Technical University of Denmark in Denmark invites application for vacant PhD and Postdocs Positions, a university in Kongens Lyngby, among Europe’s leading engineering institutions.
Senior Researcher in Visual and Multisensory Neuroscience – DTU Health Tech
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates01/13/2025
The Hearing Systems Section at DTU Health Tech is seeking a highly qualified candidate for a position as senior researcher in the field of cognitive neuroscience of vision and multisensory perception.
Forretningsansvarlig til efter-videreuddannelses område – DTU Engineering Technology
- Ballerup, Denmark
- Posting Dates01/10/2025
Har du erfaring med efter- og videreuddannelsesområdet og ser du som os, det er afgørende for det fremtidige arbejdsmarked i Danmark. Og ønsker du at arbejde med det på et internationalt anerkendt eliteuniversitet? Så er det dig vi søger!
Studievejleder (AC) – gerne med teknisk flair – Afd. for Uddannelse og Studerende
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates01/10/2025
Vil du levere faglig kompetent vejledning, hvor din personlige indsats gør en mærkbar forskel? Så er du måske vores nye kollega i Studievejledningen ved Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU). Vi har mange opgaver, derfor udvider vi vores team med en ny fuldtidsstilling.
PhD scholarship in 3D Vision for Robotics – DTU Compute
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates01/10/2025
Work at the intersection of computer vision and robotics to develop autonomous systems that enhance human capabilities across industries. Focus on perception for robot learning and real-world applications. Ideal for candidates interested in multi-modal input, continual learning, and adaptive task methods for 3D computer vision.
Teaching Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship Education – DTU Entrepreneurship
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates01/10/2025
DTU Centre for Technology Entrepreneurship invites applications for a position as Teaching Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship Education. The Teaching Associate Professor is expected to engage in the ongoing research program on entrepreneurship education, and the development of the MSc of Technology Entrepreneurship program, in addition to developing novel methods of entrepreneurship education.
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates01/10/2025
If you want to contribute to a better understanding and quantifiability of the risk and remediation options of some of the most widespread threats to our groundwater resources, then DTU Sustain offers you the opportunity to work on the scientific challenge to investigate fate, transport behavior, and remediation options of PFAS contamination in porous and fractured media. At DTU Sustain, you will shed light on the fate and the natural and enhanced attenuation of PFAS in subsurface environments based on the combination of laboratory and field work, data analyses, and numerical modeling.
Data Science Specialist in proteomics – DTU Bioengineering
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates01/10/2025
We are excited to welcome a Data Science Specialist to our growing DTU Proteomics Core Platform at DTU Bioengineering! In this impactful role, you will specialize in the analysis of proteomics data, applying your expertise in data science, cloud computing, machine learning, and bioinformatics to support cutting-edge research across the department and together with industry partners.
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates01/10/2025
Join the Mission to Revolutionize Industrial Biotechnology and Drive the Green Transition.
Part-time assistant in Social Neuroscience & Machine Learning – DTU Compute
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates01/10/2025
Part-time assistant (15 hours/week) to help out with experimental data collection and data analyses, using EEG, heart rate monitoring, and recording of speech and behavioural signals across social interaction experiments.
PhD scholarship in metal-organic frameworks for chemical sensing – DTU Engineering Technology
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates01/09/2025
DTU Engineering Technology invites applications for a 3-year PhD in chemical sensing with metal-organic frameworks. The project will develop technology to monitor greenhouse gases from lakes and wetlands. Opportunities include research skill development, international collaboration, and networking.
Teknisk stærk studentermedhjælper med flair for e-commerce og IT-support – DTU Learn for Life
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates01/09/2025
Er du interesseret i at arbejde med e-commerce i den kommercielle del af universitetsverdenen? Har du flair for at forstå hvordan IT systemer og platforme fungerer. Kan du lide at yde en god service og løse udfordringer for brugerne? Så er det måske dig, vi søger som vores næste studentermedhjælper til DTU Learn for Life.
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates01/08/2025
Er du juristen, som skal bidrage til Mars missioner, medicinske landvindinger, og den grønne omstilling mod en bæredygtig verden? Har du interesse for intellektuelle rettigheder og erfaring med aftaleindgåelse og juridiske forhandlinger? Ønsker du at arbejde med spændende opgaver på et af verdens førende tekniske universiteter, hvor du kan udvikle dine kompetencer og samtidig opnå en sund balance mellem arbejde og fritid? Så har du chancen for nye udfordringer hos DTU Jura & Tech Transfer.
