Oslo School of Architecture and Design in Norway invites application for vacant PhD and Academic Positions, an autonomous institution within the Norwegian university system.

Rådgiver – Lederstøtte

AHO har en nyopprettet stilling som rådgiver/seniorrådgiver innen strategisk lederstøtte. Vi søker en allsidig og skrivende person som kan bistå ledelsen med forberedelser og oppfølging av saker, samt intern koordinering, analyse og strategisk rådgivning. Vi søker den som med letthet kan trekke ut essensen i et materiale og utarbeide beslutningsgrunnlag. Vi ønsker oss en medarbeider som kan planlegge og bidra til prosesser og prosjekter på tvers av organisasjonen. Stillingen vil være knyttet …


Stillingen byr på varierte arbeidsoppgaver og problemstillinger innen flere fagfelt i et hektisk miljø. Dette krever at du bør være en «altmuligperson», og som håndterer at det blåser friskt av og til. Her er det mulighet for å øke din kompetanse innen flere områder ved drift og vedlikehold av bygg, og bli kjent med mange hyggelige mennesker. Bygningsmassen vår, er på ca 13 000 m2, fordelt på 3 bygg, noe som krever et bredt spekter av kompetanse for å kunne drifte og vedlikeholde. …


Forskningsadministrasjonen ligger under Avdeling for utdanning, forskning og formidling (UFF), og har fire ansatte. Enheten har ansvar for å koordinere, planlegge og gi administrativ støtte til skolens forskningsaktivitet og forskerutdanning. Blant forskningsadministrasjonens ansvarsområder er innhenting og formidling av kunnskap om ulike forskningsprogrammer og finansieringsmuligheter innenfor sektoren, i tillegg til støtte til strategisk planlegging av forskningsaktivitetene. Fagadministrativ …

Phd – The Norwegian Winter City

The contemporary history of climate-centric architecture and urbanism in the High North: Global warming has brought the future of Arctic settlements to the forefront of professional and public awareness. However, the design of buildings and cities in the North is no new topic, and the dominant history of Arctic urban architecture is rooted in mid-twentieth-century modernism. Many architects have considered building in the North primarily a technological challenge. They successively reinvented …

PhD – Using UX and interaction design for decarbonizing the maritime sector

Decarbonization is the most important agenda for the maritime industry. In line with the Paris agreement of net zero emission target by 2050, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) under the United Nations has set ambitious targets for energy use and emission reductions for the global ship fleet. Newly built ships are being designed with innovative technologies (such as wind and wave assisted propulsion, electrification solutions, and low emission fuels) to meet these targets, and ships …

PhD – Preserving the recent past

“Preservation is overtaking us”, wrote Rem Koolhaas in 2004, with reference to the growing frequency of listed buildings from the recent past. This, argued Koolhaas, is a problem for contemporary urban development, which needs available land to prosper. That perspective is now being challenged by circular thinking and other discourses where re-use of existing resources is the key, not the anti-dote, to progress. In reality, however, demolition is still the norm across Europe, where fully …

PhD – Design and Aesthetics for Service

The Institute of Design at The Oslo School of Architecture and Design announces a fully funded four year PhD position for the period 2023-2026 to explore and contribute to design and aesthetics for service. The aim of the PhD research is to contribute to the emerging discourse on aesthetics in the field of Service Design and in particular to apply this to service design practice. Services account for 78.89 % of employment in Norway and the field of service design has become well established, …

PhD – Methods for Teaching Landscape Futures

Today, landscape architecture is confronted with territories and landscapes with a very high degree of complexity due to migration, densification, prolific infrastructure and climate change induced geohazards. Hence, the discipline will need to develop an understanding of landscapes that are changing very quickly, and to prepare for futures that will often be difficult to predict. It is of seminal importance that we develop and refine methods for working with and in an urban and rural …

PhD – contemporary environmental humanities for architectural pedagogy

The environmental humanities are a developing field of research that incorporate a range of disciplines, themes, and methodologies in relation to environmental problems. A major and ongoing concern of the environmental humanities is the de-centring of human beings in relation to the natural world to overcome the traditional nature-culture divide. As awareness of the on-going ecological crisis has infiltrated humanistic disciplines, subdisciplines such as environmental philosophy and history, …

Professor/Associate Professor in Design

The Institute of design has a broad holistic approach to design across Industrial, Interaction and Service Design where Systems oriented design (SOD) has an overarching function, connecting the disciplines and providing methods and approaches to handle complexity within key areas such as sustainability. The Institute of Design at AHO has been a pioneer in the establishment of SOD under the leadership of Professor Birger Sevaldson, since 2007. We are looking for a Professor/Associate professor …

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