The European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Germany invites application for vacant Postdoctoral and Academic Positions, a molecular biology research institutionin Germany.

EMBL CPP Visitor Fellowships (for external PhDs and postdocs)

TraineeVisitor Identified at All EMBL Sites (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain)

Closes 30 September 2024 |  Grading: Unpaid visitor

AMBER Postdoctoral Fellowship: A novel optical microscopy platform for cross scale imaging of mammalian and human fertility

Postdoctoral Fellow at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 6 September 2024 |  Grading: Year 1 stipend – €4,010 per month after tax

Precision Mechanic CNC

Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 1 September 2024 |  Grading: Grade 4 (Monthly salary starting at €3,607 after tax but excl. pension & insurances) + benefits

Senior IT Systems Engineer – Core Infrastructure Services

Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 26 August 2024 |  Grading: Grade 6,7 or 8; depending on qualifications and experience (monthly salary starting at €4,459 ,€5,117 or €5,882 after tax but excl. pension & insurances) + benefits

Science Education Programme Assistant

Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 25 August 2024 |  Grading: 4

Senior Technical Officer Computational Methods for BioSAXS Data Analysis

Staff Member at Hamburg, Germany

Closes 25 August 2024 |  Grading: Grade 6 or 7 depending on experience and qualifications (monthly salary starting at €4,459 or €5,117 after tax but excl. pension & insurances) + benefits

GA4GH Product Management Lead

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 25 August 2024 |  Grading: Grade 8 – Monthly salary of £4,716 after tax but excluding pension contribution and insurances + other paid allowance based on personal circumstances

Postdoctoral Fellow – Systems Genetics and Precision Health

Postdoctoral Fellow at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 22 August 2024 |  Grading: Year 1 stipend – €4,010 per month after tax

User Experience Designer

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 20 August 2024 |  Grading: Grade 5 – 6 (monthly salary starting at £3,229 – £3,612 after tax) plus other paid benefits depending on personal circumstances

Postdoctoral Fellow: AI-based integrative modeling of macromolecular complexes

Postdoctoral Fellow at Hamburg, Germany

Closes 19 August 2024 |  Grading: Year 1 stipend – €4,010 per month after tax

Postdoctoral Fellow: Integrative cryo-electron tomography data mining

Postdoctoral Fellow at Hamburg, Germany

Closes 19 August 2024 |  Grading: Year 1 stipend – €4,010 per month after tax

Chief Operating Officer

Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 18 August 2024 |  Grading: 13

Group Leader

Staff Member at Grenoble, France

Closes 16 August 2024 |  Grading: Grade 9 (Monthly salary starting at €6,644 after tax but excl. pension & insurances) + benefits

Software Engineer

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 12 August 2024 |  Grading: 5 or 6 depending on qualification and experience (monthly salary starting at £3,229 or £ 3,612 after tax but excl. pension & insurances) + benefits

Administrative Officer – Scientific Visitor Programme

Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 12 August 2024 |  Grading: Grade 4 or 5 depending on experience and qualifications (monthly salary starting at €3,607 or €3,925 after tax but excl. pension & insurances) + benefits

Caretaker / Schreiner (m/w/d)

Ancillary at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 11 August 2024 |  Grading: 3 – 4 (Gehalt ab 3.344,56 EUR monatlich, nach Steuern und vor Sozialversicherungsabzügen)


Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 8 August 2024 |  Grading: Grade 3 or 4 depending on experience and qualifications (monthly salary starting at €3,344 or €3,607 after tax but excl. pension & insurances) + benefits

Finance Officer – Grants & Budgetary Control

Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 6 August 2024 |  Grading: Grade 5 or 6 depending on experience and qualifications (monthly salary starting at €3,925 or €4,459 after tax but excl. pension & insurances) + benefits

Scientific Officer – Advanced Light Microscopy

Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 5 August 2024 |  Grading: Grade 5 or 6 depending on qualifications and experience (monthly salary starting at €3,925 or €4,459 after tax but excl. pension & insurances) + benefits

Head of Science Education and Public Engagement

Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 5 August 2024 |  Grading: Grade 7 or 8 depending on experience and qualifications (monthly salary starting at €5,117 or €5,882 after tax but excl. pension & insurances) + benefits

Software development lead

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 5 August 2024 |  Grading: 7 (monthly salary starting at £4,111 after tax but excl. pension & insurances) + benefits

Finance Business Analyst

Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 4 August 2024 |  Grading: 5 (monthly salary starting at €3,925 after tax but excl. pension & insurances) + benefits

Finance Business Analyst

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 4 August 2024 |  Grading: 5 (monthly salary starting at £3,229 after tax but excl. pension & insurances) + benefits