Food Culture Assistant – DTU Biosustain
- Denmark
- Posting Dates01/08/2025
Our new Food Culture Assistant will assist the management of and writing for our group’s social media channels and website, and support food cultural research projects and other forms of knowledge dissemination around food innovation, sustainability, and interdisciplinarity.
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates01/08/2025
We are looking for a skilled specialist with strong hands-on experience in development and validation of diagnostic assays for central hospital laboratory use and point-of-care technology (POCT). We seek someone with excellent organisational skills who can independently initiate and coordinate new projects while maintaining an overview and ensuring high quality in the daily work. Experience in working within the highly regulated environment of medical device (MDR/IVDR) is desired.
Økonomielever – Afd. for Økonomi og Regnskab
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates01/08/2025
Kunne du tænke dig en spændende og udfordrende økonomiuddannelse på Danmarks førende tekniske universitet, der ligeledes er rangeret som Europas bedste tekniske universitet de seneste to år? Har du lyst til at få en bred uddannelse inden for økonomi og regnskab i en økonomiafdeling, der understøtter økonomistyring og projekter på tværs af DTU? Så er du måske vores kommende kollega.
Postdoc Fellowship in Electrolyte Development for Sustainable Batteries – DTU Energy
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates01/08/2025
This two-year postdoc position is funded by Villum Experiment program and is focused on developing fluorine-free, moisture tolerant high-entropy electrolytes for Li- and Na-ion batteries.
Postdoc in Durable Electrode and Electrolyte Materials – DTU Energy
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates01/08/2025
Are you enthusiastic about atomic scale modeling of materials for Power-to-X technologies? Do you enjoy working with experimental partners to validate your theoretical findings? This post doc position is for you.
PhD scholarship in assessment of longevity, repair, and reuse for consumer products – DTU Sustain
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates01/07/2025
We are seeking a highly motivated and talented individual to join our research team as a PhD candidate. This position focuses on the critical role of longevity, repair, and reuse for consumer products, with a focus on textiles and shoes. The successful candidate will advance our understanding of product flows, end-of-life (EoL) pathways, and strategies to enhance product longevity through repair and maintenance versus recycling.
PhD scholarship in Membrane Technologies for Seawater Desalination and Power-to-X – DTU Sustain
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates01/07/2025
Ultrapure water (UPW) plays a crucial role in green hydrogen production at offshore Power-to-X (PtX) plants. This PhD project focuses on the design of high-performance membranes and their use in membrane distillation processes to transform seawater into UPW by harvesting waste heat from PtX plants.
PhD scholarship in Enzyme Engineering of Carbohydrate-Active Enzymes – DTU Bioengineering
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates01/06/2025
The astounding carbohydrate diversity has driven the evolution of a myriad of carbohydrate active enzymes. This project is about rational engineering of specific carbohydrate active enzymes for synthesis of biotechnologically and biomedically useful products.
PhD scholarship in Enzyme-Glycan Interactions – DTU Bioengineering
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates01/06/2025
This PhD project involves discovery, molecular interactions and engineering of enzymes active on biomedically relevant complex carbohydrates aiming to solve a global health challenge.
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates01/06/2025
A 2-year fully funded Postdoc position is available in the Electronics group at DTU Electro from 1 March 2025. The project is a part of project H3PMAG funded by ERC Consolidator grant from the European Research Council.
Development Engineer/Scientific Programmer – DTU Wind
- Roskilde, Denmark
- Posting Dates01/06/2025
The section for System Engineering and Optimization (SYS) at DTU Wind and Energy Systems is looking for an outstanding candidate for a development engineer / scientific programmer to work within the field of system engineering applied to wind based energy systems (Wind Farms, Wind Clusters, and Hybrid Power Plants, including wind, solar, batteries, P2X), in collaboration with domain experts from different sections.
Postdoc in Stem Cell Biology and Neurodegenerative Disease Modeling – DTU Bioengineering
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates01/06/2025
Postdoc needed with expertise in the field of Stem Cell Biology and Neurodegenerative Disease Modeling. Join a multidisciplinary research team dedicated to advancing the understanding of cellular mechanisms underlying neurodegenerative diseases, and exploring innovative differentiation protocols.
Secretary General – EuroTech Universities Alliance – Based in Brussels
- Denmark
- Posting Dates12/20/2024
EuroTech Universities Alliance – Secretary General – Based in Brussels. Founded in 2011, EuroTech Universities Alliance AISBL is an international not-for-profit registered in Belgium.
