Aalborg University in Denmark invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Faculty Positions, a Danish public university with campuses in Aalborg, Esbjerg, and Copenhagen

One or more Associate Professors in Sustainable Architecture (2023-224-05515)At the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Architecture, Design, and Media Technology one or more positions as Associate Professor in Sustainable Architecture are open for appointment from 1 March 2024 or soon hereafter. The Department of Architecture, Design, and Media Technology has as its goal the development of an innovative cluster of engineering-based environments for education and research which integrate creativity, engineering and technology within the disciplines of architecture, urban design, industrial design, digital design and interactive media. The department is a leading research and educational environment in Denmark that addresses the challenge of the interplay between creativity and technology, and develops new areas in research and education directed towards the end-user.AalborgDeadline 2023-224-05515

Klinisk lektor i geriatri (2023-224-05583)Ved Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Klinisk Institut, Aalborg Universitet er en eller flere ledige stillinger som klinisk lektor i geriatri ledig til besættelse pr. 1. februar 2024 eller snarest derefter. Ansættelsen er tidsubegrænset og er med 15 årlige konfrontationstimer i gennemsnit.AalborgKlinisk InstitutDeadline 2023-224-05583

Postdoc in Battery Diagnostics through Acoustic Emissions and Post- Mortem AnalysisAt the Faculty of Engineering and Science, AAU Energy, a position as Postdoc in Battery Diagnostics through Acoustic Emissions and Post-Mortem Analysis is open for appointment from 01/03-2024 to 28/02-2026 or soon hereafter.AalborgAAU EnergyDeadline 2023-224-05577

Postdoc in Electromagnetic Modelling of Reflective Intelligent Surfaces (2023-224-05607)At the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Electronic Systems, a position as postdoc in Electromagnetic Modelling of Reflective Intelligent Surfaces is open for appointment from 01.12.2023, or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is available for 12 months. In the area of electronics engineering, Aalborg University is known worldwide for its high academic quality and the societal relevance of its research programmes. In electronic engineering, Aalborg University is known worldwide for its high academic quality and societal impact. The Department of Electronic Systems employs more than 200 people, of which about 90 are PhD students, and about 40 % of all employees are internationals. In total, it has more than 700 students in its BSc and MSc programs, which are based on AAU’s problem-based learning model. The department leverages its unique research infrastructure and lab facilities to conduct world-leading fundamental and applied research within communication, networks, control systems, AI, sound, cyber security, and robotics. The department plays an active role in transferring inventions and results into applications in close collaboration with industrial partners worldwide. You can read more about the department at www.es.aau.dk.AalborgDepartment of Electronic SystemsDeadline 2023-224-05607

Ekstern lektor til organisation og ledelseVed Det Humanistiske og Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Studienævnet for MBA og HD på AAU Executive er en eller flere stillinger som ekstern lektor i Organisation og ledelse ledig til besættelse fra 1. februar 2024 eller snarest muligt herefter.AalborgAalborg University Business SchoolDeadline 2023-224-05610

Ekstern lektor til AAU ExecutiveVed Det Humanistiske og Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Studienævnet for MBA og HD på AAU Executive ansættes en ekstern lektor i økonomistyring og/eller eksternt regnskab til besættelse fra 01.02.2024 eller snarest muligt herefter.AalborgAalborg University Business SchoolDeadline 2023-224-05611

Ekstern lektor på MPG (Master of Public Governance)Ved Det Humanistiske og Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Studienævnet for Master i Offentlig Ledelse (MPG) er en stilling som ekstern lektor ledig til besættelse fra 15.12.23 eller snarest muligt herefter.AalborgInstitut for Politik og SamfundDeadline 2023-224-05613

Assistant Professorship in IT and LearningAt the Department of Culture and Learning, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Aalborg University (campus Aalborg), one or more three-year full-time assistant professor positions in the field of IT and Learning are available from 1st of February 2024 or soon hereafter.AalborgDeadline 2023-224-05596

Assistant professor in Organizational Learning and EvaluationAt the Department of Culture and Learning, Aalborg University, one or more assistant professor positions are available as of 1 February 2024. They are 3-year full-time fixed-term positions that includes both research and teaching activities.AalborgDeadline 2021-224-05595