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Lead

Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 4 August 2024 |  Grading: Grade 7 – (Monthly salary starting at €5,117 after tax but excl. pension & insurances) + benefits

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Lead

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 4 August 2024 |  Grading: Grade 7 – Monthly salary starting at £4,111 after tax + other paid benefits based on family circumstances

Executive Assistant to Deputy Director General EMBL and Director EMBL-EBI

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 2 August 2024 |  Grading: Grade 6 (Monthly salary starting at £3,456 after tax) + Other paid benefits and allowances based on circumstances

Environmental Samples Collection Manager

Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 2 August 2024 |  Grading: Grade 4, 5 or 6 depending on experience and qualifications (monthly salary starting at €3,607, €3,925 or €4,459 after tax but excl. pension & insurances) + benefits

Accounting Assistant

Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 1 August 2024 |  Grading: Grade 3 or 4 depending on experience and qualifications (monthly salary starting at €3,344 or €3,607 after tax but excl. pension & insurances) + benefits

Research Scientist – Haase group

Staff Member at Barcelona, Spain

Closes 31 July 2024 |  Grading: 6 or 7; depending on experience and qualifications

Research Technician (Parental leave cover)

Staff Member at Barcelona, Spain

Closes 31 July 2024 |  Grading: Grading: Grade 4, 5 or 6 depending on experience and qualifications (monthly salary starting at €2,919, €3,176 or €3,609 after tax but excl. pension & insurances) + benefits

Lab Logistics Assistant

Staff Member at Barcelona, Spain

Closes 31 July 2024 |  Grading: Grade 3 or 4 depending on qualifications and experience (monthly salary starting at €2,706 or €2,919 after tax but excl. pension & insurances) + benefits

Fish Facility Supervisor

Ancillary at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 31 July 2024 |  Grading: Grade 4 (Monthly salary starting at €3,607 after tax but excl. pension & insurances) + benefits

Research Technician / Laboratory Officer

Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 31 July 2024 |  Grading: Grade 4, 5 or 6; depending on qualifications and experience (monthly salary starting at €3,607,€3,925 or €4,459 after tax but excl. pension & insurances) + benefits

Postdoctoral Fellow: Wavefront shaping microscopy and photoacoustics

Postdoctoral Fellow at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 31 July 2024 |  Grading: Year 1 stipend – €4,010 per month after tax

Postdoctoral Fellow in Structural Biology and Evolution of Chromatin

Postdoctoral Fellow at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 31 July 2024 |  Grading: Year 1 stipend – €4,010 per month after tax

Postdoctoral Fellow – Computational Analysis of Human Microbiome Data

Postdoctoral Fellow at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 28 July 2024 |  Grading: Year 1 stipend – €4,010 per month after tax

Postdoctoral Fellow in Cancer Inequities – Cortés-Ciriano Group

Postdoctoral Fellow at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 28 July 2024 |  Grading: Year 1 stipend – £3,307 per month after tax

EC Project Manager

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 28 July 2024 |  Grading: Grade 5 (monthly salary starting from £3,229 after tax) plus benefits

HPC Engineer

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 28 July 2024 |  Grading: Grade 6 (Monthly salary starting at £3,612 after tax) + Other paid benefits and allowances based on circumstances

Scientist in Electron Microscopy Facility

Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 26 July 2024 |  Grading: Grading: 4,5 or 6 depending on qualifications and experience (monthly salary starting at €3,607, €3,925 or €4,459 after tax but excl. pension & insurances) + benefits

Public engagement officer

Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 26 July 2024 |  Grading: Grade 5 (Monthly salary starting at €3,925, after tax but excl. pension & insurances) + benefits

iPSC Research Technician

Staff Member at Barcelona, Spain

Closes 24 July 2024 |  Grading: Grade 4, 5 or 6 depending on experience and qualifications (monthly salary starting at €2,919, €3,176 or €3,609 after tax but excl. pension & insurances) + benefits

Senior Research Scientist

Staff Member at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 24 July 2024 |  Grading: Grade 7 (Monthly salary starting at €5,117 after tax but excl. pension & insurances) + benefits

Editorial Intern for Science in School

InternshipTrainee at EMBL Heidelberg

Closes 24 July 2024 |  Grading: €1000 per month/ full-time or €500 per month/ part-time


Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 21 July 2024 |  Grading: Grade 4 – Grade 6 (Monthly salary starting at £2,995 – £3,612 after tax) + Other paid benefits and allowances based on circumstances. Grade dependant on qualifications and experience

Research Programme Officer

Staff Member at EMBL-EBI Hinxton

Closes 21 July 2024 |  Grading: Grade 5 (monthly salary starting at £3,229 after tax) plus other paid benefits depending on personal circumstances

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