- Roskilde, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/19/2024
Is your dream job to do research in structural modeling using cutting-edge digital technologies? Then the new scientist position at DTU might be what you are looking for. The position will strengthen the department’s research in structural digitization and nondestructive testing (NDT) of wind turbine structural components, such as composite wind turbine blades.
Postdoc in enzyme design for industrial collaboration – DTU Biosustain
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/18/2024
We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher to engineer enzymes using state-of-the-art experimental and computational approaches for an industrial partnership with IFF.
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/18/2024
DTU Energy seeks a tenure-track researcher in computational design of non-conventional energy materials. Focus areas include solid-state thermal batteries, inverted singlet-triplet photoactive materials, and oxide freestanding films. The role involves developing algorithms and simulations for three innovative projects: Anti-Hund, Heat2Battery, and NEXUS.
PhD Scholarships in Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy – DTU Physics
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/18/2024
Three PhD projects financed by a NNF Nerd, NNF Challenge and EUROfusion to work with plasma physics and fusion energy at DTU Physics.
Research Assistant in Mixed-Reality for Schools – DTU Compute
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/18/2024
Join an Erasmus+ KA2 project team to co-design and evaluate an MR authoring tool for schools. Collaborate with school teachers and EU partners (France, Turkey). Responsibilities: Participatory use case design of MR tool, pilot study, & community management. Have teaching experience & English fluency.
Digital FM-Koordinator – DTU Campus Service
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/18/2024
Brænder du for digital bygningsdrift? Vil du gerne tage styrepinden som hands-on digital FM-koordinator, implementere digitale processer i bygningsdrift og præge fremtidens facilities management som repræsentant for en af Danmarks største og mest ambitiøse Byg- og driftsherre?
Associate Professor in Machine Learning Operations – DTU Compute
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/17/2024
Are you interested in the computational dimensions of AI and can you help build the next generations of AI systems? DTU Compute’s Section for Cognitive Systems has an opening for an Associate Professor in Machine Learning Operations (MLOps).
Direktør for Uddannelses- og Studieadministration
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/17/2024
Har du stærke lederegenskaber og ønsker du at spille en central rolle i DTU’s udvikling mod fremtidens universitet? DTU søger en erfaren, visionær og samlende leder, der kan gå forrest og udvikle DTU’s Afdeling for Uddannelse og Studerende til fremtiden.
PhD scholarship in Reproductive Toxicology – DTU Food
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/17/2024
We are seeking a highly motivated PhD candidate for a project delving into mammalian testis biology to tackle demands from next-generation risk assessment of chemicals in providing alternative test methods with high predictive capacity.
Akademisk medarbejder til monitering og fangstteknologi – DTU Aqua
- Hirtshals, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/16/2024
DTU Aqua, Sektion for Monitering og Data i Hirtshals søger en akademisk medarbejder (AC-TAP) til diverse forsknings relateret opgave inden for fiskeriteknologi, både i land og til søs. Arbejdsopgaverne vil primært bestå af oparbejdning og indsamling af materiale fra forskellige forsknings relateret aktiviteter, herunder deltagelse i forsøgsfiskeri ombord på forskningsskibe og kommercielle fartøjer.
- Denmark
- Posting Dates12/16/2024
If you are keen on contributing to the green transition, envisioning a planet running entirely on renewable energy, and looking for the best possible environment for fulfilling your dreams and ambitions, it is right here in front of you.
Postdoc in AI Driven Medical Image Analysis of Atherosclerosis – DTU Compute
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/13/2024
We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher with a strong background in computer science and a keen interest in the application of AI in medical imaging. You will work in a collaborative team of computer scientists and cardiologists, contributing to cutting-edge developments in AI in cardiac imaging.
PhD scholarship in Smart Materials for Sustainable Indoor Air Quality Management – DTU Sustain
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/12/2024
We seek a highly motivated PhD student to explore smart materials for sustainable built environment control. This interdisciplinary EU project offers the chance to develop and apply cutting-edge advanced materials (e.g., metal-organic frameworks) in designing a groundbreaking air-cleaning system.
PhD Scholarship in Integrated Direct Air Capture and CO2 Utilization – DTU Energy
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/12/2024
Join our team to advance pioneering CO2 capture and utilization technologies. This position offers a unique opportunity to contribute to sustainable solutions, enhancing environmental impact through cutting-edge research and development in carbon management.
