om bord på kommercielle fiskefartøjer.
Postdoc in Confocal Microscopy for Fluorescence Imaging in Natural Minerals – DTU PhysicsRoskilde, Denmark Posted on 10/25/2023The Department of Physics (DTU Physics), Radiation Physics section, invites applications for a 2-year position as a Postdoctoral Fellow. This position is funded under a European Research Council (ERC) advanced grant LUMIN (Illuminating charge transport in feldspar to measure rates of earth surface processes). The position is available from 1 March 2024.
Institutdirektør til Institut for Byggeri og Mekanisk Teknologi (DTU Construct)Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/24/2023Ser du dig selv som stærk leder med gennemslagskraft og vil du være med til at drive et relativt nyetableret institut med et stærkt og levende forskningsmiljø, der udvikler nogle af de vigtigste teknologier for fremtidens samfund? Vil du bidrage til at løfte problemer og udfordringer fra andre fagområder? Så er dette job måske noget for dig.
Postdoc in modelling marine fish biodiversity – DTU AquaDenmark Posted on 10/24/2023DTU Aqua invites applications for a 2-year postdoctoral researcher developing and applying advanced statistical models of marine fish communities.
Bioinformatics Software Engineer Build bioinformatics systems to solve high-impact real-world challenges – DTU BiosustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/23/2023The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability seeks a bioinformatics software engineer to develop databases and analytics platforms for sustainable bioproduction.
Professor in Supramolecular Chemistry – DTU ChemistryKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/23/2023DTU Chemistry invites applications for a position as professor in Supramolecular Chemistry. The position focuses on applying supramolecular chemistry at the interface with biology.
PhD Scholarship in Deterministic and Secure 5G Communication – DTU ElectroKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/20/2023Explore the world of 5G security and reliability through our PhD program. Work alongside experts, contribute to innovative research, and shape the future of secure, deterministic communications. Your expertise will play a vital role in ensuring the reliability of critical real-time systems. Join us in this dynamic field where your contributions make a difference. Ready to be part of 5G innovation?
PhD scholarship in Energy Efficient 5G/6G Comminucations – DTU ElectroKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/20/2023Exploring Sustainable wireless Connectivity. Are you interested in influencing the direction of wireless technology with an eye on environmental responsibility? If you’re committed to addressing climate issues and enthusiastic about the possibilities of 5G/6G communications, consider this Ph.D. opportunity at DTU Electro as a unique path forward.
DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Grid-integrated Charging Infrastructure for E-mobility – DTU WindRoskilde, Denmark Posted on 10/18/2023If you are keen on contributing to the green transition, envisioning a planet running entirely on renewable energy, and looking for the best possible environment for fulfilling your dreams and ambitions, it is right here in front of you. At DTU Wind and Energy Systems you are pushing the research boundaries in the domain of e-mobility to exploit synergies between electric vehicles (EV), charging stations and renewable energy resources.
Postdoc in Medicinal Chemistry and NMR Spectroscopy – DTU ChemistryKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/18/2023A two-year postdoc position is available within the Department of Chemistry, DTU. In this position, you will perform research related to NMR-based structural studies of RNA, fragment-based screening, hit-to-lead optimization, and synthesis of RIBOTACs. The project is a collaboration with research groups at the Universities of Copenhagen and Bergen. The position is a joint appointment within the research group in Chemical Biology and Medicinal Chemistry headed by Prof. Mads H. Clausen and the research group in NMR Spectroscopy headed by Assoc. Prof. Charlotte H. Gotfredsen.
PostDoc in Medicinal Chemistry – DTU ChemistryKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/17/2023A 12-month postdoctoral position is available in organic synthesis and drug development at the Department of Chemistry, starting from January 2024. The project will be supervised by Associate Professor Katrine Qvortrup and is funded by the LeoFoundation. The project is an interdisciplinary collaboration between DTU and the University of Copenhagen and aims to develop a novel antimicrobial drug for treatment of Atopic dermatitis.
Postdoc in Health Data Science for Wearable Computing Technology – DTU Health TechKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/16/2023We are looking for a junior academic with research interests at the intersection of wearable computing, digital health technology, and health data science, with a strong dedication to working closely with the clinic and patients. We offer you the opportunity to establish your early career as a researcher in both a technical and a clinical setting.
Postdoc in Optimization-based Nonlinear Solvers for Finite Element Analysis – DTU ComputeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/13/2023Passionate about optimization and sustainable construction? Come work with a collaborative team, leveraging math and tech to transform engineering practices. Experience in numerical linear algebra, finite element analysis, and programming? Explore this opportunity with DTU and Optum CE.
Professor in Food Allergy – DTU FoodKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/12/2023Are you the talented and passionate candidate who can strengthen and consolidate our research in food allergy at DTU? We invite highly qualified applicants with extensive research experience in the areas of prevention and treatment of food allergies.
Postdoc in Offshore Energy Hubs – DTU WindRoskilde, Denmark Posted on 10/11/2023We seek a talented and engaged postdoc willing to be part of a world-leading research environment and contribute to establishing a solid foundation for the operation of offshore energy hubs and wind power plants.
Postdoc in Stem Cell Research and Data Science – DTU ComputeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/11/2023Join us building data science frameworks for a digital stem cell workbench. Our dream is to perform faster and better discoveries for cell-based therapies by addressing several grand challenges within cell data-science.