Kliniske lærere inden for oftalmologi (2023-224-05592)Ved Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Klinisk Institut, Aalborg Universitet er et antal stillinger som klinisk lærer inden for oftalmologi ledige til besættelse 1. januar 2024 eller snarest herefter. Stillingerne er tidsbegrænsede for en periode på 3 år med mulighed for forlængelse.AalborgKlinisk InstitutDeadline 2023-224-05592

Postdoc in Demand Response Management in Community Microgrid Clusters (2023-224-05603)At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, AAU Energy, a position as a Postdoc in Demand Response Management in Community Microgrid Clusters is open for appointment, for one year, from 1 March 2024, or soon hereafter. Workplace is in Aalborg.AalborgAAU EnergyDeadline 2023-224-05603

Postdoc in self-healing glasses(2023-224-05601)At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, a one-year Postdoc position is available, with possibility for extension for one more year. The Postdoc position is open for appointment from February 1, 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is located within the Disordered Materials group with primary working place in Aalborg.AalborgDepartment of Chemistry and BioscienceDeadline 2023-224-05601

Postdoc in inverse materials design(2023-224-05590)At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, a one-year Postdoc position is available, with possibility for extension for one more year. The Postdoc position is open for appointment from February 1, 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is located within the Disordered Materials group with primary working place in Aalborg.AalborgDepartment of Chemistry and BioscienceDeadline 2023-224-05590

Postdoc in developing membrane modules for membrane distillation and electrodialysis processes(2023-224-05605)At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, a position as Postdoc in the Center for Membrane Technology is open for appointment from 1 February 2024 soon hereafter. The position is available for a period of 3 years. The position is located within the Section of Chemical Science and Engineering with working place in Aalborg.AalborgDepartment of Chemistry and BioscienceDeadline 2023-224-05605

2023-224-05621 Videnskabelig Assistent til forskningsprojekter og undervisningVed Det Humanistiske og Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Institut for Kultur og Læring, Campus Aalborg opslås hermed med ansættelse 01/01 2024 til 31/12 2024 en deltidsstilling som videnskabelig assistent, 18,5 timer ugentlig (med mulighed for forlængelse og evt. udvidelse af timetal). Stillingen er tilknyttet forskningsgruppen Collaborative Organizational Learning (CO-LEARN). CO-LEARN er en forskningsgruppe med mange udgående forsknings-praksissamarbejder og et højt aktivitetsniveau. Vi sætter en ære i at samskabe forskningsprojekter med eksterne organisationer for både at medvirke til positiv forandring i praksis og bedrive forskning af høj kvalitet. Vi har derfor brug for dig for at kunne løfte disse opgaver.AalborgInstitut for Kultur og LæringDeadline 2023-224-05621

Videnskabelig assistent ved Center for udvikling af borgerinddragende beskæftigelsesindsatserVed Det Humanistiske og Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Institut for Sociologi og Socialt Arbejde, Campus København er en stilling som videnskabelig assistent ledig til besættelse fra 1.januar eller snarest derefter. Stillingen er på 37 timer ugentligt og ledig for en periode på 1 år med eventuel mulighed for forlængelseCopenhagenInstitut for Sociologi og Socialt ArbejdeDeadline 2023-224-05591

Postdoc in RNA therapeutics (2023-224-05588)At the Center for RNA Medicine, Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University, a Postdoc position in the EU-funded PARMED project (Eureka project 4254 PARMED) aimed at developing innovative, disease-modifying RNA therapies for Parkinson’s Disease is open for appointment from 1 January 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter. The appointment is for two years with the possibility of extension and the position will be based at the Copenhagen Campus of Aalborg University. The Department of Clinical Medicine conducts research within all the clinical medical disciplines and provides teaching resources in all subject fields at the Faculty of Medicine of Aalborg University. The Department of Clinical Medicine has 40 affiliated research units organized in a series of cross-disciplinary research programs, such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer and neurological disorders.CopenhagenDeadline 2023-224-05588