Professor in Inorganic Chemistry – DTU Chemistry
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/11/2024
DTU Chemistry invites applications for a position as full professor in Inorganic Chemistry. The position focuses on inorganic and sustainable chemistry to obtain a deep understanding of decarbonization, green chemistry, and catalysis.
Professor in Chemical Thermodynamics and Phase Behavior – DTU Chemistry
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/11/2024
DTU Chemistry invites applications for a position as full professor in Chemical Thermodynamics and Phase Behavior. The position focuses on applying thermodynamics for experimental and theoretical studies of phase behavior critical to addressing major scientific and industrial challenges, especially in relation to the green transition such as CO2 storage and other sustainability initiatives.
Professor in Chemical Biology – DTU Chemistry
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/11/2024
DTU Chemistry invites applications for a position as full professor in Chemical Biology. The position focuses on applying chemical biology and organic chemistry at the interface with biology.
- Roskilde, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/11/2024
The objective of this PhD project is to design an automated component monitoring and maintenance recommendation system for bolts. The system will monitor the bolt tension and automatically generate work orders for bolts and tower sections that need to be re-tensioned.
- Roskilde, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/11/2024
The PhD project aims to create a versatile, modular, autonomous decision support system to enhance the O&M practices of wind turbines, focusing on faults that cause degradation of the wind turbine and plant power generation performance. The system will integrate a data acquisition subsystem, a ML-based data analytics module, and an autonomous reasoning module to suggest optimal interventions.
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/10/2024
We are seeking a PhD student to join our world-leading research environment at DTU and contribute to developing next-generation AI-based tools for power systems. The project will focus on developing dynamic blackout anticipation and prevention methods using a digital twin of future power systems. This involves employing AI-based dynamic simulation tools, collaborating on the digital twin of the Bornholm Energy Island, and innovating solutions to enhance power system resilience.
Laborant/kemiker til forskning i pesticider i fødevarer og foder – DTU Fødevareinstituttet
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/10/2024
Vi søger en laborant/akademiker med flair og interesse for analytisk kemi samt LS-MSMS. Du vil blive en del af en gruppe med godt sammenhold og blive tilknyttet projekter indenfor pesticidrester i fødevarer. Du vil desuden blive tilknyttet vores EU reference laboratorium som har til opgave at højne analysekvaliteten på europæiske laboratorier ved hjælp af præstationsprøvninger og metodeudvikling.
PhD scholarship in Logic and AI – DTU Compute
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/10/2024
The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) is offering a PhD scholarship in logic and AI within the research project Attention in Epistemic Planning. The PhD project involves developing logical theories, algorithms, and robotic implementations of attention-based epistemic planning.
Professor in Biomedical Engineering, Biomaterials, and Cellular Engineering – DTU Health Tech
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/10/2024
The Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Department of Health Technology (DTU Health Tech), invites applications for a professor position in the interdisciplinary field of biomedical engineering, biomaterials, and cellular engineering.
PhD scholarship in Organic Chemistry and Homogeneous Photocatalysis – DTU Chemistry
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/10/2024
A fully-funded 3-year PhD position in organic chemistry, photocatalysis, C-H functionalization, and homogeneous enantioselective metal catalysis under the supervision of Associate Professor Søren Kramer is available at the Technical University of Denmark.
- Roskilde, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/09/2024
We are looking for a skilled and experienced senior engineer to lead the technical development of key knowledge, methods, and tools to accelerate the digital transformation of wind turbine operation and maintenance, such as advanced inspection, repair, and monitoring methods of critical wind turbine components, e.g., blades. You will also have other responsibilities to support the section’s activities, such as being responsible for increasing the commercial potential of DTU Wind’s research results around the topics.
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/09/2024
Two PhD positions focusing on developing and testing the next generation of mathematical models for explaining and predicting human behaviour and decision-making in the context of future transport and infrastructure systems using data collected through immersive virtual reality experiments.
PhD scholarship in Human-XAI Collaboration for Improved Fetal Ultrasound Imaging – DTU Compute
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/05/2024
You will develop explainable AI algorithms whose target is to support non-specialist clinicians in obtaining high quality fetal ultrasound images, while simultaneously improving their skill. The position requires both a practical skill set in developing robust deep learning algorithms and user friendly interfaces, but also a passion for collaborating with clinical users to create algorithms that are designed to accommodate their learning.
