The University of Basel in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD and Academic Positions, offers attractive terms of employment and supports the advancement of staff.
PhD Position in Clinical Epidemiology, Public Health and Health Systems
HPC Linux System Administrator (100%)
TGA-Manager*in Natural & Life Sciences
Provider-Manager*in Natural & Life Sciences
Small animal surgery lab technician 100%
Geschäftsführer*in der Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät
Bibliotheksmitarbeiter*in im Büchermagazin der UB Hauptbibliothek
Postdoc position: quantitative biology of non-growing bacteria
Forschungspraktikant:innen Psychologie
Head of Facility / Expert in Cell Sorting and Flow Cytometry (100%)
Two open PhD positions in soil erosion research
Two doctoral research assistants within a SNF project on social interaction, Univ. Basel
Systemspezialist*in für Research-IT am Departement Mathematik und Informatik der Universität Basel
Allrounder*in im Team Besucherservices & Infrastruktur
Dozentur für Semitische Sprachen (Biblisch-Hebräisch)
Research Technician: Physicochemical characterisation
Project Accountant / Project Reporting Specialist (100%)
Dipl. Biomedizinische*r Analytiker*in HF oder Labormitarbeiter*in (80%)
Postdoctoral Fellow: Immunology and Nanomedicine
Long-Term Psychology Research Assistant / wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft:in Psychologie
Research Intern / Forschungspraktikant:in Psychologie
Student Assistant in the research group “Organic Geochemistry”
Studentische Hilfsassistenz in der Forschungsgruppe „Organische Geochemie“
Research Assistant / Hilfsassistent*in
Tenure Track Assistant Professorship Digital Lives
Tenure Track Assistenzprofessur für Digital Lives
Studentische Hilfskraft zur Mitarbeit an einem Forschungsprojekt über neuronale Plastizität
Postdoc position within the Department of Chemistry
Two PhD positions within the Department of Chemistry
PhD positions in CGE modelling and Land-Use Change
Public Health Expert and Project Manager based in Kosovo
Ph.D. student position in laser ablation (LA)
PostDoc Position in Meningeal Biology
Scientific HPC and Cloud Computing Team Leader
Hilfsassistent*in im Studiendekanat
Doctoral student, SMILe project
2 Postdocs (50% Forschung, 50% Klinik)
Studentische Hilfsassistierende ITSC
PhD Position in scanning SQUID microscopy of superconducting qubits
Wissenschaftliche Assistenz, Rechtswissenschaft
Postdoctoral fellowship on Dynamic and Quantitative Muscle MR Imaging
PhD fellowship in Plant Diversity
PhD fellowship in Plant Evolutionary Ecology/Selection acting in nature
Postdoc fellowship in Population/Conservation Genomics
Anschubstipendium des Doktoratsprogramms «Recht im Wandel»
Postdoctoral Researcher in Cognitive and Decision Sciences (100%)