Postdoc in plastic and its biofilms – applying AFM-Raman to quantify the role of biofilms on plastic aging and leaching (2023-224-05606)At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, a postdoc position in ‘plastic and its biofilms’ is available at the Division of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of the Built Environment, Aalborg University for a period of 2 years. The position is open for appointment from 1 February 2024 or soon hereafter. The Division of Civil and Environmental Engineering conducts research and teaching in marine and environmental engineering, water pollution, hydrology, and physical geography. The position is opened in the research group of urban pollution, a group that today consists of 4 tenure staff, a postdoc, 10 PhD students, a research assistant, a lab technician, and a handful of master students. Working place is in Aalborg.AalborgDepartment of the Built EnvironmentDeadline 2023-224-05606

Stilling som Administrativ medarbejder i Studieteamet på Institut for Byggeri, By og Miljø (BUILD)Ved Institut for Byggeri, By og Miljø (BUILD), Aalborg Universitet, søger vi en bemandingsansvarlig/studiesekretær til vores studieteam i Aalborg. Stillingen er på 37 timer pr. uge og er til besættelse 1. januar 2024 (eller snarest herefter).AalborgInstitut for Byggeri, By og MiljøDeadline 1216281

Projektadministrator ved Institut for Bæredygtighed og PlanlægningVed Institut for Bæredygtighed og Planlægning på Aalborg Universitet søger vi en eller flere fuldtidsstilling (37 timers) projektadministrator med opstart 1. december 2023 eller efter aftale.AalborgInstitut for Planlægning 1.Deadline 1216420

Indretningskonsulent i Team byggeri på Aalborg UniversitetVed Campus Service på Aalborg Universitet er en stilling som indretningskonsulent i Team Byggeri ledig til besættelse hurtigst muligt, gerne fra 1. januar 2024 eller snarest derefter. Stillingen er på 37 timer pr. uge.AalborgCampus ServiceDeadline 1216248

Alsidig HR-konsulent til ledelsessupport og administrationHar du erfaring med et bredt udsnit af HR-administration? Og trives du med at balancere mellem centrale organisatoriske politikker og lokale behov og udfordringer? Så er du måske vores nye HR-konsulent i Fælles Service CPH på Aalborg Universitet i København. Stillingen er på 37 timer pr. uge.AalborgAalborg Universitet KøbenhavnDeadline 1216146

Studieadministrativ medarbejder til Institut for Elektroniske Systemer, campus København ved Aalborg UniversitetVi søger en ny kollega med gode sprogkundskaber og lyst til at indgå i et velfungerende team. Vi tilbyder et spændende job, hvor du vil varetage en lang række studieadministrative opgaver, og du vil få en bred berøringsflade til både studerende og undervisere. Stillingen er på 37 timer pr. uge og til besættelse pr. 1. december 2023 eller snarest derefter.CopenhagenInstitut for Elektroniske Systemer.Deadline 2023-224-05614

2023-224-05599 Laboratoriefunktionær/ingeniørVed Institut for Energi, i Esbjerg er en fuldtidsstilling som Laboratoriefunktionær/ingeniør på 37 timer ledig til besættelse den 01.01.2024 eller snarest derefter.EsbjergAAU EnergyDeadline 2023-224-05599

Grafisk designer til AAU Kommunikation og Public Affairs, Aalborg UniversitetPå Aalborg Universitet (AAU) vil vi gerne skrue op for den visuelle kommunikation. Derfor søger vi en grafisk designer, som ved, hvordan man med grafiske virkemidler kan servere sine budskaber, så de bliver set, husket og forstået.AalborgAAU KommunikationDeadline 1216585

Strategisk rådgiver til ledelsesstøtte i AAU InnovationHar du erfaring med ledelsesstøtte og –betjening på toplederniveau? Arbejder du struktureret og har du sans for at sparre med ledelsen om udvikling? Drømmer du om et job, hvor du arbejder tæt sammen med andre om at understøtte innovation i en stor, politisk ledet organisation? Har du erfaring med at etablere relationer og med at samarbejde om opgaver og processer på tværs i en organisation? Så er det måske dig, vi søger som strategisk rådgiver i AAU Innovation på Aalborg Universitet. Vi har en ledig fuldtidsstilling som strategisk rådgiver til besættelse 1. februar 2024 eller snarest derefter.AalborgAAU InnovationDeadline 1216594