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/05/2024
PhD scholarship dedicated to deep learning for predicting fetal development from ultrasound images. You will collaborate with an interdisciplinary team of clinicians, statisticians and machine learners to build robust and interpretable image-based and multimodal machine learning models that support a better understanding of fetal development as well as more robust and precise predictions of fetal outcomes from image data.
PhD scholarship in Algorithmic Fairness for Medical Imaging – DTU Compute
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/05/2024
PhD scholarship in tackling label bias within algorithmic fairness. When labels are systematically wrong, even fairness tools risk becoming unfair – this PhD project is dedicated to uncovering and solving the problems with label bias for algorithmic fairness within medical imaging applications.
PhD scholarship in Nonlinear Strain Paths in Sheet Metal Forming – DTU Construct
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/05/2024
PhD position in ‘Nonlinear strain paths in sheet metal forming’. The PhD project will advance the understanding and prediction of sheet metal formability under complex loading paths. Furthermore, the contact between tools and sheet metal will be studied.
PhD scholarship in Photonics Integrated Circuits for Biomedical Imaging – DTU Electro
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/05/2024
DTU Electro is seeking a candidate for a PhD position on photonic integrated circuits, which can enable solid-state optical beam steering and will be used for the next generation biomedical imaging.
Dekan for bæredygtighed, diversitet, inklusion og talentudvikling
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/04/2024
Kan du sætte en ambitiøs dagsorden for bæredygtighed, diversitet, inklusion og talentudvikling på et af verdens førende universiteter? Og kan du sammen med gode kollegaer på institutter, i afdelinger og i direktionen føre den ud i livet?
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/04/2024
The Intelli-Ingest Doctoral Network will train 13 researchers in the development of minimally invasive, orally delivered miniaturized devices. In connection with work package 1 Ingestible for Therapeutics, we are currently looking for three PhD students who will be working on 3 different projects.
DTU Space søger kontorelev med speciale i administration
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/03/2024
Vil du være en del af et dynamisk administrations-team, der støtter forskning og undervisning på højt niveau?
Postdoc to lead activities on Energy Data Spaces, and Trustworthy AI for Power Systems – DTU Wind
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/02/2024
Are you a talented, self-motivated, and team-oriented person, who thrives in a collaborative environment and enjoys working with complex topics? We seek a Postdoc willing to be part of a world leading research environment and contribute to the development for the next generation scientific machine learning tools for power systems.
Postdoc in advanced geospatial data science for Ice Sheet applications – DTU Space
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/02/2024
Are you intrigued by making sense of data, we seek a postdoc within Earth Observation data for ice sheet change.
DTU Tenure Track Researcher in Methodological Development of Life Cycle Assessment – DTU Sustain
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates12/02/2024
Become part of a team of international front-runners in developing methods for the environmental sustainability assessment of products and technologies.
Senior Researcher and Head of section for Ocean Science – DTU Aqua
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates11/20/2024
Leader of the Section of Ocean Science at DTU Aqua. We seek a senior researcher (or higher-level academic profile) with documented experience in personnel leadership and management as well as a research profile that complements the strategy of the section, institute and university, and brings opportunities for development of national and international activities.
PhD scholarship in Neuromusculoskeletal Modelling for Parkinson’s Disease – DTU Electro
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates11/20/2024
Do you have a passion for computational neuroscience, neurorobotics, or bioengineering? If you are looking to establish your career as a scientist and want to work on cutting-edge biomedical research, this PhD scholarship might be the perfect opportunity for you. We offer a position where you will explore the frontiers of neuromusculoskeletal system modelling in collaboration with KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
Postdoc in Ultrasensitive 2D Material Magnetometry – DTU Physics
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates11/15/2024
We are developing ultrasensitive magnetometer devices based on 2D materials for measuring neuron activity, and seek excellent postdoctoral candidates to join our team.
DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Ceramic Energy Materials – DTU Energy
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates10/30/2024
Join DTU Energy as a Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Ceramic Energy Materials! Collaborate with leading experts to develop next-gen sustainable energy materials – With top-tier mentorship and cutting-edge infrastructure, this is your chance to be part of shaping the future of sustainable energy materials.
PhD scholarship in Human Decision-Making and Immersive Virtual Reality – DTU Management
- Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
- Posting Dates10/23/2024
PhD scholarship in Human Decision-Making and Immersive Virtual Reality with a focus on comparing immersive and non-immersive data collection methods to study human decision-making in the context of future transport and infrastructure systems.