PhD and Postdoc scholarships at Linköping University, a public university in Linköping, Sweden, one of Sweden’s larger academic institutions.

JobPublished ToExternal ID
Director of NAISS and Professor in a Field Related to High-Performance Computing2024-03-28LiU-2023-04058
Postdoc in Language and Culture, specializing in Literary Studies.2024-03-15IKOS-2024-00042
PhD student in Optimisation2024-03-11MAI-2024-00021
Postdoc in Cybersecurity2024-03-06IDA-2023-00300
PhD student in Network Security and Unmanned Aircraft2024-03-04IDA-2024-00024
PhD student position in Computer Science within CUGS Research School2024-03-04IDA-2024-00017
Assistant professor in molecular medicine2024-03-03LiU-2023-04858
Postdoc in the field of Economics2024-02-29IEI-2023-00571

Assistant professor in Statistical Machine Learning
PhD student in autonomous systems2024-02-29LiU-2024-00553
Principal Research Engineer in Virology2024-02-29BKV-2024-00094
PhD student in Medical Science2024-02-28BKV-2024-00117
Postdoc in the Fundamental Science of Thin Films2024-02-27IFM-2024-00049
PhD student in Medical Science2024-02-27BKV-2024-00104
PhD student in brain-inspired neuromorphic computing system on chip2024-02-23LiU-2023-05366
PhD student in Theoretical Physics2024-02-22IFM-2024-00004

PhD student in Joint Sensor Fusion and Machine Learning for Autonomous Systems
PhD student in Applied Physics with a focus on chemical and electrochemical doping of organic semiconductors2024-02-20LiU-2024-00728
Principal Research Engineer in Immunology2024-02-16BKV-2024-00054
Amanuensis/teaching assistants in applied thermodynamics and mechanics2024-02-14IEI-2024-00029
Principal Research Engineer in Evolutionary Biology2024-02-12IFM-2023-00536
PhD student in computer science specializing in cybersecurity2024-02-12IDA-2023-00319
Principal research engineer within Quantitative Logistics2024-02-12LiU-2024-00827

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