PhD Scholarships at Eindhoven University of Technology, a technical university in the Netherlands, operating in English.

PhD-kandidaat Waardegedreven Zorg Catharina Ziekenhuis Eindhoven

PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering23 November 2023

PhD on Miniaturized microscopy for the continuous biosensing of water pollutants

PhD-student, No, Applied Physics and Science Education23 November 2023

PhD position: Standards in Mission-Driven Innovation Ecosytems

PhD-student, No, Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences22 November 2023

PhD in Mixed-Signal Design for Oscillatory Neural Networks

PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering22 November 2023

PhD on Electrified CO2 Capture process To Achieve net Zero Emission (Ecctaze)

PhD-student, No, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry22 November 2023

PhD on Autonomous Formulation Discovery

PhD-student, No, Biomedical Engineering20 November 2023

PhD on AI for Supply Chain Optimization

PhD-student, No, Mathematics and Computer Science, Computer Science , Industrial Engineering20 November 2023

PhD: A formal framework for CPSs: Uncertainty, runtime verification&new horizons

PhD-student, No, Mathematics and Computer Science, Computer Science15 November 2023

PhD on “Hybrid-Photonic Neural Networks on Chip”

PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering15 November 2023

PhD on human-centered AI in education

PhD-student, No, Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences15 November 2023

2 PhD’s in Integrated Circuits and D/A Conversion for FMCW Lidar Transmitters

PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering13 November 2023

PhD in active self-organization of DNA-coated vesicles

PhD-student, No, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry13 November 2023

PhD in Design research with Data and AI to Servitize Professional Printing

PhD-student, No, Industrial Design13 November 2023

PhD Biological aspects in the diagnosis & treatment of physio-pathological bone

PhD-student, No, Biomedical Engineering9 November 2023

PhD on Developing a Software Platform for Software Analytics

PhD-student, No, Mathematics and Computer Science8 November 2023

PhD In-Memory Computing for efficient online learning Spiking Neural Networks

PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering, EAISI – Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute8 November 2023

PhD student on “Experimental soft matter”

PhD-student, No, Mechanical Engineering8 November 2023

PhD on High-temperature CO/CO2 electrolysis

PhD-student, No, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry8 November 2023

PhD on Electrochemical Coupling of CO2 and Nitrates

PhD-student, No, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry8 November 2023

Co-designing dynamically adaptive systems with people living with dementia

PhD-student, No, Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences8 November 2023

PhD on information theory for joint communication and sensing

PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering6 November 2023

3 PhD’s in metamaterial design and development in the METRAMAT project

PhD-student, No, Mechanical Engineering6 November 2023

PhD Spatial-Temporal Data Analysis

PhD-student, No, Mathematics and Computer Science6 November 2023

PhD position on Defect Driven Local Charging

PhD-student, No, Applied Physics and Science Education6 November 2023

Fully funded PhD position in robot world models and building digital twins

PhD-student, No, Mechanical Engineering2 November 2023

PhD on A joint-action approach to haptic movement guidance

PhD-student, No, Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences1 November 2023

PhD Magnetic sensing devices with tuneable detection range

PhD-student, No, Applied Physics and Science Education1 November 2023

PhD in Statistics and AI for quantitative crowd dynamics modeling

PhD-student, No, Mathematics and Computer Science1 November 2023

PhD Trapping polymer particles at the surface of paper sheets with divalent ions

PhD-student, No, Applied Physics and Science Education1 November 2023

PhD in tractography analytics methods for neurosurgical visualization

PhD-student, No, Mathematics and Computer Science30 October 2023

Ph.D. in Smartwatch-Based Intelligent User Interfaces for Preventive Healthcare

PhD-student, No, Industrial Design26 October 2023

PhD on High-tech innovation ecosystems using quantitative methods

PhD-student, No, Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences25 October 2023

PhD on Human-Centric AI: Transparent Algorithms for Sequential Decision Making

PhD-student, No, Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences, Industrial Engineering, Innovation Sciences, Health25 October 2023

PhD on Atomic force microscopy 2: Control for nanotube-based profiling

PhD-student, No, Mechanical Engineering25 October 2023

PhD on Atomic force microscopy 1: Modelling and Simulation of nanotube-based

PhD-student, No, Mechanical Engineering25 October 2023

PhD Impulse-project COMARIC

PhD-student, No, Mathematics and Computer Science23 October 2023

PhD Imagination Infrastructuring: Creativity tools, climate futures, transitions

PhD-student, No, Industrial Design, EAISI – Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute16 October 2023

PhD on Neural Architecture Search for 4D Imaging Radar Perception Networks

PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering, EAISI – Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute16 October 2023

PhD on Self-supervised Deep Learning for Automotive 4D Imaging Radar

PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering, EAISI – Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute16 October 2023

PhD on advancing optical and Terahertz technologies for health monitoring

PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering12 October 2023

PhD in Game Theory with applications to Contracting in Military Supply Chains

PhD-student, No, Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences9 October 2023

2 PhD positions: electrodes and membranes for water electrolyses

PhD-student, No, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry4 October 2023

PhD on Identification of material properties in complex magnetic systems

PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering28 September 2023

PhD on Novel polyols for high-performance polyurethanes

PhD-student, No, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry28 September 2023

PhD position (DC1) on QuNEST Quantum & Classical Optical Signal Co-propagation

PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering25 September 2023

PhD Position ‘Calculus of Variations’

PhD-student, No, Mathematics and Computer Science25 September 2023

PhD on Innovating Ecosystems by Empowering Next-Generation Universities

PhD-student, No, Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences20 September 2023

2 PhDs on Modulation and Coding for Adaptive Free-Space Optical Communications

PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering20 September 2023

NESTOR PhD (DC1) on Coded Modulation for Optical Access/Metro Networks

PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering20 September 2023

QuNEST Doctoral candidate (DC2) on Development of modulation and shaping for QKD

PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering20 September 2023

2 PhDs on Modulation & Coding for Ultra-High-Speed Fiber Optical Communications

PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering20 September 2023

PhD on Mechanobiology of fibrous tissue architecture

PhD-student, No, Biomedical Engineering11 September 2023

PhD studentships on nanophotonic sensing

PhD-student, No, Applied Physics and Science Education30 August 2023

PhD Optimal Control of Hydrogen-powered Electrified Aero Engines

PhD-student, No, Mechanical Engineering21 August 2023

PhD position on neuromorphic electronic systems for artificial olfaction

PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering17 August 2023

PhD position in Model-Driven Development in Semiconductor Assembly Equipment

PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering26 July 2023

PhD positions for human interactive materials

PhD-student, No, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry20 July 2023

PhD on Photoacoustic imaging of Osteoarthritis

PhD-student, No, Biomedical Engineering24 May 2023

PhD on Electro-Photonic Accelerator for Green and Low Latency Computation

PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering20 April 2023

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