Postdoctoral opportunity to explore engineered symbiosis – DTU BiosustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/10/2023While symbiotic relationships are prevalent in nature, engineered symbionts have increasingly emerged in literature. In this project we aim to program synergies between eukaryotic organisms.
Postdoctoral opportunity at the intersection of yeast synthetic biology and neuroethology – DTU BiosustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/10/2023Honeybees are essential to maintaining biological diversity and food supply chains. This interdisciplinary project gathers large data sets to investigate links in olfactory receptor signalling, neuronal activation, and social immunity in honeybees.
PhD project on Integrated 1D Optical Phased Array for Solid-State Beam Steering – DTU ElectroKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/09/2023DTU Electro at the Technical University of Denmark is seeking a candidate for a PhD position to research a 2D solid-state beam steering mechanism based on integrated 1D optical phased array (OPA), which will be used for the next-generation semiconductor chips based LiDAR system. The PhD student will participate in an international team in an EU-funded Doctoral Network project called NiteLiDAR. The project consists of 10 Ph.D. students at 3 universities, an international R&D organization, and a company.
PhD project on Integrated 2D Optical Phased Array for Solid-State Beam Steering – DTU ElectroKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/09/2023DTU Electro at the Technical University of Denmark is seeking a candidate for a PhD position to research a 2D solid-state beam steering mechanism based on integrated 2D optical phased array (OPA), which will be used for the next-generation semiconductor chips based LiDAR system. The PhD student will participate in an international team in an EU-funded Doctoral Network project called NiteLiDAR. The project consists of 10 Ph.D. students at 3 universities, an international R&D organization, and a company.
Postdoc in Low-Carbon Cement – DTU ConstructKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/09/2023We are seeking a full-time Postdoctoral researcher on low-carbon cement characterization to join our group in the section of Digital Building Technology at DTU Civil and Mechanical Engineering Department. This position is a part of the granted Independent Research Fund Denmark – DFF-Project 1, “A novel ternary blended cement with low-grade clay”.
PhD scholarship in Diversifying Heuristics for Stochastic Optimization Problems – DTU ManagementKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/09/2023We are looking for an ambitious candidate for a PhD project to focus on development of heuristics for stochastic optimization. You will be responsible for developing fast heuristics or MIP-models for solving two-stage optimization problems, such that many alternatives can be investigated. You should be an experienced programmer, knowing how to write efficient algorithms.
Postdoc in Deep Generative Models for Stochastic Optimization – DTU ManagementKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/09/2023We are looking for an ambitious candidate for a PostDoc project to focus on deep generative models used in stochastic optimization. You will be responsible for developing Deep Generative Models (DGMs) based on Variational Autoencoders, Normalized Flows, etc, that are able to generate realistic scenarios to be used in stochastic optimization.
Ingeniør med speciale i VVS – DTU Campus ServiceKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/06/2023Vi har travlt i DTU’s drift og søger derfor en kompetent VVS-ingeniør, som kan indgå i VVS-teamet på Lyngby Campus i Campus Service’ HVAC-sektion. Dine arbejdsopgaver bliver alsidige, men vil primært være inden for VVS-faget.
Laboratory Technician – DTU Chemical EngineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/05/2023The center Applied Thermodynamics – Center for Chemical Resources Engineering at DTU Chemical Engineering invites applications for a position as Laboratory technician. The Center’s work relies on laboratory experiments in a wide variety of areas, but with a focus on high pressure equipment and applications in the area of carbon capture and storage.
Forskningsrådgiver og projektkoordinator – DTU EnergiKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/03/2023Vil du medvirke til at øge succesraten af forskningsbevillinger og styre forskningsprojekter godt i mål som vores nye forskningsrådgiver og projektkoordinator inden for grøn energi?
Scanning Probe Microscopy Expert (Postdoctoral Fellow)Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/03/2023Scanning Probe Microscopy Expert (Postdoctoral Fellow): CO2 conversion to solids: Increase sustainability by transforming waste building materials to new, valuable products Technical University of Denmark
PhD scholarship in Decentralized treatment of household wastewater using membrane based technologies – DTU SustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 10/02/2023Decentralized wastewater treatment is needed for areas with low population density and subjected to strong seasonality, such as holiday areas. This PhD will explore membrane technology for decentralized household sewage treatment and resource recovery and assess the sustainability of the process.
Postdoc in Electron Microscopy on Single-Molecule Processes – DTU NanolabKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 09/14/2023The newly established group “Nano-Micro-Macro. Structure in Materials” at DTU Nanolab is seeking a post-doctoral research scientist to study the (self-)assembly and functionalization of organic nanostructures by means of state-of-the-art electron microscopy.
Postdoctoral researcher in marine sensing systems and autonomy – DTU AquaKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 09/10/2023DTU seeks a postdoctoral researcher in marine sensing systems and autonomy for a two-year period. This role focuses on automatic and autonomous data collection and perception technology within the marine environment. The researcher will be part of our Observation Technology group, with emphasis on the Danish, Faroese, and Greenlandic marine environments.
PhD scholarship in Environmental effects of maritime activities – DTU AquaKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 09/07/2023A 3-year PhD fellowship in environmental effects of maritime activities is offered by the National Institute for Aquatic Resources (DTU Aqua) at the Technical University of Denmark.