Økonomimedarbejder til Økonomiafdelingen, Aalborg UniversitetEr du klar til en udfordrende og afvekslende stilling inden for økonomi? Vi søger lige nu 1 eller flere dygtige medarbejdere til at styrke vores Serviceteam i Økonomiafdelingen på Aalborg Universitet.AalborgØkonomiafdelingenDeadline 1216676

Økonomipartner til Økonomiafdelingen, Aalborg UniversitetVi søger en engageret og erfaren økonomipartner til Økonomiafdelingen på Aalborg Universitet, der vil spille en nøglerolle i at udvikle økonomistyringen på tværs af universitetets fællesadministration – Fælles Service. Aalborg Universitet samler den 1. januar 2024 økonomifunktionerne i Fælles Service og AAU Innovation i universitetets centrale Økonomiafdeling med det formål at skabe effektive økonomistyringsprocesser og understøtte universitetets fortsatte udvikling. Med den nye organisering følger et øget fokus på effektivisering, standardisering og yderligere digitalisering af økonomistyringen.AalborgØkonomiafdelingenDeadline 1216677

Stærk proces- og planlægningsmedarbejder til Analyseenheden, Aalborg UniversitetVi leder efter en kundeorienteret og engageret kollega, der skal stå for videreudviklingen af universitetets ressourcestyringssystem (RES) og Rekvisitionsmodul. RES anvendes til allokering af medarbejdernes tid hovedsageligt på universitetets kerneaktiviteter uddannelse og forskning, samt til det samlede lønbudget for AAU, og du er den drivende kraft bag forretningslogikken. RES bruges på tværs af hele universitetet til ressourcestyring og tæller ca. 300 brugere og som på mange måder udgør en grundsten i AAU’s økonomistyring. Rekvisitionsmodulet har til formål at håndtere timebemanding internt på enheder og mellem enheder i forbindelse med planlægning og bemanding af universitetets undervisningstimer til uddannelse.AalborgØkonomiafdelingenDeadline 1216450

PhD Stipend in Inequalities in StrokeAt the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Clinical Medicine a PhD stipend is available within the doctoral programme Epidemiology and Biostatistics. The stipend is open for appointment from 15 December 2023 or soon hereafter. The PhD fellowship runs for three full years.AalborgDeadline 2323081

PhD Stipend – Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network “Reworlding”, Retracing sustainable platform cooperative modelsAt the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Sustainability and Planning, a PhD stipend is available within the general study programme “Planning and Development”. The stipend is open for appointment from the 1 August 2024. The duration of the stipend is 36 months. The Department of Sustainability and Planning conducts research and teaching on development and planning in a broad sense, including social science aspects as well as more technical aspects of development, and with a focus on environmental, international as well as administrative dimensions. The PhD project is part of the Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network “Reworlding”, Grant Agreement 101119451. The Reworlding network includes 11 PhD positions, two of which hosted at the Department of Sustainability and Planning at Aalborg University. More information on the whole doctoral network is available at the following link: https://www.uhasselt.be/reworldingAalborgDepartment of PlanningDeadline 20-23079

PhD Stipend – Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network “Reworlding”, Reconnecting for Sustainable Work PlatformsAt the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Sustainability and Planning, a PhD stipend is available within the general study programme “Planning and Development”. The stipend is open for appointment from the 1 August 2024. The duration of the stipend is 36 months. The Department of Sustainability and Planning conducts research and teaching on development and planning in a broad sense, including social science aspects as well as more technical aspects of development, and with a focus on environmental, international as well as administrative dimensions. The PhD project is part of the Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network “Reworlding”, Grant Agreement 101119451. The Reworlding network includes 11 PhD positions, two of which hosted at the Department of Sustainability and Planning at Aalborg University. More information on the whole doctoral network is available at the following link: https://www.uhasselt.be/reworldingAalborgDepartment of PlanningDeadline 20-23078

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