The University of Oulu in Sweden invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Faculty Positions, one of the largest universities in Finland, located in the city of Oulu, Finland

Open positions

Finland Fellowship Doctoral Researcher position, Health and Biosciences Doctoral Programme

Finland Fellowship Doctoral Researcher position, Human Sciences Doctoral Programme

Projektitutkijoita, 5G/6G-Testiverkon Asiantuntijoita

Koulutusassistentti, Koulutuspalvelut

Coordinator, H2FUTURE Program

Coordinator, Frontiers of Resilience Program

Coordinator, Hybrid Intelligence Program


Doctoral Researcher, The molecular bases of fertility, Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine and Biocenter Oulu, University of Oulu

Doctoral Researcher for What a healthy future city feels like?, in the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering and Infotech Oulu

Doctoral researcher in Bayesian Deep Learning for Opportunistic Disease Screening at the Research Unit of Health Sciences and Technology and Infotech Oulu

Doctoral Researcher for Portable Diagnosis and Deep Tissue Monitoring with Microwaves, in Research unit of Health Science and Technology, Faculty of Medicine and Infotech Oulu,

Doctoral researcher position for the project Democratic Education and Social Inequalities in Politically Polarised Societies in the research unit Values, Ideologies and Social Contexts of Education (VISE) at the Faculty of Education and Eudaimonia…

A Doctoral researcher position for a research project “The potential of non-native pink salmon to boost Arctic ecosystems”, in Ecology and Genetics Research Unit/ Faculty of Science and Kvantum Institute, University of Oulu

Doctoral researcher, Label-free Single-molecule Digital Assay of Low-abundance Biomarkers, Research Unit of Health Sciences and Technology/Faculty of Medicine, Research Unit of Disease Networks/Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, and…

Doctoral researcher position for ‘Application of innovative technologies for sustainable tourist behaviour in Arctic protected areas and environments’ in Geography Research Unit/Faculty of Science and Eudaimonia institute, University of Oulu

Doctoral researcher position for Developmental and situational dynamics of students’ math emotions, motivation, and performance (eMotMath) in the Teachers, Teaching and Educational Communities at the Faculty of Education and Eudaimonia institute,…

Doctoral researcher position for NORTHSENSE: Materialities and Mobilities of the North through Innovative Sensory Ethnographic Methods in Cultural Anthropology Programme, Faculty of Humanities and Eudaimonia institute, University of Oulu

Doctoral Researcher, for project examining central nervous system immunity in viral encephalitis, Research Unit of Biomedicine, Faculty of Medicine and Biocenter Oulu, University of Oulu

Doctoral Researcher, Role of hypoxia signaling in cartilage health, Research unit of Health Sciences and Technology/Faculty of Medicine and Biocenter Oulu, University of Oulu

Open positions

Doctoral Researcher, The molecular bases of fertility, Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine and Biocenter Oulu, University of Oulu

Doctoral Researcher for What a healthy future city feels like?, in the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering and Infotech Oulu

Doctoral researcher in Bayesian Deep Learning for Opportunistic Disease Screening at the Research Unit of Health Sciences and Technology and Infotech Oulu

Doctoral Researcher for Portable Diagnosis and Deep Tissue Monitoring with Microwaves, in Research unit of Health Science and Technology, Faculty of Medicine and Infotech Oulu,

Doctoral researcher position for the project Democratic Education and Social Inequalities in Politically Polarised Societies in the research unit Values, Ideologies and Social Contexts of Education (VISE) at the Faculty of Education and Eudaimonia…

A Doctoral researcher position for a research project “The potential of non-native pink salmon to boost Arctic ecosystems”, in Ecology and Genetics Research Unit/ Faculty of Science and Kvantum Institute, University of Oulu

Doctoral researcher, Label-free Single-molecule Digital Assay of Low-abundance Biomarkers, Research Unit of Health Sciences and Technology/Faculty of Medicine, Research Unit of Disease Networks/Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, and…

Doctoral researcher position for ‘Application of innovative technologies for sustainable tourist behaviour in Arctic protected areas and environments’ in Geography Research Unit/Faculty of Science and Eudaimonia institute, University of Oulu

Two Postdoctoral Researchers for INTERACT


Yliopisto-opettaja, Oulun yliopiston rakennus- ja yhdyskuntatekniikan yksikkö

Doctoral researcher, Biodiverse Anthropocenes Research Programme

Yliopisto-opettaja, teknologiatuettu oppiminen ja opetus

Multiple short-term doctoral researcher positions in the Health and Biosciences doctoral programme of the University of Oulu Graduate School



Doctoral Researcher, Protein and Structural Biology, MSCA Doctoral Network project

Doctoral Researcher, Protein and Structural Biology, MSCA Doctoral Network project

Doctoral Researcher position in microfluidics and biosensors group, FBMM

Senior Research Fellow or Postdoctoral Researcher in Groundwater Systems Modelling

Open positions

Three Postdoctoral Researchers, 6GESS Research Programme

Tutkijatohtori tai Yliopistotutkija, Lääketieteellinen tiedekunta

Suunnittelija, Kasvatustieteiden tiedekunta

Kaksi koulunkäynninohjaajaa

Two Doctoral Researcher positions for anthropology, history or archaeology

Johtava koulutusasiantuntija

Doctoral Researcher, Intelligent User Interfaces

Two Doctoral researchers, Materials and mechanical engineering


Postdoctoral Researcher, Biodiverse Anthropocenes transdisciplinary research programme

Doctoral Researcher, Biodiverse Anthropocenes Research Programme



Project Coordinator


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