Liver Function Tests
1 11 3Shares Liver function tests include the measurement of some chemicals that is being metabolized or synthesized by the…
1 11 3Shares Liver function tests include the measurement of some chemicals that is being metabolized or synthesized by the…
Sodium, potassium and chloride are the three electrolytes most commonly considered, while bicarbonate is measured much less frequently. These ions…
1 11 3Shares It is known that all the cells contain the same DNA, but gene expression is different from…
1 11 3Shares Serum lipid profile include measurements of total lipids, phospholipids, triglycerides, total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C),…
1 11 3SharesUsually measured serum proteins include total proteins, albumin and globulins. The latter can be separated by electrophoresis into…
1 11 3Shares Calprotectin is a protein released by a type of white blood cell called a neutrophil. When there…
1 1 2Shares The rheumatoid factor test is used to help diagnose rheumatoid arthritis, and to distinguish it from other…
1 1 2Shares Glomerular filtration rate is a measure of how well your kidneys are working. Glomerular Filtration Rate refers…
1 1 2Shares Cystatin C is a relatively small protein that is produced throughout the body by all cells that…
1 1Share This test measures the total amount of fructosamine (glycated protein) in the blood. The test is used to…
Basics of Clinical Chemistry – Lecture Handouts 2018 – 4th year students-Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-Minia University .
Prehepatic jaundice – الصفراء التحليلية
Direct and indirect bilirubin – البليروبين المباشر وغير المباشر
إنزيمات الكبد …… Liver and Muscle enzymes – Explained
قراءة البامفلت الخاص بقياس مستوى السكر في الدم في معامل التحاليل الطبية … شرح مبسط
Centrifugation of 1.5 ml tube in ordinary centrifuge (Arabic)
Pancreatic Function Tests – Lecture Handouts 2018 Lecture handouts for 4th year students (2018), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Assiut University…
Liver Function Tests (Handouts 2018) Lecture handouts for 4th year students (2018), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Assiut University .
It is known that all the cells contain the same DNA, but gene expression is different from one cell to…
الإعتماد على الفاكتور في حساب نتائج التحاليل المعملية في أجهزة الكيمياء .
شرح مبسط لفكرة عمل جهاز الكيمياء المستخدم في معامل التحاليل الطبية !!! .
الفرق بين تفاعلات, colorimetric , kinetic , مجال التحاليل الطبية,شرح سهل ومبسط!!! .
Colloid osmotic pressure vs Hydrostatic pressure……..easily explained!!! .
Sources and types of free radicals and Antioxidants .
Movement of fluids between blood capillary and interstitial space !!! .
Creatinine clearance test .
Blood urea and creatinine levels…. Explained !!! .
السيرم ام البلازما: الأفضل في التحاليل المعملية !!! /
High blood Gamma Glutamyl Transferase explained .
Pancreatic Function Tests (Arabic lecture 2015) .